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PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 6:22 pm    Author: daniel4389    Post subject: Rita - 23/08/06 (Originally 01/12/05)

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I loooove Rita - she's so cool! And she's from the same place as the equally cool Pat G. I'm going to have to move to St Neots.

Oh, and there seem to be loads of Welsh contestants on the wings at the moment! Hayley, Lee, Jeff, and I think James is too. The only other Welsh contestant I can think of is David.




PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 6:25 pm    Author: Billy    Post subject:
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First show of December, and Noel shows it by wearing a fleece. Everyone seems to be in a smutty mood today, though - Audrey said that she hopes her box doesn't have a "red hot big one" before collapsing into giggles, closely followed by everyone else.

Then Noel to the Banker says that if he keeps up that heavy breathing, he's calling the police... :shock:

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 6:40 pm    Author: Power5    Post subject:
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Those slow box openings are so annoying... I'm glad they banned them later in the series!

Oh and five others, guess I need to update this!



PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 6:57 pm    Author: daniel4389    Post subject:

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OK, Rita is officially the best player ever. (Although you have to bear in mind that I have about a thousand best players ever.) She was so cool...I wish she'd sung for everyone.

If only she'd found the £50 in the last three boxes!! Still, I wouldn't complain at £31,500...although I'd probably have Dealt earlier for £14k. :oops:




PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 7:02 pm    Author: Power5    Post subject:
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I wouldn't have taken the £14k but would definitely have gone for the £29,500. The chance of getting a significantly better offer is just too small with £75k as the top amount left.

Good game anyway, didn't know the outcome of this one (except when it came to the final offer as I knew she didn't win £50 or £75,000!)

Oh and five others, guess I need to update this!



PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 7:04 pm    Author: Billy    Post subject:
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Sometimes you get games where you don't remember the result, and this was one of them. Well done for Rita for winning £31,500...even though, incredibly, had she won £75,000 she'd be the joint third biggest winner in DOND history to this day!

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 7:21 pm    Author: mally    Post subject: rita

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oh please let me vtell you
rita was the first person i met when i got to the hotel waiting for all the other gang who were at the studios
well when you go on dond you go down on train you get picked up at train station by the prouditon team
all very professinal
they make you feel as though you have known them years its like meeting old friends
well you get driven to your hotel were all the other donders are staying
and you get to meet the other 5 contestant to go on the show
the 1st 22 contestants were recording
so one of use is going strainght on the show the very next day well 3 of you are
so it really buzzing and you start to buzz
like a buzz you will never ever get belive me
you cant discribe it
well i met rita and her boyfriend dave and we had sumat to eat whist waiting for the rest of the gang to gather
well i clicked with rita straight away
i warmed to her lovely personailte, smile and she is so humble, and so sweet ,
as were all the other women were by the way
but rita and i had some lovely chats
i felt as though i had know rita all my life
i class her as the sister i never had
and belive mei have met loads of new friends of dond that will be life long frinds
and i know rita will always be on my party list
because i so the other side of rita when she came to a packed hull theater with the blues brothers tribute band
and she fetched the house down with a solo song
so from meeting that quite shy rita on the first meeting to meeting at hull thaerta and watching her show
she blue me away
what a game her show was
i would say that has to be one of the best games ive seen from the repetes
not just because it was rita
but then again
i would say that wound't i
take care now

hello i was giving the oppeartunerty to change my life , thanks to a red box ?



PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 8:35 pm    Author: wakey1512    Post subject:
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You have got to be kidding me - of all episodes to miss. IF ANYONE HAS THE VIDEO THEY COULD SEND ME PLEASE SEND IT TO ME!!!!

PM me for my email if you have it. Youtube would be equally as cool.

I dont care that she had the very crap box 3, i am going to make a brand new signature containing the 3 people who have been amazing. Sorry to all the others, i will / should revert back to my old signature every once and a while.


Wakey1512 - Resident no dealer, major box 4 and £100,000 fan.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 11:18 pm    Author: hunter    Post subject: Re: Rita - 23/08/06 (Originally 01/12/05)

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daniel4389 wrote:
Oh, and there seem to be loads of Welsh contestants on the wings at the moment! Hayley, Lee, Jeff, and I think James is too. The only other Welsh contestant I can think of is David.

yeah there was a lot of welsh contestants then but you don't see many welsh contestants now. yeah the only other welsh contestant was david i think. and well done to rita a great result but it's a shame she didn't get rid of the £50 and keep the £35,000 and £75,000 in play



PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 11:24 pm    Author: Tugger    Post subject:

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i would have gone at the same point as Rita

since at £29,500 you would have to be extremely unlucky to take out the £35,000, £50,000 & the £75,000


Adam L

PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 7:36 am    Author: Adam L    Post subject:
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i would have gone like rita too.

I think I'm on one smarter advert, behind susan wearing a hideous pink T shirt
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 6:27 pm    Author: KP    Post subject:
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I'd have taken the £29,500, but it was a completely surreal board with the mean below the median, and I can see how she was seduced by three higher values.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:13 pm    Author: Suezan    Post subject:

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