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Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:22 
Today is the final Star show and is the turn of John in the Crazy Chair.

Here is some info about him:


Tonight's contestant is 45-year-old John Hambly. John's life was turned upside down when he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. A successful business and family man, John sadly was forced to give up his beloved sport of rugby and more recently his job. John recognised the need for support and help for those with MS in his local area and has worked tirelessly to set up a centre for MS sufferers. The project has now raised in excess of £1.2 million.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:28 
Noel says this is a very very special game as John has such an amazing story. John says he keeps positive because of the support of his wife and girls as well as the support of his friends and his friends at the rugby club. He says he'll split his winnings with the MS charity. He says he is basing his system on keeping the "lucky" people until the end, and choosing the "unlucky" people to begin with. :shock:

John chooses box 21 with Tony "the Italian stallion"...

Here we go...

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:31 
9 - Nigel - friend of John's - £1 :D

22 - Dave - John's brother - £100,000 :?

Dave says sorry to John...

17 - Michelle - £250,000 :shock: :shock: :shock:

13 - John - £100

19 - Jackie - worked at the centre - £50

Time for the banker...

Last edited by h2005 on Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:36, edited 1 time in total.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:32 
John said he'd like to take the banker to London Zoo to play with the lions :shock: :lol:

Banker's offer

£800 :shock:

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:33 

Last edited by h2005 on Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:36, edited 1 time in total.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:33 
Stats after Round 1
Offer: £800
Mean: £12,677.39
Offer (%): 6.31%
Fair Deal: £5,648.25
Volatility: 0.53
Redometer: -4





Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:34 
18 - Carol - works at the centre - £35,000 :(

Noel says we need to stop playing with the reds now...

6 - Marion - John's wife since 1992 - £5 :D

12 - Nicky - Noel calls a break

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:39 
We're back

12 - Nicky - £75,000

"Oh John... John..." says Noel dramatically.

Banker time...

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:40 
Noel says this is extraordinary and the banker says he loves John even though he doesn't know much about him!

Banker's offer


Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:40 

Stats after Round 2
Offer: £80
Mean: £7,536.47
Offer (%): 1.06%
Fair Deal: £3,384.35
Volatility: 0.90
Redometer: -13






Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:41 

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:42 

Not really sure this one is on a par with the other cases.

I mean he seems a bit better off than some of the others. I'm sure as a Chartered Surveyor has some insurance policies & pension and probably not as desperate for the cash as some others.

Don't get me wrong I do admire folk for not letting such illnesses get them down but for some reason I just feel that there were probably more deserving folk who never got a look in.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:43 
11 - Marianne - John's sister - £3,000

Noel talks to Tony who is the Italian Stallion and he says he is Italian, but Noel says he's not Italian sounding.

15 - Amanda - she nominated John - £500

7 - Ali - done fund raising - £750

Banker time...

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:43 
Noel says the banker will be unsettled by the block of £20k downwards

Noel asks the banker how the love affair is

Banker's offer


Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:44 
Stats after Round 3
Offer: £3,500
Mean: £9,205.51
Offer (%): 38.02%
Fair Deal: £4,165.33
Volatility: 0.98
Redometer: -12







Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:44 

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:46 
10 - Lucy - wife of John - 1p :D

3 - David - their coach driver - £1,000

Noel says he's alright with that

2 - Amanda - Noel tells her how to open the box and calls a break

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:51 
2 - Amanda - £10,000

Banker time...

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:52 
John says he is a bit of a gambler and Noel hopes he has the £50k in his box...

Banker's offer


Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:52 
Stats after Round 4
Offer: £7,500
Mean: £11,282.58
Offer (%): 66.47%
Fair Deal: £5,223.86
Volatility: 1.24
Redometer: -6








Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:53 
One of the ones on the wings says the banker's offer is too low and should be more about £13k!! His game will be an interesting one... oh wait he's gone tomorrow :P

John's wife comes over


Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:55 
John says this is like being in the trenches and he'd like to be in the trenches with Glen

8 - Glen - 50p :D

16 - Claire - £50,000 :shock:

Noel says we now have to believe John's box has £20,000

5 - Gary - £5,000 :?

Noel says "Well it's ok... it's ok".

Banker time...

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:56 
Noel says the banker is sounding rumbustuous.

Banker's offer


Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:56 
Stats after Round 5
Offer: £5,000
Mean: £7,052.02
Offer (%): 70.90%
Fair Deal: £3,207.77
Volatility: 1.31
Redometer: -8



Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:57 
Noel says if John takes out the £15k and £20k, the £5k will be gone...

David says "stick with the gambling".


Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:59 
Noel wonders if John could have had 4 x the amount he dealt for

14 - Bev - £15,000

Noel says this is fascinating and if he takes out the £20k, David should resign :P

4 - Helen - £10

"NO one more go at it" says Noel

1 - Richard - 10p

Banker time with £250 and £20,000 remaining

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:59 
Banker's offer would've been


Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 21:59 
Stats after Round 6
Offer: £8,800
Mean: £10,125.00
Offer (%): 86.91%
Fair Deal: £6,180.53
Volatility: 80.00
Redometer: 3



Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 22:00 
John says he's feeling good and everyone claps :D

Noel says this is a horrible moment as he wants the game we want...

Noel opens John's box 21 and reveals £250

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 22:04 
Noel says the Italian Stallion was more of a Shetland Pony :P

The other box - box 20 - Dave - £20,000

There are some extra gifts for John...

Johnny Wilkinson appears on the gameboard and congratulates John on being picked as a DOND Christmas star. He has a signed ball for John as well as the opportunity to see the England team training for the Six Nations championship and tickets to see rugby matches.

Noel says there's an extra gift hidden around the back of the tree. Noel says John wants to renew his wedding vows and John will get a treat package including a hotel stay and a trip to see High School Musical.

John is presented with the DOND Christmas Star Award - it's presented by Dave Duff who used to play rugby with John.

As the credits roll, John talks about his experience and says he's so glad that he turned his game around after the horrible start and he managed to get £5,000. He says the message from Johnny Wilkinson meant an awful lot to him.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 22:14 
Well I now know why collydolly said this was one to watch! The game itself was suspense all throughout for me, and then those prizes at the end, I personally think were some of the best we saw all week!!!

I actually got to meet John, as did many of the audience queueing up for Alan's game; he was limping towards the mobile toilet with one of the crew and he turned to us all and gave us a big grin and waved! :D So now I know why he looked so chuffed about himself! :D

Well done, John!

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 22:24 
Big-Davey wrote:
Well I now know why collydolly said this was one to watch! The game itself was suspense all throughout for me, and then those prizes at the end, I personally think were some of the best we saw all week!!!

Just to add some variety, I thought it was extremely dull...God knows why it was chosen to round off the week and given such a good timeslot. Personally I thought Liz's game was far better and they should really have swapped the two around.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 22:32 
Can totally see where you're coming from - it was nowhere near as good as some games like this week, Liz's being one of them.

But with the mega money all gone by the second phone call, that was what I meant by suspense as he would then have to play on opening every box and 'missing the money'.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 22:42 
The end of a quite extraordinary week, one of the most memorable ever. Every single show has been different:
Big Deal
Huge box-open OPW
Big Deal but could have won £250k
Blue win
Big Deal and OPW
Small Deal

Very interesting how they chose to end the week on probably the least spectacular show out of the six, and at such a primetime slot as well - although saying that, had they put all the big games at primetime and the small ones early, we'd have worked out by now how a game was going to go by what time it was on. It was probably the most 'normal' episode, I could imagine most of the current 22 having a game like today's, but not one's like, say, Bridget's, which felt like the most incredible show in ages.

But £5,000 is still a good sum and I hope he enjoys the gifts. Going to feel very odd to go back to the current 22 now, it'll be interesting to see how many I can remember - surely it has to be Clive or Hayley to end the year, and the other one to start the new one!

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 22:53 
I just couldn't seem to get into this game today for some reason.

I'm glad that John at least got £5,000 out of the game considering how it started along with his prizes, but for me the show just seemed a bit flat and I don't know why.

Overall though the week has certainly been interesting and I have enjoyed the games. But it will be nice to go back to 'normal' games next with the regular players.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 23:36 
I missed most of these games... as ever. HOWEVER. I did see the one with the two biggies left at the end. How i hate those when they've dealt already !!!
As heart warming as those games were, it'll be nice to see the old team back.


Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 23:47 
A fairly average game but with some good giftd thrown in at the end. I hope he enjoys them.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 00:23 
A pretty horrid game, but at least we couldn't really have seen it coming, and £5,000 ain't a bad result from losing four of the Power 5 in the opening two rounds. I'm also pleasantly surprised he took the £5k, I thought he'd Wakey it (and he'd have been half-right to do so, though one of the most inflated proveout offers of the season gave the impression it was a big mistake).

Well-chosen gifts too.

Now, the regular games are going to feel a bit different now. I wonder what we'll all make of them?

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 00:34 
KP wrote:
Now, the regular games are going to feel a bit different now. I wonder what we'll all make of them?

Well normally when I look back on a week, I can picture over half of the contestants who played. This week I can't picture any of them really. So I'm looking forward to next week, if only because I at least know who some of them there are!

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 01:34 
Having read some spoilers for this show and what a good game it was, I was actually expecting a £50K box win after the first couple of rounds (or at least a £20K win at 5 box).

Certainly not the most remarkable game I've seen this week. I'm guessing that watching them live the game gives a bigger impact that the edited version.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:05 
Yet again another game spoiled by the harch editing. Three of John's Rugby playing mates were sat behind me and were all "miked up", Noel brought them in a few times with quips and comments. There was brilliant banter that would have lifted the show like it lifted the recording.

To lose the two "biggies" in the first round was awful when you knew he needed a decent win. You didn't get to see the "real" show we saw recorded and that was a shame. It was a laugh from start to finish and that did not come across on the screen.

Jonny Wilkinson recorded his piece later so we just saw a member of staff holding a ball, but John being a mad Rugby fan as he said was really made up that the final edit would have Jonny in it.

The Sampson Centre that has been set up by John and the other fundraisers caters for the Rugby players and the people with MS. So they have top physios helping both sets of people. If you go to Channel 4 website it gives more information.

What a brilliant idea, enough to get myself and another lady to give a donation there and then to David. Not an easy thing to do, get money from a Yorkshire girl ;)

And of course Alan's game was recorded straight after John's and he lost the two "biggies" in one round too, I couldn't believe it could happen twice in two recordings. Noel didn't say anything as he would have done with normal shows as they didn't know when the shows would go out.

Let us hope that if they follow the same format in 2008 they are hour long shows.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 12:24 
Not the greatest game ever, but by no means the worst. :D Well done John.

Am I the only one who thinks the 8:20 timeslot was only because of the film that preceded it was so long, and they wouldn't want to put DOND at 4:55 on a Saturday so hence, they put it after the film in Primetime, even though the game itself was not brilliant.

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