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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 12:52 am    Author: KP    Post subject:
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Very interesting points indeed from denzelh...

...I'd have believed you last year. Not so now, but I don't think you can put anything past Endemol.

With regard to daniel123: last autumn when Laura's game was filmed, Endemol were desperate for a £250k win at seemingly any cost. Didn't work. Now it seems as though they want every sort of big finish imaginable, but ideally not a second £250k, for that might cost the show a lot of the casual viewers it still has...

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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 8:08 am    Author: basicasic    Post subject: Re: Graeme's Game - Something fishy
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denzelh wrote:
- Graeme was clearly dressed for his game and knew he would be playing.

He was probably allowed to get changed after he was picked and they refilmed the start

denzelh wrote:
- Unluckily for him he took out most of the big reds early on which made his 'no deal' decision at £21,000 surprising particularly as he had just said he would deal at £21,000.

I was quite surprised he no-dealt straight after he said he would deal at £21K. But that's minor b*lls*it compared to most players.

denzelh wrote:
- Seriously, with that board would anyone out there have said 'no deal' at £41,000 - unless you knew for sure where the £250,000 was.

You haven't read the dealometer thread then. :)

denzelh wrote:
- He was also unlucky that the newbie had the £250,000 box which meant he had to leave him until the very end to open his first box. Has anyone left a newbie to the very end on their first show?

Plenty of times I would suspect.

denzelh wrote:
Personally I didn't buy his surprise at being chosen to play, the story about how unlucky he is or the 'tears' at the end. I think he used his knowledge of where the £250,000 was to control the game and engineer a large offer rather than take the big prize which would have really raised suspicions.

Of course I may be talking utter rubbish (it wouldn't be the first time!) but something didn't feel right to me about the way that game panned out.

Anybody agree/disagree?

You've been watching too much X-Files mate :D




PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 9:48 am    Author: croftrock    Post subject:

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The contestants give their clothes to the wardrobe department who alone decide who wears what and when.

The wardrobe department, along with all crew, knew Graeme was playing and dressed him accordingly.



PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 12:29 pm    Author: daniel123    Post subject:
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KP wrote:
Very interesting points indeed from denzelh...

...I'd have believed you last year. Not so now, but I don't think you can put anything past Endemol.

With regard to daniel123: last autumn when Laura's game was filmed, Endemol were desperate for a £250k win at seemingly any cost. Didn't work. Now it seems as though they want every sort of big finish imaginable, but ideally not a second £250k, for that might cost the show a lot of the casual viewers it still has...

That is true, but i don think endemol were actually humans if they were basically forcing a player to win £250,000
And if noel was that desperate aswell, even he wouldnt have been able to hide his anger and disappointment if lauran had dealt at £45k.No-one except perhaps arnold schwarzenegger.[sp? :lol: ]

With regard to denzelh's post/posts[i didnt read the last page just basicasic's quote]:

Graeme was clearly dressed for his game and knew he would be playing. - Dont think so. Most likely was given time before the re-start to get his kilt on, etc.
Unluckily for him he took out most of the big reds early on which made his 'no deal' decision at £21,000 surprising particularly as he had just said he would deal at £21,000. - Have to agree there.
He was also unlucky that the newbie had the £250,000 box which meant he had to leave him until the very end to open his first box. Has anyone left a newbie to the very end on their first show? - A lot of times. More than 80 for sure.
Personally I didn't buy his surprise at being chosen to play, the story about how unlucky he is or the 'tears' at the end. I think he used his knowledge of where the £250,000 was to control the game and engineer a large offer rather than take the big prize which would have really raised suspicions.

Of course I may be talking utter rubbish (it wouldn't be the first time!) but something didn't feel right to me about the way that game panned out.

Anybody agree/disagree?
- Well he wouldnt be so surprised if he'd got dressed after the offficial start and then come back for the restart, alsso he DID NOT HAVE A SINGLE CLUE IN THE WORLD where the quarter-mill was. and the tears? Well lets face it - the game brought a tear to my eye with the DOND music put to it aswell. but then i only watched from 5-box and on the small screen at so from then on is the only info i can use to back up this post

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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 8:31 pm    Author: Tom    Post subject:

Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 11:15 am
Location: Suffolk. That's as detailed as I'm going..
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Wow, what an amazing game. Greame, well done. I certainly would have dealt at the £41,000 but well done!!!



PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 8:56 pm    Author: James1978    Post subject:

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The newbie's been left till last absolutely loads - a few times they've even had their box swapped for by the playing contestant! One of them I remember was Paul H had the £250,000 in Leanne's game, so this was by no means the first time its happened! :)


"22 identical sealed boxes, and no questions except a poor deal for an easy few thousand or be brave and win a blue!"

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