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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 5:50 pm    Author: Mark    Post subject: Re: 15/12 Jamie

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This will be over £30,000...



PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 5:50 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 15/12 Jamie

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Jamie thinks the £100,000 is in his box.



30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 5:51 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 15/12 Jamie

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Stephen says this is a tough show and it's hard to beat The Banker, and if the £100,000 was on the table, it would be The Banker's dream.

Donna with Box 13 would have been next. 'Deadly Donna'...


30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 5:51 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 15/12 Jamie

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 5:51 pm    Author: BankerSpanker    Post subject: Re: 15/12 Jamie
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And I definitely would've dealt there!

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American Coupon Boy

PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 5:51 pm    Author: American Coupon Boy    Post subject: Re: 15/12 Jamie
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OH MY WORD!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

PM me to play a game of my Deal or No Deal series for a shot at $601!

The next series begins immediately after the premiere of the Deal or No Deal revival.



PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 5:52 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 15/12 Jamie

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Stephen says the irony is that he genuinely thought that Jamie was always going to be the first Jackpot winner if the £100k was in his box.

The Banker says it's a wonderful way to end the series - one of his greatest days! He's laughing..



30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 5:52 pm    Author: James1978    Post subject: Re: 15/12 Jamie

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£74,900 my arse :laughing


"22 identical sealed boxes, and no questions except a poor deal for an easy few thousand or be brave and win a blue!"



PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 5:53 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 15/12 Jamie

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Now time to see what Jamie had on the table all along in Box 11..

but before that, Jamie says he's not gutted, because thousands of people would love to be in his place right now.

He was £14,850, but could have won if he went all the way...


30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 5:54 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 15/12 Jamie

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Luke with Box 14 had £100,000

30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 5:55 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 15/12 Jamie

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Jamie says that he knows he had the really big offers, but to win nearly £15,000 is a lot of money - and that he's a winner.

Stephen ends by saying that The Banker beat our final player of the series - and that he'll be back at Christmas for a celebrity special (This coming Sunday).

30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 6:07 pm    Author: Davao    Post subject: Re: 15/12 Jamie

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Think Id have done the same as Jamie, family man, so he ain't playing for just himself, its for him, and his family, which makes it more important. Don't think anyone would have gone straight to the end unless you're a true Wakeyist. Almost £15,000 can make a huge difference to him and his family

Pretty good week this week, some great wins and games, the regular series had a good ending. I hope it comes back.

Think the contestants mostly, been extremely unlucky with the proveouts.

Well done Jamie!



PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 6:29 pm    Author: daniel123    Post subject: Re: 15/12 Jamie
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So that's the first episode of Deal Or No Deal I've watched live (or at least, at the same time it's aired, I wasn't physically there in the audience...) for just over 15 years, and I found it an interesting experience!
The first thing to strike me I think was how tacky the set appears, in direct contrast with the 'dream factory' - again, there's the caveat that the only studio I knew was Paintworks, so I have no idea what later sets felt like. I have seen photos and clips, but not enough to really gauge the feeling. Anyway, this studio feels small, and...cramped, yet also empty. There aren't many people in the audience, there's no sense of vastness to the 'walk of wealth' and the wings, and the gameboard appears to me like someone's just rolled one of those extra-huge flatscreen TVs in and plonked it in the middle, 'yeah that'll do mayte, see ya!'. In a way, it actually works for me...
The set feels very much like a prototype, or a pilot - the whole atmosphere is that of a pilot run, for me, with plenty of features that'll be refined and tweaked if viewing figures are good and the show continues. It feels very 'budget', but I don't mind that, really. 2005 was a generation ago, after all, and the boom times will come again - but not just yet.

I noted the thinking music was the same while the player was considering an offer, but they've used a new, more subtle tune during the rounds - and the DRUM sound when the boxes are opened is sometimes slightly delayed, so the person opens the box, you see the amount, and then you hear the DRUM. Sometimes the timing is perfect though, so I'm not sure how that works!
Funnily enough, I was watching shows from February and March 2006 earlier today, and a few of the players commented on how different it felt being in the chair, compared to being on the wings and counselling the player to go on or deal. Jamie mentioned that today too, so at least the tension and suspense haven't changed. :P

Jamie also seemed ecstatic to have £14,850, regardless of the way the game went after that point - which of course is in stark contrast to days of yore, when the player would've been absolutely gutted to miss out on more. I loved the moment when they phoned his partner, but it makes me was this the first time anyone had the thought to 'phone home' on a tricky decision? I'd never thought of it either, until they did it, but it makes perfect sense! :lol:

Stephen I think is a good host, but struggles to dictate the pace of play, in terms of the atmosphere of the game, the mood of the room. I do like the aesthetics, but feel the original presentation of the show was more 'serious'...if that makes sense to anyone. :P
The only thing I don't like, really, is that there are so many commercial breaks! I mean, we came back from one at what, 4:15, then off I went to make a cup of tea at 4:21, that's taking the Mental Mickey a bit surely?

I'm thinking again about how over the moon Jamie was with his fifteen grand. I'd be happy too, it'd get me another step closer to where I want to be, but I don't think I'd be totally bowled over like he seemed to be. Maybe living comfortably has distanced me from reality, I'm open to that being the case - but it feels like quite a damning indictment when people are genuinely deliberating over £2,000-odd, early on in the game. Then again, that isn't something that's only happened in recent times, they were actually doing it in 2005 and 2006 as well, we just don't remember those games!
I mean I'm gone at £14,850 too, don't get me wrong, there's no way on earth I'm risking that when I could leave with a tenner or a quid...

81st member of the Pat M fan club. Still flying the flag for the class of '06...

Like Tom Hanks and his football on that island in 'Cast Away', it looks like it's just me and the bots here now. But that's alright, we're having a grand old time. Aren't we, Wilson? WILSOOOON?!

A few of us who were once part of the furniture, once stalwarts of the grand and extravagant, exuberant and thriving forum, have receded back into the walls, still faintly visible, still here as poignant, reminding relics of an era gone by; but most of us have vanished, forever immersed in the mists of time.



PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 7:22 pm    Author: psychokiller    Post subject: Re: 15/12 Jamie
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daniel123 wrote:
Maybe living comfortably has distanced me from reality, I'm open to that being the case


''Oh yes''



PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 7:24 pm    Author: Power5    Post subject: Re: 15/12 Jamie
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James1978 wrote:
£74,900 my arse :laughing

Might as well have said £99,999.99 there :lol:

If they want anyone to ever play to the end and win a red, they need to sort these final offers, given it’s probably not that much of an exaggeration of what would have happened in live play.

At least he wasn’t yet another with the £100k in his box. Clearly a significant sum of money to him, even if he’d have hot the dream round (right down to 2-box) afterwards.

Oh and five others, guess I need to update this!



PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 7:25 pm    Author: daniel123    Post subject: Re: 15/12 Jamie
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psychokiller wrote:
daniel123 wrote:
Maybe living comfortably has distanced me from reality, I'm open to that being the case


''Oh yes''

:lol: Hey, it's true, I'm not a' complainin'! I'm not rich by any stretch, but thankfully I'm not on the poverty line any more. I do remember how it felt to have zilch, but I can't pretend I'm still in touch with anyone who's going through it right now. I'm not *beep* Maurice, is what I'm getting at, alright? :-D

81st member of the Pat M fan club. Still flying the flag for the class of '06...

Like Tom Hanks and his football on that island in 'Cast Away', it looks like it's just me and the bots here now. But that's alright, we're having a grand old time. Aren't we, Wilson? WILSOOOON?!

A few of us who were once part of the furniture, once stalwarts of the grand and extravagant, exuberant and thriving forum, have receded back into the walls, still faintly visible, still here as poignant, reminding relics of an era gone by; but most of us have vanished, forever immersed in the mists of time.



PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 7:31 pm    Author: psychokiller    Post subject: Re: 15/12 Jamie
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Well that week didn't go totally disastrously. Maybe, just maybe, salvaged the 'pilot' enough to greenlight a 100 episode run perhaps. I'm not as convinced it will wither and die like I was last week. But I *still* wouldn't be shocked...

...and Brian would agree with me. He looked seriously pissed that he wasn't playing today. It's already been five months of uncertainty. Perhaps the chance has been and gone? I'm wondering if his casual ''Tory stronghold'' comment (referring to all the blues left on the board in an early game) kept him back?

I have to admit that it was fairly fun to have the show back to break up the monotonous wintry evenings, but a lot of the negative traits that the OG show had seemed to completely override the games here and were downright encouraged by the crew and host.

It badly missed Noel. And I don't think anything or anyone can recapture that bizarre cult vibe that only worked when you had a uniquely suited character like Noel was.

Will I be back to watch it when/if it returns? Likely! Will I also be a chastising troll at any and every given opportunity? 100% yes.



PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 8:01 pm    Author: BankerSpanker    Post subject: Re: 15/12 Jamie
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And now it's back to repeats of Tipping Point :roll:

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 8:21 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject: Re: 15/12 Jamie
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h2005 wrote:
Stephen says it's the final show of the series and £106,270.11 has been paid out so far.

Did I mishear this or did they get it wrong? I make it £160,570.11 up until yesterday's show!

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2023 1:12 am    Author: Rob    Post subject: Re: 15/12 Jamie

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Well, I've thoroughly enjoyed this series. It'll undoubtedly be back, the ratings have been great. I should hope the remaining players will return?
Talking of the players - two newbies introduced today? Who left?

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