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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:04 pm    Author: SrWilson    Post subject:
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Agreed you cannot attack them abusivly and have to respect their decisions but theres nothing wrong with stating why you feel it was not a good one and was a waste in the way the game was going.

Targetism = HUMILIATION!!!

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:51 pm    Author: J.R.    Post subject:
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To basicasic, wakey and others like them:

You know what? I am getting really tried of you fanb0iz crying and moaning every single time someone doesn't play the game the way you want them too.

Every single time some deals early and doesn't achieve the perfect proveout, it seems to trigger a 20 page whinefest where all the "ZOMG NO DEAL!!!!!!!!!1111111oneoneonone" kids hurl personal attacks and insults at the contestant, whose only "crime" was accepting a REAL CASH offer in fear of losing everything and several weeks of their lives. And when someone here tries to reason with you all, you seem fit to throw flames at them too. Believe it or not, some people don't want to change their lives and are happy to walk away with a smallish guaranteed pocket change.

I'm so sorry you guys don't get an opportunity everyday to bounce up and down in your chairs at the sight of a gigantic gamble and huge payday. This show isn't here to service a couple dozen crazed fans with gambling issues. "Deal or No Deal" exists to entertain the public for 45 mins and the ratings reflect this. I highly doubt millions of people are going to stop watching just because someone didn't play perfectly.

Some of you people's obsession with this show is really disturbing. Your lives shouldn't revolve around a GAME SHOW, for crying out loud!

Just sit back and and enjoy it like the rest of us! If you're entertained when it's over, then the show has done it's job, regardless of how much cash is given away.

I'm sorry for this angry rant, but this has been annoying me for a while.


Last edited by J.R. on Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:21 am, edited 1 time in total.



PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:04 am    Author: Billy    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:09 am    Author: KP    Post subject:
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Totally agreed.

If you don't like it, stop watching. I did for a while, have intermittently come back to it, and have mostly been entertained except when Noel has acted like one of those 'fanb0iz'.

Back to today. I certainly wouldn't have done what he did, but can see the thought processes behind the decision. Ditto Kathleen. And in each case, another 25% on the offer and I'd be seriously considering it.

I might start listing the lowest offer I'd definitely Deal and the highest offer I'd definitely No Deal for all the big decisions in future...

Champion of RTaB S6, creator of unorthodox DoND rulesets, and founder member of #teambat.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:12 am    Author: Danielj    Post subject:
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Like Rita he delt at 3rd offer to do something insprational.

Shopping list and didnt come to play the game board :(

Last edited by Danielj on Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.



PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:13 am    Author: Maud    Post subject:
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J.R. wrote:
To basicasic, wakey and others like them:

You know what? I am getting really tried of you fanb0iz crying and moaning every single time someone doesn't play the game the way you want them too.

Every single time some deals early and doesn't achieve the perfect proveout, it seems to trigger a 20 page whinefest where all the "ZOMG NO DEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!111oneoneonone" kids hurl personal attacks and insults at the contestant, whose only "crime" was accepting a REAL CASH offer in fear of losing everything and several weeks of their lives. And when someone here tries to reason with you all, you seem fit to throw flames at them too. Believe it or not, some people don't want to change their lives and are happy to walk away with a smallish guaranteed pocket change.

I'm so sorry you guys don't get an opportunity everyday to bounce up and down in your chairs at the sight of a gigantic gamble and huge payday. This show isn't here to service a couple dozen crazed fans with gambling issues. "Deal or No Deal" exists to entertain the public for 45 mins and the ratings reflect this. I highly doubt millions of people are going to stop watching just because someone didn't play perfectly.

Some of you people's obsession with this show is really disturbing. Your lives shouldn't revolve around a GAME SHOW, for crying out loud!

Just sit back and and enjoy it like the rest of us! If you're entertained when it's over, then the show has done it's job, regardless of how much cash is given away.

I'm sorry for this angry rant, but this has been annoying me for a while.

AGREED well said Joe sweetie

Proud giver of Maudy hugs to Daisy



PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:28 am    Author: Will    Post subject:
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£15k was good money, and he only went one deal too soon. I've seen plenty of people crash and burn after a good third offer so I say fair play to Mark.




PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:30 am    Author: KP    Post subject:
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Danielj wrote:
Like Rita he delt at 3rd offer to do something insprational.

Shopping list and didnt come to play the game board :(

:( from the perspective of some viewers maybe, but completely understandable and I for one have no complaints.

Today was probably exactly the wrong time for that kind of game to happen - we needed some of these in January instead...

Champion of RTaB S6, creator of unorthodox DoND rulesets, and founder member of #teambat.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:32 am    Author: CrazyChair    Post subject:

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I wasn't particularly surprised by the deal today. When Mark was talking about his father, I was reminded of Rita (the one with the short, black hair) and her ambition. After that, I kind of suspected Mark would deal once he was offered enough to fulfil his ambiton. £12,500 is an awful lot of money to gamble and perhaps win 1p, so he did the sensible thing and took the cash. I'm quite annoyed about all this talk about Steve's game though. Steve seemed a nice guy and it was a shame about his result, but it doesn't mean to say that all games will pan out like that.



PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:48 am    Author: basicasic    Post subject:
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J.R. wrote:
I'm so sorry you guys don't get an opportunity everyday to bounce up and down in your chairs at the sight of a gigantic gamble and huge payday.

The way things are I think I'd settle for bouncing up and down in my chair once a month at the sight of gigantic gamble and huge payday. They are such a rarity thats its highly frustrating when opportunities do arise but are missed.




PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:03 am    Author: SrWilson    Post subject:
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I still really wonder what kind of jobs half these contestants have when I keep hearing people say OMG I never seen 6k in my life I mean especially when its a middle aged or older person I mean ARE THEY SERIOUS? I think they should re evaluate their jobs if they never see money like that in their lifetimes.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 2:11 pm    Author: JO!    Post subject:
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well done mark great game, the £250,000 seems to be staying on the board until the end lately!



PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 3:51 pm    Author: Big-Davey    Post subject:
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JO! wrote:
well done mark great game, the £250,000 seems to be staying on the board until the end lately!

And yet still hasn't come to the table!

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Aaron Brock

PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 5:26 pm    Author: Aaron Brock    Post subject:

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Ok, J.R. I know that the money is the right decision for them, but, if anyone else further gets chosen to play, one piece of advice. IT'S A GAMESHOW FOR GAMBLING.

An acceptable 3rd offer deal for me will be one of these points.

1. Large offer (Thinking £20-25k+)
2. Unstable board
3. Why they really need the money, not just want it
4. They play their own game

It's their life, it's their money, I can't change that. What players need to realise is that there can be a great game. They're not all *beep* (which in this period, isn't entirely helping) and they think about previous games. "I've seen games crash and burn" That is so annoying, anyone agree? It can happen, but why d they point out all the negative stuff?

J.R., us Wakeyists are just waiting for hope that one person, a gambler, and the boxes go in their favour, will win a huge amount of money. It's those people who deserve the people. Those people who will not bail out after a game has crashed. Those people who bring positivity to the show and it's contestants. Those people who focus on their game and how they want to play it. Those people with no target. Yes, there are some circumstances where there could be ridiculous No Deals e.g. Graeme, Hilary and Lynne.

Positivity is one major element of big money wins. Yes, there could be a £50,000 third offer, but, unlikely. Luck, Positivity and Guts are needed for Deal or No Deal. Deal or No Deal seriously needs the boxes to go in he players' favour, or people who have recently started watching will think it's rubbish 'cause no-one wins a large sum of money. And that is what we need. Big wins, gamblers and characters. For now, the show is at a real low, unfortunately.

So 3rd offer deals...can go either way, I s'pose. In Rita's case, I understood, in which case, I never got stressed out. But people like Melanie, who get influenced by others, and Mark who had negative feelings, and Anne-Marie, for...why did she deal again? I'm getting off topic here. Us Wakeyists need to see a decent game, now Rodney seems miles away...

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 6:11 pm    Author: Power5    Post subject:
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basicasic wrote:
That's fair enough. And yet another no-dealer gets hounded off the site. There is no question of starting up a 'nasty' forum but if I did why would I be bothered whether any contestants signed up or not. Once they've played their game I couldn't care less if I ever saw them again.

Nobody's trying to hound people off the site. I have to admit that I see your point on occasions, and that some of your posts can be interesting and thought-provoking. But if you want to make your point in quite such a forceful manner, I'd suggest there are other sites where that may be better received than it is on here.

And while you may not be interested yourself in what the contestants have to say, remember that many of us on here are. I believe Mark is a member here, I'd be very interested to hear his views on his game and the decision he made, but I doubt he will return after everything that's been said!

Oh and five others, guess I need to update this!



PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 7:21 pm    Author: redrum666    Post subject:
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Basicasic, no dealers are hounded off the site when they act like spoilt little brats!

If someone is a 'no-dealer' then by all means say so but a lot of no-dealers seem to come with a personality deficit that means they have to abuse and slander any contestant who deals when they want to. Most no-dealers seem incapable to respect a player's decision at all

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 7:49 pm    Author: Power5    Post subject:
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redrum666 wrote:
Basicasic, no dealers are hounded off the site when they act like spoilt little brats!

If someone is a 'no-dealer' then by all means say so but a lot of no-dealers seem to come with a personality deficit that means they have to abuse and slander any contestant who deals when they want to. Most no-dealers seem incapable to respect a player's decision at all

That's exactly the point, I think people like Aaron deserve some credit here, he's a definite Wakeyist but has managed to put his point forward without resorting to insults. His post above should be an example to others, some of whom are at least twice his age!

Oh and five others, guess I need to update this!



PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:54 pm    Author: basicasic    Post subject:
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redrum666 wrote:
Basicasic, no dealers are hounded off the site when they act like spoilt little brats!

If someone is a 'no-dealer' then by all means say so but a lot of no-dealers seem to come with a personality deficit that means they have to abuse and slander any contestant who deals when they want to. Most no-dealers seem incapable to respect a player's decision at all

Yesterday's show. Yesterday's argument. Get over it.




PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 1:49 pm    Author: redrum666    Post subject:
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basicasic wrote:
redrum666 wrote:
Basicasic, no dealers are hounded off the site when they act like spoilt little brats!

If someone is a 'no-dealer' then by all means say so but a lot of no-dealers seem to come with a personality deficit that means they have to abuse and slander any contestant who deals when they want to. Most no-dealers seem incapable to respect a player's decision at all

Yesterday's show. Yesterday's argument. Get over it.

Erm... reading it today. Makes it today's argument. Get over yourself.

I'm not the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's son, I'm only plucking pheasants till the pheasant plucker comes.



PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 1:51 pm    Author: redrum666    Post subject:
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Power5 wrote:
redrum666 wrote:
Basicasic, no dealers are hounded off the site when they act like spoilt little brats!

If someone is a 'no-dealer' then by all means say so but a lot of no-dealers seem to come with a personality deficit that means they have to abuse and slander any contestant who deals when they want to. Most no-dealers seem incapable to respect a player's decision at all

That's exactly the point, I think people like Aaron deserve some credit here, he's a definite Wakeyist but has managed to put his point forward without resorting to insults. His post above should be an example to others, some of whom are at least twice his age!

I totally agree. There are the odd few, like Aaron, who can respect a decision as they probably understand the importance of money. The others probably do too, but are just incapable of admitting it. And, in all fairness to Basicasic, he's never actually insulted a player in the way Wakey has done, but he can be a bit...harsh at times.

I'm not the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's son, I'm only plucking pheasants till the pheasant plucker comes.

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