basicasic wrote:
I didn't see any signs that Noel didn't like him.
It was just the general atmosphere through the game that was odd - several other people who I spoke to thought the same as me.
basicasic wrote:
h2005 wrote:
Noel's attitude towards the end of the game was such that I got the impression he wanted Craig to go on and hit the blues so he could rub it in that he dealt too early
I bet 99% of the watching masses were wishing it too.
Why? I thought people in the studio were supposed to support the contestant.
basicasic wrote:
h2005 wrote:
If a contestant is young, female and good-looking, don't take them on a guilt trip. If they start crying, even be supportive. This also applies if they are old. If a contestant is male, take them on a guilt trip.
If a contestant is young male and good looking H will support them no matter how lame their game. If they deal way to early even be supportive. Pot and kettle spring to mind here.

Yeah, slight difference here - I'm a viewer and am entitled to think what the *beep* I want - whereas Noel is supposed to be a
neutral TV host. And before you say "Whoever said he's supposed to be neutral?" - Noel himself did - in the early days of the show when people would ask him for advice he'd say "Woah, no, I have to remain neutral".
Haha, and actually you'll find that I was supportive of Sarah's deal the other day - so your theory collapses a little.
Blurgh, I just wish the show would go back to how it was about a year ago. The whole show seemed different. It had a different atmosphere. People were entertaining. People seemed to be enjoying themselves. Everyone wanted each other do well. Noel seemed to be on the contestants' side. There was no pressure to get the first quarter of a millionaire particularly. And, most importantly, Noel was neutral.