After a request for the spreadsheet that does the stats in the Today's Show forum, I've decided to upload the spreadsheet for all to use.
There are five pages in the spreadsheet; Progress, Graphs, Averages, Predictions and Stats.
The progress page lets you track a player's progress in the game, and a graph shows you what's happening at each stage of the game.
There are eight columns on the page, which are for the average, offers, minimum win (required to calculate the offer percentage), score (balance between blues and reds), median, two box median, five box median (optional, but interesting) and the fair deal amount. If you only want basic stats, you can use the first three columns.
The yellow backgrounds show which cells are to be updated as the game progresses. On the left hand side, when you change the number next to an amount to 0, the amount disappears and the stats change.
When you reach the end of a round, copy the numbers below the two large yellow blocks into the blocks on one line. The offers are the only column that you have to listen for, as the spreadsheet provides the rest.
When you have typed in the amounts for a round, you can look at the stats on the Stats page. If you want to do the stats for a game, select the stats and copy and paste them into your web browser. A few slight changes may be needed to get the appearance right, and additional whitespace added by the spreadsheet is removed when posting.
There's graphs for the Score and Offer %, and a large graph for the Averages. On the Predictions page is a large number of calculations. They're used to make the different box medians, and the highest future average stat.
So, what are you waiting for? Download it now!
Dond Spreadsheet (OpenOffice)
Dond Spreadsheet (Excel)
The spreadsheet was made in OpenOffice, so if there's problems in Excel, or bugs in the spreadsheet, then let me know and I'll create an updated version.