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PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 4:57 pm    Author: Zeddie    Post subject: Germaine 19/05/07 (Originally 07/03/06)

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Original topic here:

Germaine's game today on the Classic shows. I never actually saw this show, so it should be fun. He was like a teddy. :o




PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 4:59 pm    Author: bluewater    Post subject:

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I only saw 1/2 of Germaine's game which it was shown




PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:03 pm    Author: Tom22    Post subject:

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I think channel 4 were trying to time the start of this to cooincide with the end of the FA Cup so people would flick over, but due to the borefest that is the 2007 FA Cup Final its gone to extra time, and proably means I wount see a thing of this game.



PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:03 pm    Author: Zeddie    Post subject:

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And it begins.

I have nothing better to do, so I'll do some commentary.

11 - £5,000

3 - £15,000

9 - £250 - Marcus YAAAAAY!

18 - £100,000 - Ooh, it's Nancy :o She was funny.

14 - £50

Ring ring. It's The Banker! He says he's subdued today.

Offer 1 @ £2,700.

Noel says "that's pretty high, under the circumstances".

A year later, he definitely wouldn't be saying that... then again, the offer would be £7,500+. Anyways, on with the game.

Germaine says NO DEAL.




PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:12 pm    Author: Zeddie    Post subject:

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2 - £750 - Haha, Dave. Noel has a go at him for unsealing the box without Noel's permission!

20 - £500

10 - £10,000

Banker time:

Offer 2 @ £6,500

Germaine asks for advice, and the general consensus is NO DEAL.

Germaine says NO DEAL.




PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:17 pm    Author: Zeddie    Post subject:

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1 - £1,000 - Mad Sarah with the windsock! And in her box, it's a windsock and three doughnuts :D

15 - 10p - Aww yay, Lucy with hair! And a blue :D

17 - £10 - Hey, it's Flash! :D

Very nice round!

Ring ring. Mr Banker is back on the phone. And he asks to talk to Germaine.

Offer 3 @ £16,500

Matt gives some advice, as does Jim.

Germaine says NO DEAL.




PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:27 pm    Author: Zeddie    Post subject:

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5 - £5

13 - 1p - ...Why do I not remember Candice? I remember the name, but I don't remember her face...

6 - £75,000 - Saj! With a biggy! :(

Ring ring. Banker time!

Offer 4 @ £11,000

Germaine says NO DEAL!




PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:31 pm    Author: Zeddie    Post subject:

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21 - 50p - Hooray!

19 - £20,000

7 - £100

Excellent board!

Ring ring. Banker time!

Offer 5 @ £28,000

Some guy in the audience SCREAMS, everyone seems amazed. Nowadays, people would be booing and hissing at that offer. Noel rushes Germaine for an answer...

Germaine says NO DEAL!




PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:36 pm    Author: Zeddie    Post subject:

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3 - £3,000

16 - £50,000 - Bob, find the pound. Bob, find the pound. Bob, find the pound.

22 - £35,000 - Barbara! She was awesome!

Germaine is left with £1 and £250,000.

Ring ring. Hello Mr Banker.

Offer 6 @ £75,000. Seems appropriate.

Germaine says DEAL!




PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:38 pm    Author: Zeddie    Post subject:

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And in Germaine's box, Box 12, there is... £250,000!! :( :( :(

Germaine is gutted, and says he "knew it were in there". But Noel reminds him, £75,000 is brilliant.

Matt opens Box 8 to reveal £1.

Well done (again) Germaine!




PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:43 pm    Author: daniel4389    Post subject:

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Hahah, I remember everyone complaining about how low that £75,000 offer was at the seems huge now! And yet all the other offers seem really pathetic compared to today. :?



"The Banker"

PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:52 pm    Author: "The Banker"    Post subject:

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I've said it before and I'll say it again. I love March 2006.

I hadn't joined the forums back then so I'll congratulate Germaine now. A very very very very very very very very belated welldone Germaine! :D




PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 6:29 pm    Author: Big-Davey    Post subject:
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This was one of the first games I actually enjoyed watching, totally.

When Germaine said No Deal to £16,500 wasn't that Lucy who we could hear yelling "COME ON!"

Anyway, I can't remember the Pilgrims EVER making their disappointment heard any louder when his box was opened.

Games like this one I will never forget.

EDIT: Just read the thread about the new studio makeover, the only downside to that is that it won't look like a hidden clubhouse anymore as such. That's what the layout of the studio was referred to in the beginning.

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PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 6:32 pm    Author: little_monster    Post subject:

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A few things I've noticed with these earlier games...

1 - Noel asks players' advice more.
2 - Whatever amount is revealed, Noel shouts out the amount.
3 - There is much less noise - such as audience, chants, even talking.
4 - Less Banker talk.
5 - Less gimics.



PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 6:59 pm    Author: Big-Davey    Post subject:
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little_monster wrote:
A few things I've noticed with these earlier games...

1 - Noel asks players' advice more.
2 - Whatever amount is revealed, Noel shouts out the amount.
3 - There is much less noise - such as audience, chants, even talking.
4 - Less Banker talk.
5 - Less gimics.

The SFX were a bit more unbalanced too. The swooshing of the box amounts were far quieter.

Plus the lighting was a tad worse off.

One other thing: when the show started, and I mean up until January 2006, the Banker always offered amounts very close to the average after 8-box. In John's (£10) game, he got offered £25,000 with £50,000 and £75,000 left. Nowadays, the Banker wouldn't have even offered £20,000 in some cases, just to force and make the player go on.
And if the £250,000 was ever one of the two amounts left at the end, the offer was always at least £110,000. Nowadays it will only ever honestly exceed £100,000 if the other amount is £10,000 or more. The only exception was Graeme's game recently, but he was offered so much coz of how much he deserved it. The Banker chooses to be human sometimes!

Lifelong fan of Vicky, Siobhan and Lisa

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PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 7:02 pm    Author: Qwerty    Post subject:

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Ahhh memories.

Great to see an old lineup from DoND's golden age - some fantastic players waiting in the wings, and I really liked Germaine.

Glad this won the poll, good to see it again :D

Can't believe it's been a whole year since Kathleen! took the Walk of Wealth and won £45,000!

Thanks to kestral, daniel4389, Tugger, Billy et al who have helped build my image library for these:



PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 7:09 pm    Author: Big-Davey    Post subject:
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Candice...she was the one who wasn't afraid to show her beer belly in her bikini (one of her photos brought to the Pound Table), VERY nearly forgot about her.

Nancy, bless her, she was always so innocent (looks at least, not her boxes! :roll: )

And good 'ol Dave - his first game he opened his box immediately after Noel welcomed him to the game, then in his second game (ironically enough, was today's - Germaine's), he almost did the same thing!

Lifelong fan of Vicky, Siobhan and Lisa

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"The Banker"

PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 7:16 pm    Author: "The Banker"    Post subject:

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Big-Davey wrote:
And good 'ol Dave - his first game he opened his box immediately after Noel welcomed him to the game, then in his second game (ironically enough, was today's - Germaine's), he almost did the same thing!

Germaine's game was his 5th show.




PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 7:18 pm    Author: Big-Davey    Post subject:
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"The Banker" wrote:
Big-Davey wrote:
And good 'ol Dave - his first game he opened his box immediately after Noel welcomed him to the game, then in his second game (ironically enough, was today's - Germaine's), he almost did the same thing!

Germaine's game was his 5th show.

Cheers for correcting me - I thought coz he did it in his first game that coz he did it in this one, it was his second game! Odd...thanks anyway!

Lifelong fan of Vicky, Siobhan and Lisa

Resident divvy, keeps a nerdy eye on the UK Top 10, makes up the numbers in the forum Fantasy Football...

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PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 10:31 pm    Author: Billy    Post subject:
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Just look at all those classic March contestants!

That original thread is so nice and peaceful. No "What a coward, £75,000 was insultingly low and £1 is still spendable, I hate these stupid wimps" posts starting off three pages of an argument. Great to see that again, loved when Noel pretends to be a contestant (that clip could be shown out of context and confuse millions), I remember saying at the time that no one's ever going to win £250k as a surprise as it'll be leaked in the papers months beforehand, and sadly, I was right.

The same night, someone posted details of Kirsty's game on Wikipedia before she even made her first appearance on the show. Still annoys me, drat those spoilers!

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