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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 7:54 pm    Author: 22identicalboxes    Post subject:

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Well done Richard!



PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:20 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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I have to agree with what Daniel said earlier on, however, I'm not sure whether the banker was being patronising towards Andrew, I think it was more a case of the banker playing on the fact that he knew Andrew's game would spark a lot of emotion, which it did, and it was a horrible tactic he used on Richard.

I do think it is unfair to all the other contestants who have gone away with blues and have not been given the chance to have money from the banker in such a way... it also makes a mockery of the game - what's the point if someone wins a blue, then in the next game, they may have the opportunity to win some extra money via another player?

I think it's disgraceful of Endemol to think up such a wicked and twisted idea for an offer.

It was also extremely unfair on Richard - like Daniel said, he is not entitled to give any of his winnings to anyone - I reckon that offer would've been the same and the banker just removed £5,000 then added it when he phoned back for a cruel effect.

I'd be very interested to hear Andrew's opnion on all this - this has, as far as I'm concerned, put Richard himself, Andrew and the other players who were on the wings with Richard and Andrew in a very tricky situation.

I agree with Dan that today's game just highlights how the recent extras / gimmicks that have been introduced are detracting from the game and the contestant - instead of being pleased at Richard's win, it has left a bad taste in my mouth, and has left a lot of unanswered questions - such as did Richard give the money to Andrew or anyone else? What do the other players think of his decision? What does Richard think of his decision? What does Andrew think of his decision?

The banker's tactics today were almost on the level of the horrible psychological games Big Brother plays on its contestants, but it's not surprising really, considering both shows are produced by Endemol.



PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:26 pm    Author: invalidusername    Post subject:

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Firstly, well done Richard on your win. Excellent.

Now for the bad part. I agree with Daniel absolutely. Whatever the motivation for the banker, he's never offered that sort of deal before, and one only has to assume it was due to Andrew's disability. What an absolutely patronising and dishonourable thing to do. There is no way this should have happened, and the banker and the producers should be ashamed of themselves.

Yes, it was a very emotional game yesterday, but there have been loads of emotional games where players have been gutted at the outcome for their fellow contestants But to (a) offer a past player a cheque - albeit to then say that it doesn't have to go to that player, and (b) to use emotional blackmail in that particular way is beyond reproach.

How would Andrew feel to have been handed a cheque from another player, particularly in such a public way. Smacks of charity doesn't it?

Shame on you Deal or No Deal :roll:


Last edited by invalidusername on Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.



PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:26 pm    Author: Psychic_Sarah    Post subject:
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There is NO WAY he would have been offered 35k for that board!!




PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:31 pm    Author: Dond-knight    Post subject:
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I am getting sick of the banker keeping a certain pattern to all the offers nowadays.It ruins the game.

I also agree with Daniel it was a very cruel postion to put Richard in.

Last edited by Dond-knight on Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.



PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:32 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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Psychic_Sarah wrote:
There is NO WAY he would have been offered 35k for that board!!

Maybe, maybe not, but the banker is so unpredictable these days, you really can't tell what he's going to do. Either way, it's disgraceful of Endemol to even think of such tactic.

I'm starting to wonder if Andrew's disability did have anything to do with the banker's tactics today. This show is turning into something it never used to be. :(

I hope Endemol read these comments and realise they were wrong to do what they did today...



PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:34 pm    Author: Zeddie    Post subject:

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Psychic_Sarah wrote:
There is NO WAY he would have been offered 35k for that board!!

:o Sarah's becoming one of us.

Suddenly I don't want to marry her any more :(




PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:38 pm    Author: Will    Post subject:
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Psychic_Sarah wrote:
There is NO WAY he would have been offered 35k for that board!!

It was a little on the high side, although that's the way the bankers been pitching offers recently.

The banker played a really cruel game today and I feel sorry for Richard being put in that position.
To bring Andrew back into the equation after yesterday's heartbreak was a cruel twist... I'm not too happy with it at all. :?




PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:44 pm    Author: Psychic_Sarah    Post subject:
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Zeddie wrote:
Psychic_Sarah wrote:
There is NO WAY he would have been offered 35k for that board!!

:o Sarah's becoming one of us.

Suddenly I don't want to marry her any more :(





cocky bill

PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:52 pm    Author: cocky bill    Post subject:

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After watching today's sick joke of a game my respect for Noel has crashed.With his wealth and power he should have told the -anker that he was out of order,to phone back with a sensible offer and slammed the phone down.He did not need to repeat the -anker's sick offer.



PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:59 pm    Author: rico7    Post subject:
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Pammybun wrote:
I think Richard should give the money to Andrew - that is who it was meant for.

Surely he would not have kept the extra £5k - it was pretty clear it was not meant for him.

Then Endemol should have given Andrew the money directly. Richard is no more obliged to give that money to Andrew than anyone else is, and Andrew might not appreciate patronizing special treatment either. I have to go agree 100% with what Dan and h have said earlier in the thread. It was a cheap and tacky thing of Endemol to do and unfair to put Richard into such a horrible dilemma when it was his show, not Andrew's or anyone else's and that shouldn't be forgotten in all of this.


Cherry Blossom

PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:03 pm    Author: Cherry Blossom    Post subject:
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Last edited by Cherry Blossom on Thu Sep 27, 2007 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.



PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:12 pm    Author: BlairM    Post subject:

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I doubt Andrew would have accepted the 5k from Richard but you don't know.

It was verging on immoral the bankers tactics today.

Well done to Richard on the 35k, great game and I loved the wine slant on the game!



PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:16 pm    Author: MisterAl    Post subject:
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Firstly, the £35k offer was 63% of the mean, which is entirely consistent with recent Banker behaviour.

Secondly, I'm surprised that people here are making some assumption that this tactic was somehow connected with Andrew's disability. It was clearly based on the fact that Andrew's game caused a lot of upset with the players. Was the offer unfair? Possibly. Was it cruel? Definitely. Was it anything to do with Andrew having a sensory impairment? In my opinion, absolutely not!

The fact is that the producers are constantly coming up with new ways of being 'cruel' and 'evil', because ultimately that's what keeps people talking about the show, and that's what keeps people watching.



PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:37 pm    Author: Kay    Post subject:
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MisterAl wrote:
Firstly, the £35k offer was 63% of the mean, which is entirely consistent with recent Banker behaviour.

Secondly, I'm surprised that people here are making some assumption that this tactic was somehow connected with Andrew's disability. It was clearly based on the fact that Andrew's game caused a lot of upset with the players. Was the offer unfair? Possibly. Was it cruel? Definitely. Was it anything to do with Andrew having a sensory impairment? In my opinion, absolutely not!

The fact is that the producers are constantly coming up with new ways of being 'cruel' and 'evil', because ultimately that's what keeps people talking about the show, and that's what keeps people watching.

I agree, quite recently the banker has tried to play on people's emotions, mainly their families but yesterday there were more tears than I've seen in a long time. I don't understand where the assumption comes that it was because Andrew has a disability, that is one aspect of someone who has much more than that label. I'd say it was based more on popularity. I hope Richard keeps the money or donates it to a charity if it has to be to someone else!



PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:47 pm    Author: Tom    Post subject:

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Interesting game..hmm



PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:15 pm    Author: jamesah    Post subject:

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Ok, lets set the record straight, Richard was a good player who palyed a good game and i am so pleased he did well.

No, he did not give me the 5k, i am sure he had his own needs and i for one will never criticise him for that.

The only disappointing thing for me, is that he has not kept in touch, i dont feel i can contsct him becasue it looks like i am after the money, which i am not.

One player, who i will not name, did give me money to cover my loss of eqrning, for which i will always be grateful.

Ricahrd is a friend and will reamin so, well done on your game mate.

Andrew james



PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:29 pm    Author: Billy    Post subject:
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I don't know what to say, really! Monday seems to be a controversial day for DOND, what with Craig's three swaps a few weeks back, and now this!

Good to hear your thoughts on the game, Andrew. It's a shame that you and Richard haven't kept in touch, but I'm glad that you did get something more from the show than the £10. And also well done to Richard on his £35,000 win, the first OPW since Jane...may he spend it on however he pleases!

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:08 am    Author: CrazyChair    Post subject:

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Congratulations to Richard on his £35,000 win. I wasn't sure what to make of today's game. I thought Richard seemed like a nice man but the banker's tactics were horrible and it was quite uncomfortable to watch. I don't think that he should have been offered money on Andrew's behalf. It wasn't fair on Richard, it wasn't fair on Andrew, it wasn't fair on the other 21 players in the wings and it wasn't fair on the previous contestants. If these tactics continue, it will deter people from not only watching, but applying for DOND. I don't see much of a future for the show unless there's a major overhaul in the attitudes of both Noel and the production team.



PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 1:50 am    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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CrazyChair wrote:
If these tactics continue, it will deter people from not only watching, but applying for DOND. I don't see much of a future for the show unless there's a major overhaul in the attitudes of both Noel and the production team.

I have to agree. I can only assume that the producers think, as MisterAl suggested, that these cruel banker tactics in today's game were to get people interested and watch the game. It had the total opposite effect on me, I'm afraid - I know I certainly don't want to see such stupid banker tactics... not entertating at all...

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