Yet again another game spoiled by the harch editing. Three of John's Rugby playing mates were sat behind me and were all "miked up", Noel brought them in a few times with quips and comments. There was brilliant banter that would have lifted the show like it lifted the recording.
To lose the two "biggies" in the first round was awful when you knew he needed a decent win. You didn't get to see the "real" show we saw recorded and that was a shame. It was a laugh from start to finish and that did not come across on the screen.
Jonny Wilkinson recorded his piece later so we just saw a member of staff holding a ball, but John being a mad Rugby fan as he said was really made up that the final edit would have Jonny in it.
The Sampson Centre that has been set up by John and the other fundraisers caters for the Rugby players and the people with MS. So they have top physios helping both sets of people. If you go to Channel 4 website it gives more information.
What a brilliant idea, enough to get myself and another lady to give a donation there and then to David. Not an easy thing to do, get money from a Yorkshire girl
And of course Alan's game was recorded straight after John's and he lost the two "biggies" in one round too, I couldn't believe it could happen twice in two recordings. Noel didn't say anything as he would have done with normal shows as they didn't know when the shows would go out.
Let us hope that if they follow the same format in 2008 they are hour long shows.