h2005 wrote:
Well Kirsty could have won £26,062, but she didn't as she gambled - foolishly or bravely (make up your own mind).
As always it depends on the result. Its considered brave if it pays off or, as in Kirsty's case, foolish if it doesn't.
h2005 wrote:
I still don't really understand the attitude that Noel and the contestants now have when the £250k is there with very little backup - if she played on with some good backups, fair enough, but she had very few backups, and the only way that £26,062 offer was going to go up was if she kept either the £50k or the £250k in play, and as KP has pointed out, there was a near 65% chance that she would knock one out!
It would appear to me that most people's attitude to the game is to keep as many high values on the board (obviously) until an acceptable (to them) offer is made at which stage they'll deal whatever the further prospects are. £20,000 seems to me to be the main tipping point but each individual has their own figure in mind.
A small number of people, like me, look at the game as a once in a lifetime chance to win a mega-amount of money and if the gamble goes wrong and you're left with peanuts then you are still going away with more than you came with and thats just too bad. I won't shed too many tears about losing £20,000 I never had in the first place.
h2005 wrote:
Even if she'd kept the £250k in play and knocked out the £50k, it's unlikely she'd have got a considerably higher offer than £26,062 until the 2-box stage (assuming she kept the £250k in play to that offer as well)... She fell into the "The £250k is still there, I'm playing on" trap, without assessing how much backup she had if it went wrong - how about saying "The 10p is still there, I'm dealing"...
For the reasons I've stated earlier if you are chasing the big money then backups etc become less important. Kirsty had £250k, £50k and plenty of smaller amounts to go at. The offer at that stage was an obvious deal for the 'dealers' amongst us and an obvious no-deal for the 'no-dealers'. The 'dealers' fared better today.
h2005 wrote:
By the way, is that the first time the banker has phoned 3 times to adjust the offer?!
It's an annoying gimmick if you ask me. He should make his offer and stick to it.