Ok, J.R. I know that the money is the right decision for them, but, if anyone else further gets chosen to play, one piece of advice. IT'S A GAMESHOW FOR GAMBLING.
An acceptable 3rd offer deal for me will be one of these points.
1. Large offer (Thinking £20-25k+)
2. Unstable board
3. Why they really need the money, not just want it
4. They play their own game
It's their life, it's their money, I can't change that. What players need to realise is that there can be a great game. They're not all *beep* (which in this period, isn't entirely helping) and they think about previous games. "I've seen games crash and burn" That is so annoying, anyone agree? It can happen, but why d they point out all the negative stuff?
J.R., us Wakeyists are just waiting for hope that one person, a gambler, and the boxes go in their favour, will win a huge amount of money. It's those people who deserve the people. Those people who will not bail out after a game has crashed. Those people who bring positivity to the show and it's contestants. Those people who focus on their game and how they want to play it. Those people with no target. Yes, there are some circumstances where there could be ridiculous No Deals e.g. Graeme, Hilary and Lynne.
Positivity is one major element of big money wins. Yes, there could be a £50,000 third offer, but, unlikely. Luck, Positivity and Guts are needed for Deal or No Deal. Deal or No Deal seriously needs the boxes to go in he players' favour, or people who have recently started watching will think it's rubbish 'cause no-one wins a large sum of money. And that is what we need. Big wins, gamblers and characters. For now, the show is at a real low, unfortunately.
So 3rd offer deals...can go either way, I s'pose. In Rita's case, I understood, in which case, I never got stressed out. But people like Melanie, who get influenced by others, and Mark who had negative feelings, and Anne-Marie, for...why did she deal again? I'm getting off topic here. Us Wakeyists need to see a decent game, now Rodney seems miles away...
_________________ Eurovision enthusiast and fellow member of #teambat.