This show certainly had a HUGE build up, but did it live up to expectations? For the overall feel of it – the contestants dressed up, the ex-contestants in the audience, the anticipation at the start of who would play and how exactly that player would be chosen – yes it did live up to expectations. However, what was a little disappointing was I was expecting there to be more behind-the-scenes stuff and I was expecting Noel to talk to more of the ex-contestants in the audience, and perhaps maybe even have a few Hall of Fame style video clips, at least during the breaks.
The game itself, whilst this is obviously uncontrollable, was quite bizarre in that she seemed to hit the highest and lowest number remaining in each round, to the extent of knocking out the £500k and 1p as the first 2 boxes in round 1, and knocking out the £250k and 10p in round 2!
It was nice to see the contestants get £500 each and each ex-contestant getting a bottle of champagne as the 1p was found in the first round, but part of the fun of the £500k shows is to see how the offers differ and it also makes it interesting how the player will react to these inflated offers and whether they will get seduced by the sight of the £500k on the board. I feel a bit like Wakey saying this, but I’m going to say it anyway – I think for a £500k game, we do need a huge gambler to get maximum potential out of it, but on the other hand, we don’t particularly want to see a trainwreck on a special show so maybe it’s better to have a more cautious player for such a show.
Annie played the game well and I really didn’t think she’d get as much as £10,000 out of it when it looked as though the game was just slowly falling apart when she kept hitting the big ones in each round, and I never thought it’d be an OPW – the first since Eric which was nearly two weeks ago, so well done Annie and enjoy the money!
Happy 500 to DOND and here’s to the next 500! Long may this forum and the show itself continue!