Due to a badly-timed forum outage, I'll offer my own recap, based on things said at The Bar.
Introduction sees Noel seemingly come close to headbutting the camera. Don't ask. KERRY comes to the table with Box 16 which she says isn't special to her - indeed she seems a bit unhappy to have it! She's an NHS complaints officer from Essex. Noel makes jokes about how the NHS is meant to deal with complaints, Kerry explains her job involves complaining about treatment - i.e. complaints about the way complaints are dealt with! As for her attitude to risk, she has a story about swimming in shark-infested waters in the Maldives, which also causes a few jokes about how she's not advertising the Maldives too well!
Does she have a system? Eventually she decides not, but she's got some lucky numbers to use first...
Box 6 (Philip) - £10 | Husband's birthday. Kerry screams already, Noel says 'pace yourself'!
Box 19 (Rita) - 50p | Mother's birthday. Yes, more screams.
Box 12 (Roy) - £3,000 | Father's birthday - father is called Roy!!
Her next special birthday number is actually 24 - wrong version for that! Going with the birthmonth instead...
Box 5 (Kev) - £75,000 | Oop. Noel mocks Kerry's comments by saying he knows someone called Kev who lives at house number 5!!
Box 1 (Miles) - £5,000
Two low blues, and of the three reds that followed only one was at all big. Remember her reaction to having 16? You guessed it, opening SWAP offer. No hesitation, NO SWAP, she's sticking with what the draw gave her. A bit of superstition maybe?
Box 22 (Jamie) - £1 | Grandmother's birthday, great result
Box 15 (Gaz) - £10,000 | another grandad's birthday. Worked reasonably enough
Box 9 (Shahid) is called for after the break... Kerry does her own break link... AND THEN THERE'S A POWER CUT!! The boxes are placed in metal cages as Noel insists 'the integrity of the game is the most important thing at all times' (a statement some people would question!), Noel lights the LTL blue boxes with a torch in much the same way that a spotlight lights them up normally... eventually we come back...
Box 9 (Shahid) - £250 | If it had three more zeroes the conspiracy theorists would have had a field day!!
Banker makes jokes about how 'the power is most certainly on in your game'. Offer reflects that - £20,000. Jokes about a lift in the hotel saying 'Kerry' to her - Jamie explains that 'terrace' was announced so it sounded a bit like 'Kerry' and Kerry insists it really did say 'Kerry'... after all that, and an almost unprecedented amount of thanking the Banker for the admittedly-high offer, NO DEAL.
Box 11 (Leila) - £50,000 | Top two exposed now
Box 18 (Steve) - 1p | Kerry goes absolutely nuts. 'ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS GET RID OF THAT! THAT'S ALL I WANTED TO DO!'
Box 2 (Joyce) - 10p | And it gets better, as the blue chants work to perfection. Or she just got lucky...
An incredible response to the loss of the safety net and Noel bizarrely - yet justifiably - downplays the loss of £50,000 by referring to the continued presence of the £15k-£35k block as safety nets. Yeah.
Banker's friend 'Mezzanine' says they had a similar story. Groan. 'The lights went out but her energy certainly didn't.' £25,000 is the offer, Kerry thought more was coming, but as Noel asks the question the phone goes again, and a new offer... 'It sounds like more than £25,000, because it is...' £27,500. That 'nudge' doesn't shove her out of the game though, NO DEAL it is!
Box 4 (Vicki) - £750 | Noel talks that up as a 'great start' to the round
Box 20 (Anne-Marie) - £15,000 | her first red, but low enough for Kerry to shriek 'THAT'S ALRIGHT!' She thinks she might 'hit the deck' at any time!!
After the break...
Box 10 (Penny) - £20,000 | After Noel called 'a blue or a thousand' that just had to happen really! Safety net block eroded again, but again Kerry reacts noisily and happily
Noel talks up the offer... Kerry just asks to hear it! £35,000. Noel was talking up the psychological aspect of offering a value that's not only a box value but still on the board, along with the top two. Dad would carry on with three Power 5 boxes - yeah, someone said that and then didn't. Theresa asks what she'd say if she were still on the wings. Noel then makes a half-hearted attempt at neutrality by referring to a 'regret balance', but tellingly speaking far more about the prospect of selling off the £250,000.
If that was an attempt to make Kerry go to the end, it failed. DEAL for £35,000!
ROUND 5 (proveout round 1)
Box 7 (Kath) - £35,000 | well she hasn't sold a box for its value. It's cheered, even by Noel
Box 21 (John) - £250,000 | and the reaction to that is obvious! Kerry is crying now
Box 14 (Jeannie) - £1,000 | you know the game's turned around when even that gets a cheer...
With four blues and £100,000 still in play, the hypothetical offer is a quite believable £9,000.
ROUND 6 (proveout round 2)
Box 17 (Jackie) - £100,000 | Perfect Deal! Noel imitates Kerry's joyous tearful state, then channels Andrew O'Keefe in saying Kerry 'spanked the Banker'.
Box 3 (Barry) - £5 | Who cares?
Box 13 (Alan) - £100
Kerry apologises to the Banker for making him upset!! Hypothetical £235, her box is opened and confirmed to contain £500, Box 8 (Theresa) had £50, and everyone is happy as can be.
Something even rarer than a perfect Deal comes next, as Noel goes to the far end of the audience by the East Wing and asks someone in a wheelchair for the LTL number... it's Box 3, it contains £1,000, and Steve Twycross from Pelton is the winner.
Incredibly, that's the biggest ever win on the 10th of the month, the previous record holder being Natalie from November 2005!
_________________ Champion of RTaB S6, creator of unorthodox DoND rulesets, and founder member of #teambat. Creator of the first DoND Live offer to be accepted. "Why regret what could not be?" (A Heart Full of Love, from Les Misérables) I introduced utility theory to the forums. Blame me. In your choices, beware of words leading you astray. Think in a balanced way about potential gains and losses.
Last edited by KP on Wed Apr 11, 2007 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.