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Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:16 
Woodsy's game today.

We are all revved up after the weekend Noel tells us after Semi's game on Saturday, where with his daughter's advice he dealt for £14,000, but right at the end the banker gave him the chance to go live again and go for a chance of £20,000 which he did, and won £20,000

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:17 
Noelsaid that the banker offering a player the "banker's gamble" has never ever happened before - it has - it happened in Phyllis' game in October 2007. However, Semi was the first person to actually take up the banker on the offer.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:18 
Not nice for her game today as Saturday she had £75,000.

Even worst is the last 12 games, 1 blue and 11 reds.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:19 
Woodsy has box 8 today, and she tells Noel she is really scared today. Noel tells us a little about Woodsy, or Rachel, and tells us she goes to Swansea university, and is also Miss Swansea... Woodsy has a $ medallion for the Banker :-D She also shows us a picture of her with her grandparents...

Woodsy tells Noel she didn't really want box 8 today...

Here we go...

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:21 
Round 1

Woodsy tells Noel that she doesn't have a system

17 - £50 Paul

20 - £50,000 Adie

10 - £100 Reg He tells Noel that he's never kissed a beauty queen before :P

21 - £1,000 Richie

19 - £250 Shaz

Banker time

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:21 
Mark wrote:
Not nice for her game today as Saturday she had £75,000.

Even worst is the last 12 games, 1 blue and 11 reds.

Wow! :shock: The bad luck will continue then of no power 5's? I bloody hope not

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:23 
|-10 < gimmick level

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:24 
Woodsy thinks she has 1 more box to pick! The banker says a big HELLO, and he is really grateful for the bling, and says he is MC Banker and you can't touch his wallet :lol:

The banker says we are going to re-enact Woodsy's moment of being crowned Miss Swansea :P Woodsy goes to the end of the Walk of Wealth and is given a crown and sash and parades to the pound table :P

The banker says the next round is the swimwear round :P

Banker offers


Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:24 
Woodsy says that is tempting as it's a huge sum to a student...

Woodsy says


Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:24 
Ooh, Woodsy said she'd deal Mel's third offer, didn't she? And she just confirmed her possible cautiousness by saying she might deal at the first offer! :shock: :P

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:26 
Next round

6 - £500 Jill

1 - £3,000 Martin

Noel puts on Woodsy's tiara, and wonders what he is Miss of, misunderstood, or misfortune :lol:

He then calls a break

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:28 
She seems a bit up herself I bet being miss Swansea is why she was picked to go on lol. Certainly not for her bravery.
I Have been dreading this game and I fear one of those ghastly evil 3rd offer deals.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:28 
I wanted to see Woodsy's game, but I'm pretty sure she'll deal, and after Noel's performance on Friday I don't think I really want to watch another one for quite a while... :roll:

Good luck anyway, Woodsy.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:30 
Lewis246 wrote:
I wanted to see Woodsy's game, but I'm pretty sure she'll deal, and after Noel's performance on Friday I don't think I really want to watch another one for quite a while... :roll:

Good luck anyway, Woodsy.

Yeah, except Noel's performance is one of the best bits about deals. Except when he says 'blow the game apart'. That's annoying.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:30 
We're back
Last box before the banker

Noel asks Woodsy what the score is, and she says the banker is winning

Nic next, and Noel asks if she has run out of tops as she has worn that one before!! Nic asks if he would like her to take her top off :P

14 - £10 Nic

Banker time

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:33 
That's the same amount that Nic paid for her top says Noel :P The banker reveals that Audrey invited a chap to the pub last night, and forgot that she had already invited another chap along, and they each brought along a friend, so Audrey spent the evening with 4 blokes :P

Banker offers


Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:33 
If she deals this i'm turning off, and the chances of me turning back on are non-exsistant

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:34 
Woodsy's mum says it's a great offer, but there are still lots of reds on the board.... Woodsy tells Noel that she has a lot of student debt and that would really help.... Ferno tells her there is at least another round in the game...

Woodsy says


Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:35 
She can't believe she's turning down the second offer! Oh purlease :P

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:36 
Next round

18 - £1 Justin

Noel asks for the score, and woodsy replies it's 4 all... Woodsy hands over the scoring to Shaz....

13 - £20,000 Barry

Woodsy thinks about going for 16 next, but asks her mum what she thinks, so Noel gets her down to the pound table!!

16 - £75,000 Ben

Banker time

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:37 
Stats after Round 3
Offer: £10,000
Mean: £37,795.96
Offer (%): 26.46%
Fair Deal: £14,558.43
Volatility: 1.51
Redometer: 2







Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:37 
Noel tells the banker that he has Woodsy's mum at the pound table, and the banker apologises that he hasn't got a sash for Mrs Swansea...

Banker offers


Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:37 
Noel puts the tiara on Woodsy's mum and says if she is very good she can hold his orb :shock: :-D

Woodsy says


Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:38 
Well her last 12 games, 1 blue, 3 of the reds were low and the others power 5.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:38 
Im so glad she no dealed the 3rd offer but uh oh mums down - its all over.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:38 
Next round

9 - £35,000 Viv

There is a big gap now says Noel

2 - £10,000 Katherine

Noel calls a break...

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:39 
Mark wrote:
Well her last 12 games, 1 blue, 3 of the reds were low and the others power 5.
£20,000 twice and £15,000 once.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:39 
Hang on, I thought she said she doesn't like box 8? Yet she thinks the £250,000 is in there? :?

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:40 
lathebault wrote:
Hang on, I thought she said she doesn't like box 8? Yet she thinks the £250,000 is in there? :?

Its a bluff shes gonna be off next offer for sure.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:41 
lathebault wrote:
Hang on, I thought she said she doesn't like box 8? Yet she thinks the £250,000 is in there? :?

Well she's hardly going to say otherwise is she? It wouldn't look very good if she said "I think I have 1p in my box".

I thought she was going to deal the second offer for a minute. I reckon if the third offer had been £20k+, she'd have been out of there.

Also, if the third offer of £10,000 had been the highest offer so far of her game, she may well have dealt.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:41 
h2005 wrote:
lathebault wrote:
Hang on, I thought she said she doesn't like box 8? Yet she thinks the £250,000 is in there? :?

Well she's hardly going to say otherwise is she? It wouldn't look very good if she said "I think I have 1p in my box".

I thought she was going to deal the second offer for a minute. I reckon if the third offer had been £20k+, she'd have been out of there. Also, if the third offer of £10,000 had been the highest offer so far of her game, she may well have dealt.

agreed- thank god the banker went down!

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:42 
h2005 wrote:
lathebault wrote:
Hang on, I thought she said she doesn't like box 8? Yet she thinks the £250,000 is in there? :?

Well she's hardly going to say otherwise is she? It wouldn't look very good if she said "I think I have 1p in my box".

I thought she was going to deal the second offer for a minute. I reckon if the third offer had been £20k+, she'd have been out of there.

Also, if the third offer of £10,000 had been the highest offer so far of her game, she may well have dealt.

Yeah but it seems illogic to think the £250,000 is in her box as a reason for us to come back, when it's likely she will swap it away at the end, if she gets to the end.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:43 
Ooh! An official OFCOM notice detailing how Channel 4 has been fined £500,000 for the mis-doings with the LTL...

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:43 
Oooh hello Ofcom on DOND...

Ofcom fined DOND £500,000
DOND failed to ensure fairness
Ofcom found unfair conduct between 06 and 07
Ofcom conserned about continuing for 7 weeks after problem found
Ofcom lost trust


Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:44 
Naughty LTL lol

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:44 
Before coming back there is an announcement from OFCOM regarding the viewer's competition, and reveals that Channel4 has been fined £500,000 for their handling of the competition :shock:

We're back
Last box before the banker

Woodsy applies a little Mally logic for box 3 next...

3 - 10p Rachel

Banker time

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:45 
What a very annoying woman.

That is all.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:45 
What absalute Rubbish that ofcom thing was! absalute nonsence!

Anyways, good board, Hope Woodsy wins a huge amount of money!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:45 
Stats after Round 4
Offer: £16,000
Mean: £46,344.44
Offer (%): 34.52%
Fair Deal: £16,894.87
Volatility: 2.07
Redometer: 1








Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:45 
They said more details where available on the OFCOM website, and I found something to help all people with sleep problems:

It could also be used to help the Wakeyists get to sleep, assuming Woodsy does a bad deal. :lol:

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:45 
That's better says Noel, and he tells us that the banker's tone has changed now... The banker tells Woodsy not to decline this offer...

Banker offers


Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:46 
Woodsy says that would clear all of her student loan...

Woodsy says


Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:48 
Next round

4 - £250,000 :( Newbie Steve - Curse of the newbie strikes again!

11 - £5 Audrey

This is simply a one-box game now says Noel

22 - £5,000 Chris

Banker time

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:49 
Noel talks about the curse of the newbie....

Banker offers


Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:49 
A nice time to be at for 5 box providing she doesn't dither on this offer.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:49 
Stats after Round 5
Offer: £7,000
Mean: £23,150.10
Offer (%): 30.24%
Fair Deal: £8,719.66
Volatility: 6.35
Redometer: -6



Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:49 
Craig wrote:
What absalute Rubbish that ofcom thing was! absalute nonsence!

Anyways, good board, Hope Woodsy wins a huge amount of money!!!

Yes absolute rubbish that dond ripped people off, how dare Ofcom have found out :roll:

She is still bloody annoying btw.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:50 
Woodsy says she is not a gambler and doesn't understand why she turned down the other offers, and box 8 means nothing to her...

Woodsy says


Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:50 
Maud wrote:
What a very annoying woman.

That is all.

You're just jealous of her Welsh accent

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:50 
Who would have thought, she's gotten to 2 box at least!

Hope she wins £100,000.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:52 
Next round

5 - £750 Bing

7 - 1p :D Joy

12 - £15,000 Debbie

Banker time with 50p and £100,000 remaining

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:53 
If the offer is under £20,000 she should DEFINATELY carry on! THeres still £100,000 up there woman and weve never had a power 5 win in yonks

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:53 
Hopefully she will go all the way, as she has had all them reds.

And also last time she had box 8, and she only had box 8 once, it had the £100,000.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:53 
well, well, well

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:53 
It wasn't the perfect round says Noel, but it's still a great postition... The banker talks about how the £16,000 was enough for her....

Banker offers


Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:54 
It's got to be a deal whatever now...

Stats after Round 6
Offer: £18,000
Mean: £50,000.25
Offer (%): 36.00%
Fair Deal: £25,111.93
Volatility: 200000.00
Redometer: 1



It's low but she must take it surely...

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:54 
Got to be a no deal.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:54 
lathebault wrote:
If the offer is under £20,000 she should DEFINATELY carry on! THeres still £100,000 up there woman and weve never had a power 5 win in yonks

We had one 2 sodding games ago!

£18,000 is a *beep* offer for the board, I would no deal...

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:55 
Tom22 wrote:
Maud wrote:
What a very annoying woman.

That is all.

You're just jealous of her Welsh accent

Yes, I wish I could sound like I do something quite wrong with some sheep.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:55 
Woodsy says she expected more there, and if it was £20,000 she would have dealt, but now she is hovering....

Noel says Woodsy's mum is fascinating as she is egging Woodsy to go on, when many parents would say take the money

Woodsy says


Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:56 
It's low but she must take it surely...

Low? That's Hades low, twenty thousand leagues below etc

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:56 
Noel opens box 8 and reveals £100,000

Box 15 Ferno contains the 50p

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:56 
Oh dear, she blew it big time.

That's twice now that her having box 8 had £100,000.

Her massive red box run continued...

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 17:59 
"Your legacy is a rampant banker who is gonna chew someone up tomorrow..."

Gee, thanks for that Noel :? (eurgh!)

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 18:00 
I'm impressed we got that far in LIVE play but 18 k was a disgusting derisory final offer but I just knew she would take it - pathetic and once she said deal I cringed and was so glad to see Noel open the 100K to teach a lesson.

She was dumb not to realise the odds were the 100k was there.
I thought she was up herself anyway and was bought cheap and left to look a complete fool selling a 100K box for a absolute derisory sum.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 18:00 
I agree with Noel, at her age she could have gone on as 18k is loseable and earnable.

Still bloody annoying...

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 18:00 
Poor Woodsy, I really thought she was going to no deal at the end there in which case she'd have won the 100k.The banker knew she was there for the taking and 18k was ridiculously low offer.

Still 18k is a great consolation on missing out on the big money. I'm not sure 50p would have been had she played on, lost and blown the 18k.

I enjoyed today's game though but only wish she'd just had that extra bit of courage at the end..

Last edited by Woodvale on Mon Feb 04, 2008 18:02, edited 1 time in total.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 18:02 
SrWilson wrote:
She was dumb not to realise the odds were the 100k was there.

Surely it was 50:50 at 2-box?!! :?

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 18:04 
h2005 wrote:
SrWilson wrote:
She was dumb not to realise the odds were the 100k was there.

Surely it was 50:50 at 2-box?!! :?

Just what I was thinking :p:

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 18:04 
SrWilson wrote:
She was dumb not to realise the odds were the 100k was there. I thought she was up herself anyway and was bought cheap and left to look a complete fool selling a 100K box for a absolute derisory sum.

Yes, the odds were 50% chance that she'd win £100,000, 50% chance that she'd win 50p. Who the hell wants to win 50p?

SrWilson wrote:
I'm impressed we got that far in LIVE play but 18 k was a disgusting derisory final offer but I just knew she would take it - pathetic and once she said deal I cringed and was so glad to see Noel open the 100K to teach a lesson.

Just be thankful she got to two-box.

I respect your way of playing the game, but I'm sorry, if you went on DoND, I'd love to see you win £10, you'd deserve it.

Last edited by Lewis246 on Mon Feb 04, 2008 18:05, edited 1 time in total.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 18:05 
So a power 5 amount finally comes to the table...

If she'd carried on she'd probably have been offered the swap and that would have involved a lot of dithering...

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 18:05 
What a horrible game!!!

£18,000 was a RUBBISH offer! Mark was offered £30,000 with a higher blue and only £75,000 left. Woodsy had £25,000 MORE and she was offered £12,000 LESS! AND SHE TOOK IT!! It makes me SICK when the banker throws in something as low as £18,000 and the player still DEALS and she had £100,000 left!!! The offer was lower than 20% of £100,000.

What a farce this show has become. People playing offers not the board.

Last edited by lathebault on Mon Feb 04, 2008 18:08, edited 2 times in total.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 18:06 
Lewis246 wrote:
SrWilson wrote:
She was dumb not to realise the odds were the 100k was there. I thought she was up herself anyway and was bought cheap and left to look a complete fool selling a 100K box for a absolute derisory sum.

Yes, the odds were 50% chance that she'd win £100,000, 50% chance that she'd win 50p. Who the hell wants to win 50p?

SrWilson wrote:
I'm impressed we got that far in LIVE play but 18 k was a disgusting derisory final offer but I just knew she would take it - pathetic and once she said deal I cringed and was so glad to see Noel open the 100K to teach a lesson.

Just be thankful she got to two-box.

I respect your way of playing the game, but I'm sorry, if you went on DoND, I'd love to see you win £10, you'd deserve it.

Odds being since no power 5 has been to the table since xmas its surely time for one to be there.

Love to see me win £10? thats not very nice. I am lucky person so I think id be getting the big two more likely and you can shout and cheer in your living room.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 18:08 
Well at least a power five has come to the table at last, but the last offer was really low for a board when Mark got offered £30,000 for having the £75,000, but the banker knew he could get her cheap and it paid off.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 18:10 
SrWilson wrote:
Lewis246 wrote:
SrWilson wrote:
She was dumb not to realise the odds were the 100k was there. I thought she was up herself anyway and was bought cheap and left to look a complete fool selling a 100K box for a absolute derisory sum.

Yes, the odds were 50% chance that she'd win £100,000, 50% chance that she'd win 50p. Who the hell wants to win 50p?

SrWilson wrote:
I'm impressed we got that far in LIVE play but 18 k was a disgusting derisory final offer but I just knew she would take it - pathetic and once she said deal I cringed and was so glad to see Noel open the 100K to teach a lesson.

Just be thankful she got to two-box.

I respect your way of playing the game, but I'm sorry, if you went on DoND, I'd love to see you win £10, you'd deserve it.

Odds being since no power 5 has been to the table since xmas its surely time for one to be there.

Love to see me win £10? thats not very nice. I am lucky person so I think id be getting the big two more likely and you can shout and cheer in your living room.

No, sorry, still only a 5/22 chance of a power 5 turning up today.

And I know telling you that you'd deserve £10 isn't very nice. Neither is you saying you were glad £100,000 was revealed on the table, neither is you saying you want people to lose when they deal the third offer, neither is you saying you enjoy 1p wins. I'm just saying the same kind of thing that you say.

Plus you're right, you're more likely to win one of the top two than £10. Twice as likely, although I probably wouldn't be watching. :P

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 18:11 
Why do we want power 5 on the table? When the second highest one is being sold for £18,000 then surely the top prize may as well be £35,000.

That's the sad reality of this show. People have managed to win more without a power 5 being on the table so what's the point?

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 18:14 
They spent the whole of January thinking a power 5 amount was due at the table, by now they'd probably given up hope!

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 18:31 
I was really angry with that last offer, it was a disgrace. Can't say that I agreed with Rachel's deal either but I know she had her reasons.

Only one word to describe Rachel's game -

HOT!!!!!!!! :smt049 :smt054 :smt049

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 18:42 
that was not the perfect end but that is a lot of money!

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 18:55 
lathebault wrote:
What a horrible game!!!

I thought you enjoyed people squandering £82,000 by being cautious. Or maybe I misjudged you.

£18,000 was a RUBBISH offer! Mark was offered £30,000 with a higher blue and only £75,000 left. Woodsy had £25,000 MORE and she was offered £12,000 LESS! AND SHE TOOK IT!!

That was because the Banker had different readings of the two players. Clearly rightly as the £18,000 was dealt.

It makes me SICK when the banker throws in something as low as £18,000 and the player still DEALS and she had £100,000 left!!! The offer was lower than 20% of £100,000.

I can see that, but with all-or-peanuts I can completely see the other way. (Actually I'd have been more likely to take the eight-box offer than the two-box offer today...)

What a farce this show has become. People playing offers not the board.

Not all of them, heck Woodsy basically admitted she turned down a life-changing sum of money to her (on a not-that-amazing board, not a lot backing up the six-figure amounts at eight-box) presumably because she was playing the board. Or playing out of character under duress because Noel does everything he can to make people like you enjoy the show, at the expense of people like me.

Anyway, I'm sure Woodsy will make a lot of use for the money - I sure hope so!

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 19:22 
KP wrote:
I thought you enjoyed people squandering £82,000 by being cautious. Or maybe I misjudged you.

It was a horrible game because we were so close to a £100,000 win and despite the incredibly low forceful offer, we were denied that because she took it. That's what pissed me off.

That was because the Banker had different readings of the two players. Clearly rightly as the £18,000 was dealt.

I thought the £18,000 was designed as a push on offer. Even something that low didn't seem to work.

I can see that, but with all-or-peanuts I can completely see the other way. (Actually I'd have been more likely to take the eight-box offer than the two-box offer today...)

That's because the generosity of the 8 box offer was slightly higher than that of the two box offer, I felt.

Not all of them, heck Woodsy basically admitted she turned down a life-changing sum of money to her (on a not-that-amazing board, not a lot backing up the six-figure amounts at eight-box) presumably because she was playing the board. Or playing out of character under duress because Noel does everything he can to make people like you enjoy the show, at the expense of people like me.

A lot of people enjoy gambles and the tension gambles offer are something in human nature, I feel. I find games totally flat when it's an 8 box deal or a low 5 box deal however games where the player takes a gamble are more tensive and rememberable. Barbara's 1k game never payed off but by God it was tense. It was fantastic telly. Boring games and average wins are not, even with the inclusion of gimmicks.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 19:29 
lathebault wrote:
It was a horrible game because we were so close to a £100,000 win and despite the incredibly low forceful offer, we were denied that because she took it. That's what *beep* me off.

If it "*beep*"s you off so much then maybe you shouldn't watch the show if you don't like it when people "deal" on Deal or No Deal. It'd have been nice to see Woodsy win £100k, but she didn't. It was a cautious deal, but I think she played her game well, bearing in mind she was thinking about seriously dealing the first two offers!

I thought she'd definitely deal the fourth offer, and possibly deal the fifth... so it wasn't a surprise she dealt the final offer. You should just be pleased she gave it a punt at 11-box, 8-box and 5-box. And as for the banker - he played it brilliantly well. He offered high offers at the start to try and get Woodsy to buckle, then offered lower ones towards the end as he knew he could buy her cheaply.

I didn't like the show that much as it was a bit gimmicky and Woodsy was a bit irritating, but the gameplay was certainly interesting.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 19:33 
h2005 wrote:
lathebault wrote:
It was a horrible game because we were so close to a £100,000 win and despite the incredibly low forceful offer, we were denied that because she took it. That's what *beep* me off.

If it "*beep*"s you off so much then maybe you shouldn't watch the show if you don't like it when people "deal" on Deal or No Deal. It'd have been nice to see Woodsy win £100k, but she didn't. It was a cautious deal, but I think she played her game well, bearing in mind she was thinking about seriously dealing the first two offers!

I won't be watching tomorrow but with my tiny willpower I will want a reason to start watching again, hence I usually turn on the next show :oops:

I thought she'd definitely deal the fourth offer, and possibly deal the fifth... so it wasn't a surprise she dealt the final offer. You should just be pleased she gave it a punt at 11-box, 8-box and 5-box. And as for the banker - he played it brilliantly well. He offered high offers at the start to try and get Woodsy to buckle, then offered lower ones towards the end as he knew he could buy her cheaply.

It's the fact she was bought cheaply that annoyed me. She should have recognised the fact the £18,000 was an offer designed to buy her cheap and henceforth should have carried on. That's why we need statisticians on the wings. But why should we? Can't the players recognise a bad offer for the board?

I didn't like the show that much as it was a bit gimmicky and Woodsy was a bit irritating, but the gameplay was certainly interesting.

Interesting gamplay you think, fair enough. I thought it was on the more cautious side.

I mean come on, even Ajay was offered £19,000 with 1p left at the end, that's still a rubbish offer but with that 1p stigma you would expect something that low.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 20:19 
OK, I'm in a bad mood and I apologise for any offence caused, but.

Why don't you just shut up and give her a break? She had no back up at all for crying out loud! You can all say the offer was low but she'd worked really hard to get to that position and she was just as likely to win 50p - which would have been absolutely awful. The only reason she didn't win the 100k was becuase she avoided the 50p on the wings instead of the 15k. Simple. Everyone who's gambled for 100k has had a least £1,000 back up (even Orry did due to the Santa twist), which is a world away from 50p. That's why it's so hard to win the huge sums - too many of the boxes are worth next to nothing to gamble the offers on a huge/tiny last pair.

I agree that I didn't want to see her deal the earlier offers, but to her, 18k will be closer in utility to 100k to 50p. That's all it boils down to when you get to 2-box.

I just wish that people would accept that and stop insulting people becuase it doesn't go the way they wanted it to.

And I'm not just saying it becuase I fancy her, it's just I'm sick of reading the same old posts every game unless the player no-deals to the end, and if they win a blue, they've still got to be happy with it as well.

Let's hope be get a mad gambler soon to shut you all up!!

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 20:27 
James1978 wrote:
I just wish that people would accept that and stop insulting people becuase it doesn't go the way they wanted it to.

As soon as you put this, your post lost all credibility. No one has insulted woodsy, as far as I have read anyway :? I said that this game was horrible and that dealing the £18,000 was a mistake because it was designed as a push on offer, and the game on a whole was a massive dissapointment.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 20:32 
lathebault wrote:
James1978 wrote:
I just wish that people would accept that and stop insulting people becuase it doesn't go the way they wanted it to.

As soon as you put this, your post lost all credibility. I have not insulted anyone!! I said that this game was horrible and that dealing the £18,000 was a mistake because it was designed as a push on offer, and the game on a whole was a massive dissapointment.

It was actually Sr Wilson more than you - he called her dumb!!

Though your comment "She played the offers, not the board" - well what's wrong with that?

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 20:36 
James, I totally agree with everything you said in that post.

I wouldn't have dealt that £18,000 offer, but I don't whine and throw a tantrum every time someone does something I wouldn't do. I don't know how many times I'll have to say this...

SrWilson, anyone who does whine and wish people to lose every bloody time someone deals: It is not your game, you have nothing to do with the player's games, their lives or their money. If you would much rather see them win a blue and get upset because you want "some tension", then fine, that's your opinion, I can't change it, but just stop whinging about it.

If you want people to go all the way regardless, since you couldn't really give a toss what they win, just stop watching the show and play an online game, because I for one am getting sick and tired of this moaning.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 20:43 
James1978 wrote:
lathebault wrote:
James1978 wrote:
I just wish that people would accept that and stop insulting people becuase it doesn't go the way they wanted it to.

As soon as you put this, your post lost all credibility. I have not insulted anyone!! I said that this game was horrible and that dealing the £18,000 was a mistake because it was designed as a push on offer, and the game on a whole was a massive dissapointment.

It was actually Sr Wilson more than you - he called her dumb!!

Though your comment "She played the offers, not the board" - well what's wrong with that?

I think a more accurate term would have been that she was playing the size of the offer not the offer in relation to the board in generosity.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 20:58 
It was a shame Woodsy didn't gamble today for the £100,000 as I would have loved to have seen a really big win. I also thought the £18,000 was too low an offer and I was expecting at least £26,000, however as it's the Banker's job to get the player out of the chair for as little money as possible he played a good offer for Woodsy.

If the Banker had offered £20,000+ for Woodsy then I have no doubt in my mind she would dealt in an instant, however the way he placed the offer just short of £20,000 was a clever move on the Banker's part of testing Woodsy and as was proved, was enough to make her deal, which is the Banker's job.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 20:59 
I'd go along with that, latheboult, but she turned down an offer only £2,000 lower than the one she finally took! Though it's a point that holds to many other players.

I want to see two big gamblers this week, one and only one of whom is rewarded. Because I want to see the reaction. Seriously, I find it fascinating to see how different people, with different approaches, respond to the game's various outcomes.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 21:02 
KP wrote:
I want to see two big gamblers this week, one and only one of whom is rewarded. Because I want to see the reaction.

Well we did get that that in April in a week of relative caution - Barry and Theresa! Those two games certainly did spark off some interesting reactions! :)

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 21:09 
Good point. I'm just going to have to look at that now!

Although of course we now have some new Wakeyists replacing some of the old ones...

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 22:09 
Can't agree more with what you said James.

Yeah, not the greatest of games, not as good as the last two but still an alright game. Well done Woodsy!

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 22:12 
Lewis I don't always want them to lose at all I just do when they take a DERISORY OFFER or wuss out stupidly early when the board is extremly strong.
Had her offer been realistic heck even the CLICHED 26K it would not be so bad its the fact it was something so derisory that made her look stupid.

I swear a 250K 1p/10p final two is going to happen someday and the offer will be 26K and they will STILL TAKE IT.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 22:19 
OK, I've calmed down a bit now.

I too was disappointed with the outcome of the game, but in a different way to others - I totally understood and respected the deal even though it didn't work out, 18 grand is life-changing for someone that age - I can remember from when I was a student!

The reason i was disappointed becuase I was thinking "If only she'd left Box 12 instead of Box 15 and left a very nice 15k as back-up" - then if she'd dealt something comparatively poor like 35k with 15k as back-up, I would have been a bit annoyed. That's assuming she wouldn't have swapped of course!

For me there was plenty of tension from the 8-box no-deal and the 5-box one too, and it was such a relief she didn;t end up with pennies like I thought there was a strong possibility of. Most of her no-deals were a pleasant surprise, she seemed to be heavily considering the second offer!

I thought she deserved better at 2-box, but at that stage it's something substantial or nothing, so even something that sounds comparatively low can perfectly be justified by the fact that 18k is a world away from 50p! :)

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 22:21 
SrWilson wrote:
I swear a 250K 1p/10p final two is going to happen someday and the offer will be 26K and they will STILL TAKE IT.

So what if they do take it? It's really not worth getting so het up about, is it?

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 22:24 
MisterAl wrote:
SrWilson wrote:
I swear a 250K 1p/10p final two is going to happen someday and the offer will be 26K and they will STILL TAKE IT.

So what if they do take it? It's really not worth getting so het up about, is it?

It would be the most weak thing and would make the contestant look a complete fool and would confirm the big one is just never going to be won again because unlike Laura who did turn down a derisory offer the people these days will even take the derisory offer regardless.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 22:26 
Yes, but i think the majority of people, if not nearly all the people on here would rather go away with a nice sum around £26,000 then go home with 1p...

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 22:27 
SrWilson wrote:
I swear a 250K 1p/10p final two is going to happen someday and the offer will be 26K and they will STILL TAKE IT.

I can't see it due to the sums people often turn down to get to a position like that are often in excess of 26k in the first place!

Even then I think people could be justified in taking it - 26k is a long way from 250k, but also a world away from winning pennies too - and even if they gamble and win the peanuts amount, it'll feeel just as awful as if they deal and have the 250k in their box.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 22:28 
SrWilson wrote:
It would be the most weak thing and would make the contestant look a complete fool and would confirm the big one is just never going to be won again because unlike Laura who did turn down a derisory offer the people these days will even take the derisory offer regardless.

Whether I agree with this or not, I still don't see why this should make you so angry.

It's only a gameshow.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 22:29 
James1978 wrote:
SrWilson wrote:
I swear a 250K 1p/10p final two is going to happen someday and the offer will be 26K and they will STILL TAKE IT.

I can't see it due to the sums people often turn down to get to a position like that are often in excess of 26k in the first place!

Even then I think people could be justified in taking it - 26k is a long way from 250k, but also a world away from winning pennies too - and even if they gamble and win the peanuts amount, it'll feeel just as awful as if they deal and have the 250k in their box.

You just never know the way he shirks about with some of the players.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 22:31 
Tom wrote:
Yes, but i think the majority of people, if not nearly all the people on here would rather go away with a nice sum around £26,000 then go home with 1p...

But come on, the gap between £26,000 and £250,000 is £224,000! It's simply too much money to lose out on, on a 50:50 shot. £26,000 is quite a bit to lose but no where near as high as £224,000.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 22:37 
There is nothing you can do to change my mind. I would deal at £26,000 on that situation and wouldn't care if the biggie was in my box. Especially if i got on the show in the next few years....

I may now appear as a "chicken" or whatever you might want to call me, but the truth is, i dont care. Woodsy did what she felt was right, good on her.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 22:37 
Well I'm At My Nan's I missed it but from what I heard didn't like this game at all. Well She didn't go away with a blue did she. I'm quite glad she won 18k.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 22:56 
lathebault wrote:
Tom wrote:
Yes, but i think the majority of people, if not nearly all the people on here would rather go away with a nice sum around £26,000 then go home with 1p...

But come on, the gap between £26,000 and £250,000 is £224,000! It's simply too much money to lose out on, on a 50:50 shot. £26,000 is quite a bit to lose but no where near as high as £224,000.

lathebault, there is a big difference between being offered something, and having it in your box. You wouldn't actually be losing 224k because you never had it. You would HAVE the 26k if it;s being offered, so if you win 1p you are losing it. If you deal 26k, you don't lose any money.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 22:59 
NoDeal! wrote:
lathebault wrote:
Tom wrote:
Yes, but i think the majority of people, if not nearly all the people on here would rather go away with a nice sum around £26,000 then go home with 1p...

But come on, the gap between £26,000 and £250,000 is £224,000! It's simply too much money to lose out on, on a 50:50 shot. £26,000 is quite a bit to lose but no where near as high as £224,000.

lathebault, there is a big difference between being offered something, and having it in your box. You wouldn't actually be losing 224k because you never had it. You would HAVE the 26k if it;s being offered, so if you win 1p you are losing it. If you deal 26k, you don't lose any money.

And you never had 26K if you did not accept it!

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 23:04 
SrWilson wrote:
NoDeal! wrote:
lathebault wrote:
Tom wrote:
Yes, but i think the majority of people, if not nearly all the people on here would rather go away with a nice sum around £26,000 then go home with 1p...

But come on, the gap between £26,000 and £250,000 is £224,000! It's simply too much money to lose out on, on a 50:50 shot. £26,000 is quite a bit to lose but no where near as high as £224,000.

lathebault, there is a big difference between being offered something, and having it in your box. You wouldn't actually be losing 224k because you never had it. You would HAVE the 26k if it;s being offered, so if you win 1p you are losing it. If you deal 26k, you don't lose any money.

And you never had 26K if you did not accept it!

Spot on, SrWilson.

You aren't gambling a penny of your own money, as basicasic said in a previous post. Unless, of course, you opt to take on the 'banker's gamble' in which case you are gambling the money you have already dealt.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 23:08 
MisterAl wrote:
SrWilson wrote:
It would be the most weak thing and would make the contestant look a complete fool and would confirm the big one is just never going to be won again because unlike Laura who did turn down a derisory offer the people these days will even take the derisory offer regardless.

Whether I agree with this or not, I still don't see why this should make you so angry.

It's only a gameshow.

Haha, my thoughts entirely, Al.

I'm thinking of introducing a logo for the today's show section:


Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 23:25 
jiveclive wrote:
Well I'm At My Nan's I missed it but from what I heard didn't like this game at all. Well She didn't go away with a blue did she. I'm quite glad she won 18k.
i was expecting the offer to be around 28k i was really dissapointed with 18k but it was her choice to deal and i hope it does her a lot of good, she is a lovely young lady a pleasure to work with.See you in Brighton Woodsy.Enjoy your money.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 23:39 
I was convinced the old favourite offer was going to come (£26k).18k was disappointing.

At least she can do something with £18k, just a pity she didnt go on but not a lot you can do with 50p and was a 50.50 chance of that too.


Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 23:39 
Yes £18K was low but as soon as a player lets it known to the banker that low 5 figure sums are meaningful money to them - she was never going to get a high offer at 2 box.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 23:40 
Slightly disappointing but at least she went to 2 box .If I was on the show though I would have no dealt as 20k or less is really pushing it and what the heck, 50p is a cool blue to win.

That was the only the decision though, 16K and 7K were stingy too!

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 23:44 
Very disappointing offers by the banker indeed. Today’s current climate these days, and it is such a long time since I was a student, is that the individual just sees free money as a way to get out of debt and start the slate clean. I am sure that is why so many of the younger players surprisingly lack the courage. Noels final comment about someone of her age not having the courage is facile, he no doubt is, or has funded his children’s education throughout, and they will not owe the Student Loan Lenders anything.

I didn't find Woodsy annoying at all, thought like the rest of the posters thought that she would have gone earlier.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 00:30 
trickymahonia wrote:
Very disappointing offers by the banker indeed.

But, as you go on to implicitly recognise, effective ones. Although maybe she could have gone earlier for less with a bit more generosity - a £10k offer at five-box might have done the trick.

Today’s current climate these days, and it is such a long time since I was a student, is that the individual just sees free money as a way to get out of debt and start the slate clean. I am sure that is why so many of the younger players surprisingly lack the courage.

Recall that Woodsy pointed out £16,000 would pay off her student debts. I would imagine that if she could have done all the rational calculations in her head she would have taken £16,000, even with the jackpot in play. Indeed, I believe that is what she was semi-naively chasing at eight-box, then once she got to five-box she was chasing the £16,000, and the Banker didn't need to offer any more than that really. The extra two grand was just to make sure.

It's all thrown in front of you at two-box. And in all-or-peanuts the only way to play it - although very few do it - is to decide if the offer has more than half the utility of the top box. It would for me; £18,000 would pay off my student debts, but £100,000 properly handled would pretty much set me up financially for life (by virtue of facilitating the purchase of a small house or decent-sized flat with a manageable mortgage), and having a place of my own is really the overwhelming goal in my life.

Noels final comment about someone of her age not having the courage is facile, he no doubt is, or has funded his children’s education throughout, and they will not owe the Student Loan Lenders anything.

Absolutely fantastic point. (Pedantically you should be referring to the Student Loan Company, but I got your point. And I'm a dreadful pedant.) Someone who has had multi-millions for almost all his adult life is not in a particularly good position to understand what £20,000 means to the average person.

I didn't find Woodsy annoying at all, thought like the rest of the posters thought that she would have gone earlier.

I would have either taken the eight-box offer or gone to the end, and I suspect I would have gone to the end. I think Woodsy just couldn't read the eight-box board, I'm almost positive she didn't realise that hitting £100k and not £250k in that round would never have raised the offer, she had to keep both or chase a high-risk sixth round to get more, and even then only much more on £15k/£100k or anything/£250k.

Note that this doesn't mean it was an offer that should have been dealt. I still don't think I would, and it was utterly reasonable to play on (we normally see £20k-odd in that situation, and I consider that the right offer for that situation). But I think, based on Woodsy's likely utility curve, an eight-box Deal was the smart play.

Good thing she didn't make it though, she'd have got even more abuse on here and probably a £26k proveout offer at the end to boot...

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 00:40 
Being 19 I agree with the thrust of that, 18 grand is a lot but probably would have had to have been 26K, 13K and 25/26K to make me think.

But at least she went to 2 box, obviously I advocated all the way because of the offers but the 18K deal at least created a talking point. It wasn't copping out like 7.5K Sarah for example.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 02:13 
At least a big value box came to the table at last, the first time this year, more money on the table today than in all the January shows added together. Hopefully the 21 on the wings will think the luck has turned after today.

The £18K offer was very low, theres no way I would have taken it, student debts or not. Maybe the dominance of blues on the table during Woodsy's run influenced her decision.

Woodsy - nice face, shame about the ears.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 12:17 
My oh my it's been heated in here.... must turn down that thermostat.

Right then....

The majority of those that call people dumb, idiots, etc just because they deal earlier then they would of liked live at home with their parents, never paid rent, bills, etc. Maybe when they start living in the real world they will realise that money doesn't actually grow on trees.

Oh and btw I thought she should have no dealt, I would have, end of the day though she had her student loans to think about, I know people still paying theirs off 10-15 years down the line.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 12:30 
Simon F wrote:
Yes £18K was low but as soon as a player lets it known to the banker that low 5 figure sums are meaningful money to them - she was never going to get a high offer at 2 box.

This is the problem many times with players.

Woodsey may be a sweet, charming woman, but once she uttered that phrase about the $16k being meaningful money, no significant money was to come from the banker...even if the 15k-100k combo was in play.

If the IDEAL combo had come up at two-box, I would wager the banker would have only offered 26-30k at most, which she would have dealt...

Moral: Talk about good deals and bad deals, but shut up about specific offers. It will only hurt you in the long run.

Still, Woodsey, enjoy being school debt free!

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 12:31 
Maud wrote:
Oh and btw I thought she should have no dealt, I would have, end of the day though she had her student loans to think about, I know people still paying theirs off 10-15 years down the line.

Very true. My GCSE / AS Electronics teacher once got excited one lesson because she had just finished paying off her student debts. She had been travelling in Australia in her gap year and racked up quite a debt. And by the time she finished paying it, she was in her late 30s I think... possibly pushing 40. :shock:

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 17:27 
wyattcox wrote:
If the IDEAL combo had come up at two-box, I would wager the banker would have only offered 26-30k at most, which she would have dealt...

That would have been even worse than the deal she took. If £16,000 is so much money to her it's unreal, then surely the £15,000 backup on that finish would be fantastic for her as a worst case scenario. If she dealt then that would have me thinking if she was there to be serious or she was playing for a laugh.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 00:56 
lathebault wrote:
James1978 wrote:
lathebault wrote:
James1978 wrote:
I just wish that people would accept that and stop insulting people becuase it doesn't go the way they wanted it to.

As soon as you put this, your post lost all credibility. I have not insulted anyone!! I said that this game was horrible and that dealing the £18,000 was a mistake because it was designed as a push on offer, and the game on a whole was a massive dissapointment.

It was actually Sr Wilson more than you - he called her dumb!!

Though your comment "She played the offers, not the board" - well what's wrong with that?

I think a more accurate term would have been that she was playing the size of the offer not the offer in relation to the board in generosity.

Isn't that how the game works though? I know KP/MisterAl/Power5 will have done this to death in the past but say the final two amounts were 50p and £1000 and she was offered £180. I can't think of anyone on here who would deal that, unless they were a fan of darts or something.

Take it to the other extreme, say a hypothetical game of DOND had the final two amounts of 50p and 10 million pounds with an offer of £1,800,000. How many of us would no deal that?!

Woodsy's offer was as 'generous' as the two examples given - that's where I don't understand Sr. Wilson's (and possibly your own) obsession with 'derisory' offers. It's the magnitude of the offer to the player that is relevant, not where it stands in percentage terms between the two final amounts. Personally, I would have no dealt the £18000 in Woodsy's game but if £18000 was an amount that she felt that she couldn't turn down then she's entirely within her rights to deal it.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 01:28 
Duffer wrote:
Take it to the other extreme, say a hypothetical game of DOND had the final two amounts of 50p and 10 million pounds with an offer of £1,800,000. How many of us would no deal that?!

Judging by some comments here, about half the forum.

It's the magnitude of the offer to the player that is relevant, not where it stands in percentage terms between the two final amounts. Personally, I would have no dealt the £18000 in Woodsy's game but if £18000 was an amount that she felt that she couldn't turn down then she's entirely within her rights to deal it.

Absolutely. In fact, I think the mistake given her apparent utility function was to get as far as she did - I think she should have gone at eight-box on a dangerous (albeit strong) board if £16,000 meant that much to her, which it clearly did!

She would have No Dealt any trivial offer, and maybe some non-trivial offer, on £15k/£100k though. Because she'd have felt £15k was a consolation she could live with. I would presume so anyway - and players tend to be less risk-averse in such situations anyway. Unless they're David from 2006 who Dealt £30k on £10k/£100k... but I digress.

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