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Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:28 
Today is the turn of Sylvia in the crazy chair in the third of the Christmas Star specials.

Here is a little bit about Sylvia from the thread in the spoilers forum:


Today's Boxing Day Christmas Star is Sylvia Bishop, an incredible 76-year-old woman who has dedicated her life to caring for others for over 46 years and has battled breast cancer. Not only has she spent over 40 years in nursing, now that she is retired she still spends her time visiting her patients and supporting others at a breast cancer group. Sylvia also fosters abused or neglected dogs and has taken in nearly 50 dogs during the last six years.

We are shown a short video introducing us to Sylvia and her life.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:29 
Oh the advantages of knowing whose playing before the show even starts.
An older contestant might mean we get a more cautious game but that's not always the case.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:31 
As they have had shows with succesful outcomes on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day I hope we don't get the traincrashes now! :?

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:35 
Sylvia is shaking like a leaf as she steps up to the crazy chair. She has a flying fish that her granddaughter made for her for good luck... apparently it's actually a flying squiggly. She has a box with her which has a fan in it in case Noel gets her hot and bothered :-D Noel asks if Sylvia has ever been told she's weird :shock: Sylvia is a pillar of the community. Noel runs through what Sylvia has done for other people in her community. Sylvia says she watches DOND every day, and watches the repeat if she misses it. She doesn't have a system and will take it as it comes - "a bit like life" says Noel and Sylvia agrees.

Sylvia chooses box 5 with Pam to be her box, and carries it to the Pound Table. Pam is a friend of Sylvia.

Here we go...

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:39 
Sylvia is worried Noel will leave her alone in the Crazy Chair :P She's annoyed at Noel for not telling her to start :P

18 - Sheila P - £20,000

Sylvia says it's a good start

2 - Bev - she does dog walking with Sylvia - £5

Noel talks to Bev about dog walking

11 - Tracy - married Sylvia's grandson Clive, who's standing next to Tracy - £1

Noel says this is looking lovely

6 - Joyce - a friend of Sylvia's - £35,000

Sylvia thanks Joyce and says she loves her forever :P

9 - Rosie - Sylvia's Mum - £10

Sylvia says we'll have a man now... but it's time for the banker...

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:40 
Noel welcomes the banker to the weird and wonderful world of Sylvia

The banker says he's a dog lover too and he says she can rub his belly and make his leg go up :shock: :-D :lol:

Banker's offer


Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:41 
Sylvia says it's good that the banker has listened to the rubbish that she's speaking and it's good the offer is so good! The banker phones up and says he's been listening to rubbish for over 600 shows and Sylvia is the first person to recognise it :P

Banker's new offer


Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:41 

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:42 
17 - Fred - dog walker - £10,000

12 - Steve - next-door neighbour - £250

Noel wonders if we should've left Steve there for comedy value

15 - Sheila - Sylvia's other daughter - Sheila says she's scared meeting Noel and that she's a bit clammy, and Noel says she is! :shock: He calls a break and tells us to come back to the asylum! :P

Last edited by h2005 on Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:47, edited 1 time in total.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:43 
Those middle reds have gone early in each game this week.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:44 
I'm beginning to question the normal show audition process when characters like Sylvia show up on these shows :D

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:47 
We're back

Noel calls Sheila "Mrs Moist" :P

15 - Sheila - £100 :D

Banker time

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:48 
Sylvia says she wouldn't be upset if she won a huge amount of money and she'd do some cartwheels if she wins big :P The banker says he's wanting her to win big so she does cartwheels :P

Banker's offer


Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:48 

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:51 
I thought she said 'Deal' there, I was shocked!

I know this sounds horrible but I'm enjoying some of these players a lot more than the 'current' 22, like Sylvia and Sheila!

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:51 
4 - Mary - she helps with dog care - 10p :D

Sylvia says Sheena tells fibs about her :P Noel says she's failed to poison Sylvia and her family, but she has tried in the past :shock:

1 - Sheena - £50,000

Sylvia tells Sheena not to start crying :P

John says he's a neighbour of Sylvia's and he buries her dead dogs in his garden

21 - John - 50p

Banker time...

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:52 
The banker says we were expecting heatwarming stories for these Star shows, rather than people talking about dead dogs being buried in their back garden :P The banker likes this macabre and sinister stuff :P

Banker's offer


Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:52 
Let's hope we don't get the mid-game crash we've had for the 2 games this week.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:53 
Sylvia is told by Sheena to go with her instincts, but to think of the board... Sylvia thanks Sheena but tells her not to eat the next cake she sends!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:54 
johnr wrote:
I'm beginning to question the normal show audition process when characters like Sylvia show up on these shows :D

Perhaps because people like this wouldn't normally audition for the show. She's a wonderful character though.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:55 
Noel says that's brave. Her daughters wonder what she's doing as Sylvia said she'd deal if she got to £20k, and they're wondering if she's made a mistake. Sylvia tells Noel to tell them to stop interfering, and she tells them herself :P

13 - Leslie - a friend of Sylvia's - £3,000

Noel says it's fine...

8 - Julie - a friend of Sylvia's - £75,000 :(

Noel says one of the Top 3 has been touched, but she still has the Top 2 and we don't want to touch them

Noel says this is the oddest DOND ever but we are celebrating a remarkable lady and he calls a break

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:56 
Sylvia is definitely one of the best characters that have been on the show
for a long time! :D

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:58 
This is starting to look like a gambler's board. Top 2 and a mini-stone for back up.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:58 
Sylvia is excellent and is a great character! Just a shame we hadn't had her on the wings for weeks, she'd have been my favourite probably, had she been like this on the wings!! :P This is by far the best Star show yet... let's hope she can win big...

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 16:59 
I've never really understood the whole 'serial gameshow regular' thing, I can understand it must be fun, but it takes the shine off a bit if you know that they've done the same act on ten other gameshows before Deal or No Deal. You don't get this with these shows, there are people who we'd have never seen had they not been nominated, and it's quite refreshing.

Interesting game though, the shows where both 1p and £250,000 remain to a late stage could go either way, but hopefully with the top two still there it'll go the right way!

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:00 
We're back

Noel says we're praying we get through this - Sylvia says she's going to survive, but she doesn't know about Noel :P

Sylvia says this had better be 1p or else :lol:

7 - Holly - Sylvia's granddaughter - £15,000

Banker time...

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:00 
Anything over £20K and I'd be seriously considering dealing here.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:01 
Sylvia says the game is terrifying now and Noel says it isn't as she seems more relaxed - but Sylvia says she's more tense now!! :lol: She seems to be having regrets about no dealing £20,000.... but says she isn't regretting it. :ponder: The banker and Noel are confused - and Noel says she'd get on well with the banker - moaning all the time, baking poison cakes and burying things :P

Banker's offer


Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:01 
Sylvia says she made a mistake on the £20k...

Sylvia NO DEALS :shock: :shock:

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:02 
I don't like when people no deal and then look like they may regret it instantly.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:03 
£26k is coming up if this is a half decent round...

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:03 
Noel says he was surprised there, and thought she'd deal after saying that she'd made a mistake by no dealing £20,000

20 - Graham - 1p :D

Sylvia says Graham was moist :shock: :lol:

16 - Sarah - £5,000

Noel says it's fine as now she can't take both of the top 2 out...

Noel says there's no pressure now on Clive :P

3 - Clive - Sylvia's grandson - £750

Banker time...

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:04 
johnr wrote:
£26k is coming up if this is a half decent round...

It's gonna be a lot more than £26K now. Probably close to double that.

Last edited by Simon F on Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:04, edited 1 time in total.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:04 
THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:05 
The board is now:

£50 / £500 / £1k / £100k / £250k

The banker says this will be a disappointment as Sylvia's daughters let slip earlier that Sylvia would be happy to deal at £20k :shock:

Banker's offer


Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:05 
Sylvia DEALS :D

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:05 
Same as yesterday but the offer is nowhere near the mean today.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:06 
Simon F wrote:
Oh the advantages of knowing whose playing before the show even starts.
An older contestant might mean we get a more cautious game but that's not always the case.

Let's hope caution is the right thing to do today. I suspect it might not be but surely we can't have 3 dream rounds in a row.

Last edited by Simon F on Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:07, edited 1 time in total.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:07 
Wow, 3 shows in a row with winnings in excess of £30,000! :D
Let's hope the trend continues tomorrow.
Well done Sylvia.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:08 
...THIS IS NO LONGER AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:08 
Proveout now... Noel says it takes a lot of courage to turn down your target, and says well done to Sylvia. Noel says this is one of the oddest games ever, and Sylvia says well it's memorable - Noel is trying to say that she may have made a mistake and Sylvia interrupts him and says he's having a turn and we should ignore him!!!! :lol:

19 - Dawn - £500

"NO" says Noel and he argues with whoever clapped

22 - Graham - £50

"NO NO NO" says Noel... and he talks about squandering the £250k...

10 - Jenna - £1,000 :shock:

Banker time with £100,000 and £250,000 remaining

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:08 

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:08 

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:08 
Oh my word!

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:08 
Banker's offer would've been

Solid gold spade and £170,000

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:08 
Oh my god, I haven't seen this scenario for ages :shock:

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:09 
Sylvia bursts out laughing and asks if she can rewind :P Noel is trying to rub it in about how she went too soon but she doesn't seem to care :P She says she'd have gone all the way...

Noel opens Sylvia's box 5 and reveals £250,000 :shock:

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:10 
YET again... another player blew the chance at £250,000. Oh dear, oh dear.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:10 
well speaking of bad luck in the end...

well done with 30,000 pounds...

I would have also dealt at that point.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:10 
Oh no!!!!! :?

It was still brave of Sylvia to go to 5 box so she should have no regrets.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:12 
3 games this week - 3 players choosing a power 5 box and then hitting the 1 in 10 dream round at the round of 5.

There's suddenly some good luck this week.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:12 
The other box - box 14 - XXXX - £100,000

Sylvia says it's alright :-D

Noel says there is more as it's Christmas

Paul O'Grady comes on the gameboard screen and congratulates Sylvia for going on DOND - he'll be giving her two tickets to see Crufts in March. She says she likes POG and watches the show everyday after DOND. Noel says she'll also be getting a POG Nodding Buster :P :P She gets some other treats including a visit to a dog borstel.

Betty who is Elizabeth Richards, comes on and presents Sylvia with the DOND Christmas Star award and the credits roll. Sylvia says to her, £33k is an awful amount of money and she's enjoyed every single moment of it and she's really had a good day. She wishes everyone a very happy Christmas and propserous New Year :-D

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:12 
rico7 wrote:
Oh no!!!!! :?

It was still brave of Sylvia to go to 5 box so she should have no regrets.

No regrets?? Umm, she could have been the second person to win £250,000!!

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:15 
These shows are immense television. I refused to add to Bridget's thread yesterday so full was it of cynical ignorance but her show was perfection. Today's show was funny, touching and amazing in equal measure.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:17 
Someone should do a merge video of Donnas game and Sylvias game and compare their attitudes at the climax :lol:

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:26 
What a brilliant show that was - possibly December's show of the month for me! She was a great character and the fact she said Noel was having one of his turns when he started going on about squandering the £250k was brilliant. :P Well done to her and I hope she enjoys the money!

I think this would've been a better game to put on Christmas Eve, personally... slotted away in a 3:25 slot on Boxing Day means it probably won't have got as many viewers when it deserved to get more!! :(

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:26 
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, it could easily have gone the other way and she would then be regretting not taking the £33,000.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:27 
Mark wrote:
rico7 wrote:
Oh no!!!!! :?

It was still brave of Sylvia to go to 5 box so she should have no regrets.

No regrets?? Umm, she could have been the second person to win £250,000!!

But she has £33,000 that she didn't have at the start of the game....

I wouldn't regret that :P

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:28 
Just to clarify that my last post was posted after round 6 had ended, not after she dealt...

These last few shows have been some of the most extraordinary shows in recent memory, and Sylvia's today was no exception. These are exactly the kind of contestants we need on the regular show - no crying, no miserableness, no £16,500 Deals, just non-stop entertaining contestants who are playing the game and enjoying every second. Sylvia today was hilarious, an amazingly entertaining contestant, and while she did miss out on a surely easy £250,000 win, it was easy to take out the top two in one round (or even just one of them) so I can see why she dealt. I'm just glad it wasn't a trainwreck!

Well done Sylvia, let's see if tomorrow's contestant has a power 5 in their box as well!

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:36 
h2005 wrote:
I think this would've been a better game to put on Christmas Eve, personally... slotted away in a 3:25 slot on Boxing Day means it probably won't have got as many viewers when it deserved to get more!! :(

Perhaps they tucked it today as she had the top two final pair and had £250,000 on the table? Who knows? I can confirm that if they were in recorded order, we would've seen Sylvia either tomorrow, Friday or Saturday.

On the same subject, here are the "overnights" rating on the last two shows.

Alan's game (Christmas Eve) 2.48m (11.9%)
Shrek The Halls 7.31m (29.9%)
DoND was Channel 4's biggest rated show on the day.

Bridget's game (Christmas Day) 1.8m (9.4%)
The Polar Express 2.4m (12.5%)
Shrek 2 9.1m (50.8%)
DoND was also Channel 4's biggest rated show on the day and by a mile. The Simpsons which preceded DoND had 1 million.

Going back to Sylvia's game. Did anybody think her Christmas Star surprises were very poor to the surprises that were given to Alan and Bridget? All she had was a trip to Dog Borstal and to see Crufts.

Last edited by travis P on Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:41, edited 2 times in total.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:39 
And being cynical all three players have had big reds on the table coincidence or what well done anyway

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:39 
redrum666 wrote:
Mark wrote:
rico7 wrote:
Oh no!!!!! :?

It was still brave of Sylvia to go to 5 box so she should have no regrets.

No regrets?? Umm, she could have been the second person to win £250,000!!

But she has £33,000 that she didn't have at the start of the game....

I wouldn't regret that :P

Exactly it's still a great sum of money, but the point is that you have to be true to yourself and make the right decision for you so in that sense you should have no regrets regardless
of the outcome.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:43 
I've just thought of something. These shows were filmed at the end of November when they were filming shows to be screened in January / February, I think. No doubt Noel hyped up the £250k not coming to the table for ages, but if it doesn't come again until January, Noel will be talking about how it hasn't come for months and months... when actually it did come in December (today's show) but they didn't know as these shows were recorded after the January shows were recorded! I think some editing will need to be done...

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:46 
Suezan wrote:
And being cynical all three players have had big reds on the table coincidence or what well done anyway

I think it was coincidence for their games, but not a coincidence that those shows were chosen to be put on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day as we don't hear any mention of what day it is on the shows.
So no "merry Christmas hope you're having a great day" from Noel yesterday. :(

My concern is that we might have seen the best half of the Christmas Stars week in terms of the outcomes, and might have to brace ourselves for some traincrashes or relatively mediocre results tomorrow through to Saturday. :? I hope I'm wrong. :)

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 17:52 
£120K winnings in 3 day is pretty good (even though there's been £375K brought to the table).

Maybe being a one-off player helps in these circumstances in dealing with the fact that she had the £250K in her box.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 18:20 

I don't think ANYBODY was expecting another Power 5 box to come to the table, never mind the perfect finish!

Oh well...another good win nevertheless!

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 18:39 
Good win but oh dear it's fueling my suspicions, I'm probably a sadist but would almost like to see 1 trainwreck over the next 3 shows.

i wasn't really surprised when the 1K went today.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 18:53 
Well Sylvia was definitely the best character that's been on the show in a while. I still couldn't quite get into the game as much as I would a normal one (I think the fact that these players have just shown up for the day, rather than being there for weeks beforehand, means that it doesn't seem to mean quite as much to them and that leads to less tension in the overall game), but I thought it was great that she wasn't just a stereotypical "do-gooder" type character and had a really entertaining sense of humour. The worst result so far this week but my favourite game.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 19:13 
What an amazing game!!! These Christmas Star shows are excellent and the complete opposite of what I expected. 33k is a lot of money , and so many players have had trainwrecks from her position. I just realized 100k/250k now took the record for Most Popular 250k finish!!! :shock:

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 20:05 
She did say #5 meant nothing to her, so I'm willing to believe for now that this is just a coincidence.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 20:15 
Ahh yes just read the commentary - random system so I apologise for earlier remarks.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 20:34 
I really enjoyed today's game. Sylvia was a great character and so were some of her box openers plus Noel and the Banker were on good form too resulting in a really entertaining game which could of so nearly produced our 2nd £250,000 winner. But well done on £33,000 Slyvia and for a great game.

Here are just a couple of qoutes that I enjoyed from today.

Shelia to Noel at beginning - Why didn't you say start?

Shelia B to Noel - I'm a bit clammy.

John - She do look after the dogs but they do die.

Sylvia on her burying her dogs - Only when they're dead.

Noel - You've failed to poison her and the family (Sheena).
Sylvia - I tried.
Noel - Over how many years...Did you say you tried!

Slyvia to Sheena later on - Just don't eat the next cake I send.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 21:28 
The first game this week that i have seen and here's my verdict:

I tried to get into it, i really did but i couldn't. The spark that the normal games have towards me just wasn't there. It seems i need to know more about a player/have seen them before their game to actually enjoy a person's game. So, if i don't see anymore of these games this week, then i won't be overly worried.

When there were doubts on here whether DOND had lost its touch, i said no...however, if the show was done like this all the time then i would have lost interest ages ago.

Well done to her for getting £33,000 though, a nice amount of money but she could have had more.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 22:56 
Hmm my suspicions were confirmed today ! 3 power 5s on the table in a row all from hand picked boxes.
Still a deliughtful Ladie and 33K will serve her well but I just knew in my heart one of the big two was in he box.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 23:27 
SrWilson wrote:
Hmm my suspicions were confirmed today ! 3 power 5s on the table in a row all from hand picked boxes.
Still a deliughtful Ladie and 33K will serve her well but I just knew in my heart one of the big two was in he box.

You can't say they were in a row. The order of transmission isn't the order the epiosdes were filmed. Because of the lack of need for continuity, the shows have been shown in a different order (hence the £50K OPW being shown on Christmas Day)

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 00:46 
Just thought I'd chip in with my comments about the Christmas Star Week so far. Overall, a lot better than I expected, they seem to have found quite likeable characters that won't burst into tears every few minutes or play the sob story card, which I was fearing of these shows before they started. However, I don't feel a lot of connection with the player, as I feel you don't get to know them enough as would usually be the case, and some of the aspects of the show such as wing banter and contestants gaining reputations is largely non-existent. It rather has a feel of an extended family fortunes, and it's far too jolly as a result. Anyway, something about the atmosphere isn't quite right.

The games this week have been superb money-wise though, even though part of me at the moment is thinking that they're getting them to choose a high red at the beginning (£75k, £50k, £250k...). However, I'd have been more suspicious if everyone had chosen box 7...

All the games have so far involved mid-game collapses, leaving 2 high values at round-of-8, and then effectively having 6 perfect boxes, surely that luck can't continue...

Although, having said that, they are being shown out of sequence, which might well mean that we have a few mediocre/ disaster games to finish the week. Hope not, though!

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 01:05 
Simon F wrote:
SrWilson wrote:
Hmm my suspicions were confirmed today ! 3 power 5s on the table in a row all from hand picked boxes.
Still a deliughtful Ladie and 33K will serve her well but I just knew in my heart one of the big two was in he box.

You can't say they were in a row. The order of transmission isn't the order the epiosdes were filmed. Because of the lack of need for continuity, the shows have been shown in a different order (hence the £50K OPW being shown on Christmas Day)

Yes but if all the remaning games have power 5s on the table then you cannot deny something is a bit fishy.
Its like to gurantee a good payout.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 01:08 
Big-Davey wrote:

I don't think ANYBODY was expecting another Power 5 box to come to the table, never mind the perfect finish!

Oh well...another good win nevertheless!

I was but I was thinking 100k!

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 14:16 
SrWilson wrote:
Simon F wrote:
SrWilson wrote:
Hmm my suspicions were confirmed today ! 3 power 5s on the table in a row all from hand picked boxes.
Still a deliughtful Ladie and 33K will serve her well but I just knew in my heart one of the big two was in he box.

You can't say they were in a row. The order of transmission isn't the order the epiosdes were filmed. Because of the lack of need for continuity, the shows have been shown in a different order (hence the £50K OPW being shown on Christmas Day)

Yes but if all the remaning games have power 5s on the table then you cannot deny something is a bit fishy.
Its like to gurantee a good payout.

If 6 people this week all pick power 5 boxes then I'll concede it will be very fishy but there's 3 shows left still.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 17:31 
She now joins the other 19 people who could've been QM winners! :(

Jennifer had a similar board like this, but she carried on and the QM was still in play, so it pays to go on, even if the two biggies are exposed!

And she's now the 6th person to create the dream final two... :(

When will someone ever do this without saying DEAL? :?

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 15:57 
Wow! I loved Sylvia was fantastic! I wish she was actually on the wings in the normal shows. Have you noticed the banter is becoming more and more common as the shows go on?

So what she was left with the £100k and the £250k. She didn't know what was in the boxes! It could have gone completely the other way.

Well done and enjoy the cash and the pressies! :D

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 19:32 
I have only just finished watching this show (as usual I am having a catch-up!).

1. It was a shock to me that Sylvia dealt for 33K with the two biggies remaining, particularly considering it was clear she had already decided to ignore her pre-show target. I can honestly say, even with hindsight, that I would have no-dealt at 5 boxes, and 2.

2. Sylvia was a great laugh, not really a sob story like the last two shows - more an animal welfare sort of thing. I reckon Sylvia would have been picked even if she had been auditioned for a normal show.

3. Like other posters I have been suspicious of the format since the first show. It would be easy for the producers to find out from friends and family what box number(s) the contestant would be likely to pick. No mention of the Independant Adjudicator raises my suspicion, but hey, these people deserve to do well, so who really cares!

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 17:15 
This was the only one so far that seemed to me like a real show, because they got into it and it wasn't awkward. And she was a star. God I think she was great.

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