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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:03 pm    Author: rico7    Post subject:
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I found it difficult to get into that game.
There seemed to be no offer worth taking not even at 5 box (£4,800).
The banker's lucky streak has continued. :?

I think Mac was correct to no deal every offer.



PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:37 pm    Author: daniel123    Post subject:
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george wrote:

This is the worst fortnight of DOND ever!

Sam - £750
Pippa - 50p
Adam - 1p
Jackee - £1,000
Manuel - £50
Mac - £100

In 9 games, 6 low wins (Dave, Eric and Michelle are the exceptions)

aah but in the 8 games before the summer break there were 3 1p wins, £100 win, a £250 win, and only 1 OPW.

So basically 5 blue wins out of 8 games, including 1px3.

whereas since pippa:

1 50p win
1 1p win
1 £1,000 win
1 £5 win
1 £100 win
and one TBW win of £15,000 that being michelle.

in comparison then i can prove that this was not the worst ever week/fortnight

by about a million miles george

anyway, another peak offer of less than £8,000....

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Dr. Hindsight

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:28 pm    Author: Dr. Hindsight    Post subject:

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What an unfortunate game. Box 7 appears to have had the 1p in it a few times recently. Earlier, it was actually won. Did anyone else notice that?

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:42 am    Author: James1978    Post subject:

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Mark77 wrote:
What an unfortunate game. Box 7 appears to have had the 1p in it a few times recently. Earlier, it was actually won. Did anyone else notice that?

But 7 had the £250,000 in Manuel's game!

These games are really making me feel sick at the moment! Just as though it seemed his luck was turning, the last box in each round was a body-blow. :(

And I would be SO disappointed if I got to the end with two of the most boring blues, and only get offered the box amount in between, instead of something like £42.50. ;-)

Mac actually reminded me of Ashok who had a remarkably similar game! :(


"22 identical sealed boxes, and no questions except a poor deal for an easy few thousand or be brave and win a blue!"



PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 9:59 am    Author: Big-Davey    Post subject:
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Well I for one was extremely disappointed to not see some plate smashing!

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 11:00 am    Author: ciderduck    Post subject:
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kestral wrote:
We're back
Last box before the banker
Noel says the banker is really worried that if Mac has the £250,000 he will go all the way and go for it....

8 - £250,000 :( NOEL!!!

Banker time

I do wish noel would keep his gob shut at times like this, its a complete scud when he says things like that :evil:



PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 11:23 am    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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Had I commented on Manuel's game earlier, I'd have written something like "Hopefully tomorrow's game will be better" or "Tomorrow's game has to turn things around"... luckily I didn't as we got Mac's game.

Yet again, the high numbers went early for Mac and he was left with a one-box game and then it fell apart from there. At least he managed to salvage £100 out of it!

Well done to him for an entertaining game, and well done to him for taking the bad luck so well! :(

Dare I say... "I hope today's game is better"? :shock: This week is turning out to be one of the worst ever so far - £16,105 is the running total and the current worst ever week was £33,054, so we need to get wins totalling over £30,000 today and Sunday if this week isn't going to be one of the worst ever! :(



PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 11:31 am    Author: basicasic    Post subject:
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Oh dear. What a trainwreck.

Unlike Manuel yesterday who I thought, given a chance, might have dealt Mac I reckon would have gone for it (had he had anything to go for).

Another dismally unlucky game but taken with fortitude and good spirit.


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