Didn't realise until very recently that the whole game was on YouTube instead of just the last 10 mins - and I actually thought it was really funny - I remember not liking Rich at all when he was current, but seeing a combination of this and some other March games when he was on the wings, I find his useless predictions were REALLY funny, and the lift business with Doug, and then of course there was the legendary quote "Deal or DIE" (then cutting to a shot of Di!
) - yes my opinion of him has completely changed for the good!
(The exact opposite of what happened with Bunney
Maybe it was becuase I couldn't get used to seeing a guy in E11, but becuase it's been all-male since, it just looks normal seeing Rich there!
So overall E11 has been great for male contestants, as I ended up really liking Adam when he played as well, only Peter was somewhat dull, and Brian is THE one I'm looking forward to most when it returns on Monday!