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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:39 pm    Author: kestral    Post subject: Dee 09/04
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Due to a problem with the forum database, all of Dee's live game report has been lost :( I have posted a copy of the game report below to keep the daily show reports up to date, unfortunately all the comments for this game have been lost.

Dee's Deal or No Deal Game Report
A clucking intro to the show today, and all the pilgrims are in Easter bunny ears!! Noel talks about David's game yesterday and how it was both an emotionally, and financially charged game, with David needing the money as he actually borrowed £200 to get to the show.

Dee has box 12 today. Dee has a lucky elephant that needs to face the door, and Noel says there is a problem as there are so many doors, which he starts to point out in airhostess style!! We get to see some of Dee's pics, and Dee has a dream of going on the Orient Express and also to visit Egypt. Dee says she sometimes gets feelings from the boxes, so may feel her way through the show today.

All the boxes have Easter bunnies on them today. Before the first round there is a big surprise as ex-contestant Bunney appears dressed as an Easter bunny and delivers a song!! Noel then gets chased around the pound table by Bunney!! Bunney reveals that if Dee takes out the 1p in the first round all the contestants will receive £200, and all the pilgrims will get a bottle of bubbly... Bunney asks if he can sit in the audience for Dee's show, and Noel tells Bunney to HOP IT!!

Round 1
18 - £1 Ohhhhh close
1 - 10p Ohhh closer
9 - £50
8 - 1p Everyone goes wild
14 - £1,000

Fantastic opening round says Noel, and Dee has made everyone happy with their gifts as well. The banker says that round cost him a few bob, and he's not happy with Bunney! He's going to get Bunney a ham toasty, a cheese toasty, and a tomato toasty, then Bunney will die of mixing his toasties!!!! He then makes an opening offer of £18,000. Will Dee be the first to go at the first offer asks Noel, Dee says NO DEAL

Round 2
2 - £250,000 Big groans
22 - £75,000 OH NO says Noel!!
11 - £5,000 Newbie Kev

You've given the banker a bit of light at the end of the tunnel with that round says Noel. The banker says that round was hare raising!! Noel replies there is no reason to rabbit in!! The Banker then offers£9,000, Dee says it's a good offer, but there are still some good amounts on the board. Dee says NO DEAL

Round 3
13 - £50,000 NO says Noel, the last 4 boxes have been horrific!
Blue chants
17 - £100
More chants
16 - £10,000

The banker thinks all the positive energy is drained from the studio now after the first round, but the pilgrims all shout NOOO.... The banker reckons that Dee plays bridge, and he is right... He then offers £12,000, and Noel says the banker thinks Dee is a bit of a gambler now. Dee says NO DEAL

Round 4
Blue chants start
19 - £500
Blue chants
21 - £15,000
Blue chants
3 - £20,000

Dee says she can't believe it, and asks her daughter to join her at the pound table for some support. The banker asks how are you going to feel winning 50p for someone who's entered the viewer’s matchplay competition today and Noel says that's low!! He then offers £10,000. Dee goes to the wings for some advice and they say to go for it, and the pilgrims think she should play on as well. Bunney says it's a dangerous situation, but you only get one chance in the chair and everyone is behind her. Dee says DEAL

Dee tells Noel that it might have been different if she was 21. Noel says it's a decision that goes against what nearly everyone thought, but we will see what happens now and whether it was the right move

Round 5 - Proveout Round
15 - £100,000
5 - £10
Noel doesn't think Dee has done enough yet...
20 - £750 NO NO says Noel

Noel is not sure where the banker will go now, but says that he must offer what he would have done in real play. The Banker would have offered £5,000, and Noel says for the moment you are OK says Noel.

Round 6 - Proveout round
7 - £35,000 Dee does it...
10 - 50p
6 - £3,000 YES, YES, YES says Noel

It’s time for The Banker with £5 and £250 remaining, and he would have offered £99 + a bunch of carrots!!

Noel opens box 12 and reveals £5

Box 4 contains £250



PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 8:14 pm    Author: Billy    Post subject:
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I can't remember what I exactly said, but it was on the lines of absolutely LOVING the game, was so fantastic to see Bunney again, and that first round was amazing...and I love the way she dealt just before it became a complete disaster! Well done on that £10k, that was Jolly Dee-lightful!

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 8:38 pm    Author: GAC1984    Post subject:
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Well Done Dee

It was great to see Bunney again. Enjoy £10,000.

Well Done.


Ben Miller 176

PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 8:48 pm    Author: Ben Miller 176    Post subject:

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Well done Dee!



PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:11 pm    Author: daniel4389    Post subject:

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Hmm. Dee was lovely, and I was so glad she salvaged a great amount before the game completely crashed. But sadly, her game contained the worst moment in DOND ever. You know what I'm talking about. I tell you, I was this close to switching off and never watching DOND ever again. But, er, I decided against it. I have no willpower whatsoever...




PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:15 pm    Author: Dond-knight    Post subject:
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Well done Dee!


Dusty Bin

PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:35 pm    Author: Dusty Bin    Post subject:

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daniel4389 wrote:
Hmm. Dee was lovely, and I was so glad she salvaged a great amount before the game completely crashed. But sadly, her game contained the worst moment in DOND ever. You know what I'm talking about. I tell you, I was this close to switching off and never watching DOND ever again. But, er, I decided against it. I have no willpower whatsoever...

Was it just before the first round?


"The Banker"

PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:37 am    Author: "The Banker"    Post subject:

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Welldone Dee! :D




PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:02 pm    Author: Zeddie    Post subject:

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Definitely a Jolly-Dee game :o




PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:07 pm    Author: cookie_monster    Post subject:
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Shame about Bunney :roll: :lol:
Well done Dee!!




PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:14 pm    Author: smooth_criminal    Post subject:

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She didn't seriously think her offer would go up at the 5-box stage though, did she?



maggie que

PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 8:48 pm    Author: maggie que    Post subject:

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:D great game Dee.she was a lovely lady.enjoy the dosh Dee.

life is a deal



PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 3:50 pm    Author: little_monster    Post subject:

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Can someone upload the video of Bunney onto youtube? I was away last week and so missed every show including the powercut, Bunney's return and the robot-dance!

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