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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:05 pm    Author: RdotR    Post subject:

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i personally believe noel is "making" people come on the show FORGETTING that its a game for real money, and making them entertain us.
it is real money and alex was SENSIBLE.

22 identical sealed questions..except ONE. Deal or NO deal..



PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:05 pm    Author: Cazzie    Post subject:
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h2005 wrote:
I think this show needs to realise that the show is about DEALING as well as no dealing!!!

"Somehow the showman came out and the money slipped away" - yet more rubbish from Noel - Alex would've had to have taken a HUGE GAMBLE to win the £50,000, and it's likely he'd have dealt at £21,000, which is NOT MUCH MORE than £18,000, which IS WHAT HE DEALT AT.

Noel would appear to be criticising Alex for the showman coming out - the showman coming out WAS ENCOURAGED BY NOEL and Alex did very well not to get lost in the silliness of the game, and he made a wise decision to deal on what was a mathematically extremely unstable board.

Very, very well said.. couldn't have put it better myself.

Noel WAS highly irritating today and to say if Alex had a bit more patience and concentration he could have won much more money was just ridiculous!!

That limbo bit was just silly and didn't work imo..I was just sat here thinking "Get on with the game!!"

Rant over!! :oops:


"Take your hands out of your pockets!" Noel to David 23/03/09...
Do as I say not as I do obviously Noel! :D
"Are you... Are you drunk?"
David to The Banker 23/03/09



PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:08 pm    Author: RdotR    Post subject:

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almost asif he was rubbing it in his face.

22 identical sealed questions..except ONE. Deal or NO deal..



PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:09 pm    Author: daniel4389    Post subject:

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Urgh, DOND can be really annoying sometimes...Millie, Paul and Alex were all on the verge of fantastic OPWs, but then they turned into OBWs at the last minute. :( And I agree with everything that's been said about Noel in this thread...I thought the Banker was meant to be the hate figure?!

All that aside, I thought Alex was an absolute legend and played a really good game, despite what Noel might think. I'd definitely have gone at £18k too, if not the £13k that came one round earlier, so well done Alex...he seemed to really appreciate the value of the money as well.




PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:10 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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I do not personally believe it is Noel who is the one who wants to say this stuff. It goes against all his beliefs as outlined in his "Positively Happy" book - which I have read, and is a very interesting read - a sort of part positivity guide and part autobiography of Noel's. In this book, he says how you should never look back and have regrets - you should always look forward and focus on WHAT YOU HAVE GOT, and NOT WHAT YOU COULD HAVE GOT.

For this reason, I believe that it is ENDEMOL who are telling him to behave in such a manner.

Whilst I like Noel Edmonds and have always liked him - growing up with him watching Noel's House Party, etc., I think Noel should be able to tell Endemol that he does not want to take peole on guilt trips for dealing too early, etc. - the man has 30 years' TV experience under his belt - surely he can boss Endemol around!!!



PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:12 pm    Author: Maltus    Post subject:

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Obviously its good to have some gamblers on the show at times, but Noel should take his own advice from way back in Andy Kelly's game, and not underestimate the value of the money on offer here. Not everyone can afford to risk thousands of pounds for a chance of even greater money. There are no guarantees in this game, after all.



PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:14 pm    Author: never_wrong    Post subject:

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Mental Mickey wrote:
There was one time about a year ago when I watched every episode of DonD religiously and was really upset if I missed a show. These days I'm not that bothered at all. Sometimes I just read these pages just to see how it all ended and who won what - like today. It just seems to be getting so silly these days with random happenings in almost every game, pretty much ever since Lindsay's game after the Summer Break and the 'girl on bike' bit. It just seems to be going too far away from what it used to be - a simple gameshow. If you ask me, they're tinkering with the format too much and trying to turn it into something it isn't. Sometimes I just wish everybody would just say "good luck" and open their box and get on with it. Despite applying for the show, I'm not at all sure I'd want to be on it in the current 'silly' format. I think I'd have enjoyed it back in the first half of 2006, but now if they offered me an audition, I'm really not so sure I'd take it.

Nothing against Alex, but this show really bugs me sometimes!

I completely agree. I don't get to watch the show much anymore because I'm living abroad but if I was back home, I doubt I'd be desperate to see the programme in its current format either. Gone are the heyday months of March and April of last year - every other show now seems to be some sort of "Carry On Dealing" and Noel and The Banker appear to have swapped roles. No longer is this a game of timing and knowing when to get out - if you listen to Noel, it's now a game of turning down every offer and hoping your box isn't blue.




PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:17 pm    Author: Maltus    Post subject:

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h2005 wrote:

Whilst I like Noel Edmonds and have always liked him - growing up with him watching Noel's House Party, etc., I think Noel should be able to tell Endemol that he does not want to take peole on guilt trips for dealing too early, etc. - the man has 30 years' TV experience under his belt - surely he can boss Endemol around!!!

I would slightly differ here, but agree with the gist.

I do think it is good for the show for Noel to highlight what the player could have won - it is part of the game after all. What I don't like is him criticising the players' decisions in the manner that he does. Maybe talking of a 'little bit more courage' is sometimes appropriate for very conservative early deals, but it should not be a ready-made speech formula to wheel out EVERY TIME someone goes too early. After all, he was criticising Dennis for his 'hindsight', but Noel has proved he is the king of hindsight and afterthought!



PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:19 pm    Author: Billy    Post subject:
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Lots of heated discussion about today's show, I see. I suppose it was odd - taking the £18,000 offer was regarded as a massive shock when there were only two higher than that on the board. If he'd have taken out them both in the next round he wouldn't have had anything over £5,000, so the deal was pretty sensible in the end.

The fact that £50,000 was in the box, especially after it was the only box ever not to have a power 5 at the table, was really bad luck, and it put an end to the cool pattern of players having an OPW whenever it snowed in London (Andy B, Okiem and Julie all got them, and those are the only other days since DOND's started when it's snowed). Still, despite Noel rubbing it in as usual, it was still a fun game (absolutely loved the limbo stuff - reminded me of Saturday's party!) and well done on £18,000, Alex!

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:20 pm    Author: daniel4389    Post subject:

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He also seems to be constantly looking on the negative side of a Deal, even when it's looking to be the right decision. Alex taking out the £100,000 immediately after Dealing was a fantastic moment, but it lasted all of about ten seconds before Noel was going on about the possibility that £50,000 was on the table. It's like he assumes the Deal is a bad one until it's absolutely proven not to be...




PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:21 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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Maltus wrote:
Noel is irritating me with comments like that at the moment. In that situation, a real 'showman' like Jim for instance, would go on to give a more exciting game. It was much braver for Alex to detach himself from the theatre of it all for a moment and take an earlier deal.

Exactly, I 100% agree - as in many cases, it is more courageous for people to deal when everyone wants them to no deal!



PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:24 pm    Author: rico7    Post subject:
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h2005 wrote:
as in many cases, it is more courageous for people to deal when everyone wants them to no deal!
Exactly h, going against the flow of peer pressure takes courage!



PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:26 pm    Author: never_wrong    Post subject:

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Billy wrote:
The fact that £50,000 was in the box, especially after it was the only box ever not to have a power 5 at the table, was really bad luck, and it put an end to the cool pattern of players having an OPW whenever it snowed in London (Andy B, Okiem and Julie all got them, and those are the only other days since DOND's started when it's snowed). Still, despite Noel rubbing it in as usual, it was still a fun game (absolutely loved the limbo stuff - reminded me of Saturday's party!) and well done on £18,000, Alex!

That has to be the weirdest stat ever.

On a similar note, Alex's game was the first game when the player didn't get an OPW on a day I wore my blue and black striped jumper. ;)

Congratulations Alex! 18k would have been my exit point too.



PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:33 pm    Author: rico7    Post subject:
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The other thing that annoyed me was the advice from the wings that because there were 6 numbers Alex could hit from 8 box to avoid the 50K and 100K that he probably wouldn't hit the two largest amounts in that round, that is rubbish! You have a 64% chance of hitting at least one of the two highest numbers which usually reduces the offer when it is an exposed board with a large gap between the 2 highest and 6 lowest.

I would usually recommend no dealing at 8 box, but with the board Alex had it was the right decision. Most times that contestants have had a Power 5 amount in their box they have not gone all the way because it has been too risky, take the last 3 shows for example!!

Let's not forget too that £18,000 is higher than 16 of the 22 box amounts that could have been on the table!


Ben Miller 176

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:38 pm    Author: Ben Miller 176    Post subject:

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Well done Alex!




PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:41 pm    Author: 22identicalboxes    Post subject:

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Noel's really irritating me at the moment. Yes, Alex had £50,000 in his box, but it would have taken a big gamble to get it. Anyway, well done Alex, (or should I say Gladstone?)



PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:05 pm    Author: KP    Post subject:
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The joke is obvious but I'll say it anyway. How low can this show go?

I completely agree with h2005. We need another Beryl, someone who'll ignore the new atmosphere and play the same conservative game they would have done at any other time. Maybe Beryl went too far, but I'd rather that than this.

If he had less patience and concentration he'd have played Noel's game and won fifty grand, surely?

Gah, this is now a show with no game. Someone tell me when Miljoenenjacht returns...

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:11 pm    Author: 22identicalboxes    Post subject:

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It seems to be more about getting an OPW, and taking Noel's "advice", than thinking about how much the money is worth, nowadays.


"The Banker"

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:40 pm    Author: "The Banker"    Post subject:

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Welldone Alex, enjoy the money! :D


Last edited by "The Banker" on Tue Dec 11, 2007 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.



PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:05 pm    Author: Dond-knight    Post subject:
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Well done Alex :-D

*beep* off Noel you need to learn the value of money

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