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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:48 pm    Author: Zeddie    Post subject: 30/06/07 Matt (Originally 26/09/06)

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Matt's game today :D

Should be exciting, for anyone who hasn't seen it!

Original topic here:

Matt has Box 2. :)




PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:53 pm    Author: Zeddie    Post subject:

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I won't do commentary, since it's all in the other topic.



Simon F

PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:02 pm    Author: Simon F    Post subject:
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I'm surprised they didn't remove the vote reminder in the break link as there aren't any more classic shows to vote on until after the summer break.



PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:26 pm    Author: Zeddie    Post subject:

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See. This is why I was rather annoyed at Matt by the end of the game.

He swapped away Box 2...

He swapped away £50,000...

Also, Swappy Barbara was in his game. She must've been thinking "Haha, I'm gunna beat Matt!"


...or maybe just "I've had blue."




PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:55 pm    Author: Billy    Post subject:
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A turning point in the show's history. Since near the end of the first season we'd gone into a quiet period for the show, no blue chants, no 'COME ON's, no holding hands...and in Matt's game they all came back at once. I was watching some mid-September shows recently and was really surprised how quite slow and calm the atmosphere was, this game was a real break from the norm at the time and it felt like it was June all over again (this was one of the first shows recorded in that month, which perhaps explains it). Although with a game like that I'm not surprised! Very very painful at the end, though, especially as Noel walks up to the box and is about to open it and then the Banker phones. Definitely one of the best games ever had he got that OPW!

They also all applauded Matt after Noel said good luck. I know that's standard now but does anyone know when it came in? It wasn't there in Khanny's game which was a few shows before, Matt's may have even been the first one they did it in.

The lineup on the wings was also absolutely awesome.

And I had to capture a picture of that second round board, we'll probably see something like it around 2012 time!

Really wish they'd kept in Harry's LTL voiceover, though, it was the best ever. It survived in the subtitles but they don't do it justice!

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 6:25 pm    Author: James1978    Post subject:

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It seems weird seeing Harry standing in the east wing, in fact I think nobody since him has stood in two different positions! :)


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 6:28 pm    Author: Power5    Post subject:
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Yeah that confused me a bit for a second, seeing him stood next to Swappy Barbara...

Who else has been on both wings? Bearded James, Nessie, Joseph, Elaine H was it from the very early days?

Oh and five others, guess I need to update this!



PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 6:33 pm    Author: Qwerty    Post subject:

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Power5 wrote:
Yeah that confused me a bit for a second, seeing him stood next to Swappy Barbara...

Who else has been on both wings? Bearded James, Nessie, Joseph, Elaine H was it from the very early days?

Yeah, think you've named them all there. Elaine H was an odd one, replacing Adrienne who had a fall in Oli's game, then not appearing at all in Dilys' game, before becoming a permanent player in Paul (1)'s game.

Can't believe it's been a whole year since Kathleen! took the Walk of Wealth and won £45,000!

Thanks to kestral, daniel4389, Tugger, Billy et al who have helped build my image library for these:



PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 7:41 pm    Author: SrWilson    Post subject:
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ah a memorable game and what a silly billy for swapping the box when theres seriously big money involved swapping NEVER works, You should NEVER do it.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 7:47 pm    Author: Zeddie    Post subject:

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SrWilson wrote:
ah a memorable game and what a silly billy for swapping the box when theres seriously big money involved swapping NEVER works, You should NEVER do it.

Umm.... no.

Morris should've swapped.
Kirsty should've swapped.





PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:03 pm    Author: SrWilson    Post subject:
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Yes but they knew how much it would kill them especially morris had they GIVEN THE 250K AWAY which is why they stuck to their guns.

Yes it would have been the right call to swap and to be honest with Kirsty I wish she had since she had box 22 and 22 had the 250k the game before.
I know its random but the odds dictated it was probably in the other box.

But they both knew how much it woulda hurt em had they swapped and they got it wrong.
Matt shoulda stuck, lucky numbers never work whenever a swap has been made involving the power 5 its always been them giving it away and they cry about it its their own fault you should never swap end of.

My favorite was swappy Barbara I didnt like her at all and everyone was saying don't swap don't swap and then she said im gonna swap towering arrogance she knows better than everyone else and she gave away £99.000 LOL! The thing is as well and im sure most people here felt it she was gonna go away with 1k as soon as she said swap.

Matt was same oh its my lucky number ill swap I thought your going home with 5k and low and behold yes he gave it away if only people were not so stupid and just stuck with the box they chosen since the beggining and realised its not gonna hurt half as much to never have it than to give it away then Matt woulda got 50k. Or even if his box originally had only had the 5k im sure he would not have bawled his eyes out like he did.

When its smaller amounts fine but when your talking Low reds 1k 5k vs a power 5 its really not a good idea.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:12 pm    Author: Power5    Post subject:
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While mathematically it's equally likely to be the right decision to swap or not swap, I would certainly feel worse to have given away a big amount that had been sat in front of me all game.

If, however, you had made the decision before the game that you were going to swap for a certain box number whatever happened (as long as the Banker offered it) then I suppose that's effectively "your box" throughout and you wouldn't have any regrets.

Oh and five others, guess I need to update this!



PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:16 pm    Author: Zeddie    Post subject:

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I'm all for the swap, provided it doesn't mean swapping away Box 2. But Matt swapped away Box 2 :(




PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:37 pm    Author: SrWilson    Post subject:
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But so many of them as we have seen decide to swap in the last minute and it always costs them well as far as the power 5 are concerned.

I suppose the biggest swap balls up in terms of pre decided what box you wanted was PJ he adamently wanted box 4 but still look what happened gave away 75k for 1p.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:39 pm    Author: SrWilson    Post subject:
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On a side note though am I the only who who HATES Hypothetical swaps? it screws up the result as if they really did or did not beat the banker.
Although I always base the result on the box they had in play that they sold.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:43 pm    Author: Lewis246    Post subject:

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No, I hate the hypothetical swaps as well.



PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:47 pm    Author: SrWilson    Post subject:
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Ah good, the one that makes me cringe the most is Bunneys he clearly sold a 20k box for 110K but he said he would have swapped had he gone on so noel swaps the boxes over and it has the 250K and noel is all like OMG you could have been a quarter millionaire and talking it like a loss and some people even reported that Bunney lost that game, absolute Nonsense.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:49 pm    Author: alexandercbrown    Post subject:

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SrWilson wrote:
Ah good, the one that makes me cringe the most is Bunneys he clearly sold a 20k box for 110K but he said he would have swapped had he gone on so noel swaps the boxes over and it has the 250K and noel is all like OMG you could have been a quarter millionaire and talking it like a loss and some people even reported that Bunney lost that game, absolute Nonsense.

nev's one was even more silly after he'd dealt 2 rounds earlier for 41K.
It's noel's attitude during these swaps that annoys me. i.e Nigel and rich were disasters but Kev won?

I also hate mid game swaps because people usually don't have the courage to go to the end with that box and/or open the one they swapped away so whats the point in swapping in the first place?

Back to the discussion anyway. Sometimes people should have swapped but take Penny for example. She was in a similar position to Matt with 5K vs 75K and a 28K offer but recognised that is was 50/50 so she didn't bother swapping and didn't seem too gutted when her own box had the lower amount of 5K.



PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 10:09 pm    Author: SrWilson    Post subject:
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Your right about Nevs that was ridiculus too.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:40 am    Author: James1978    Post subject:

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The way I see it, if you play to the end and take the contents of the box that's been in front of you from the start, and it's the lower amount left in play, then your "loss" if the difference between the highest offer and the box contents (for instance, April Penny lost 23k due to her no-dealing 28k and winning the 5k that was in her box).

If you swap at the end, and win the lower amount, then I see the loss as being the difference between the original box and the swapped box (so therefore Matt's loss was 45k and Barbara's was a whopping 99k, rather than only 21k if she'd had the lower amount all along).

I'd only ever consider swapping on an all-blue last pair, or with 2 amounts that were close to each other, so I could live with giving the higher one away (such as Bearded Gary)....


"22 identical sealed boxes, and no questions except a poor deal for an easy few thousand or be brave and win a blue!"

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