That was good, I enjoyed watching that (more than Tony's game I have to admit!).
Kai certainly was a character wasn't he? Though I'm not sure he was as wonderful at predicting box values as everyone made out. For instance, one game he said "I think there's a 5 in it" and it was £5 which brought out a great look on Noel's face, but it also could have been 50p, £50, £250, £500, £750, £5,000, £15,000, £35,000, £50,000, £75,000, £250,000, which really narrows it down!
And he could have left in some more big reds as well!
Anyway, several noteworthy things I noticed:
I loved how everyone was getting excited about the £9,000 opening offer, they're just bog-standard these days!
The debut appearance of the legendary Dave Woollin on the wings, and he saved the day with the £75,000!
Also now Dave is there, it breaks up that ridiculous-looking run of 5 women in row at the board end of the east wing of Louise/Sara, Tina, Karen, Mary-Ann and Audrey.
And I could also see future contestants Jenna and Michael D in the audience!
And how gorgeous did Jenni look?