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PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:47 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: 25/03 Stevie

Joined: Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:34 pm
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Belated, but why break with tradition?

Noel welcomes us to the Dream Factory and we see the moment Gill's blank box was opened, and then the indent being shown to reveal £75,000!

Noel says we need a tall order for today..


30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:51 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 25/03 Stevie

Joined: Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:34 pm
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Loud and rowdy pilgrims today!

Stevie takes the walk of wealth and he has Box 20.

Stevie Burns is a shop supervisor and is frightened of the stock room! He says there is fungus on the walls, and naked manikins scare him! He says they have names such as "clint" and "Joanne"!!

We see a picture of Stevie and his partner Ricky, who Stevie loves to bits. They have been together for 5 months.

Nana B in the audience, she says that her and Neil have met before, hilarity ensues. NOEL says he must have made a big impression!

Noel asks Stevie why he didn't bring Nana A! We then see a picture of Nana B looking like a gangster. A lot of respect between the 2 of them, lovely relationship.

Housekeeping done, off we go!

30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:02 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 25/03 Stevie

Joined: Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:34 pm
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Noel mentions how Stevie never switched his light on, BANKER BEWARE.

David with 9- BLANK BOX!

Joking, it's £10,000

Nabeela/Billie/Big Gob with 15- £15,000

Noel thinks Stevie must be good at darts..??

Rikki with 5- £5,000

Anthony with 19- 1p :whyme

One more box to go.

Nick with 6- 10p :D

Good opener, Banker Time...

30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:04 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 25/03 Stevie

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The Banker rings and calls Noel, Neil. He says Mo left with a helathy win but it could have been more.

The Banker says Stevie is a sterling reader of the board, and does believe that Stevie has been teling the truth with his "Deal LIght".

Not only is Stevie very fair skinned, but he is allergic to sun cream!!

Nana B hasn't put her hearing aid in, so we've lost her!



30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:04 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 25/03 Stevie

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Stevie says it's a lot of money and he doesn't want to be a legacy player.

NO DEAL Stevie says!

Break and competition time.

30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:05 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 25/03 Stevie

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4 Holidays and £25,000 up for grabs this time.

Enter by post apparently. Deal 12.. 12th competition?

30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:07 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 25/03 Stevie

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We are... BACK!

Noel says it's one of the busiest breaks in a long time.

Nana B's hearing aid has broken, she says she could use Noel's. Noel says she wouldn't want to hear what he hears, Nana B is very open minded!

Noel picks on a shy pilgrim, and a loved up couple. We are introduced to Martin, our Pilgrim of The Day who once drove for Desmond TuTu.

30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:08 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 25/03 Stevie

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Today Box 23 could contain






As if you didn't know.

30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:11 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 25/03 Stevie

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Catherine with 3- £75,000

First big hit of the game, first big groans from the pilgrims.

Craig with 10- £1

Samantha with 8- £50


30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:14 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 25/03 Stevie

Joined: Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:34 pm
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Stevie wants to pay off debts, a holiday and driving lessons.

The Banker has Stevie down as a master player. He has bought a distraction, the lovely Nana B.

The Banker has a desire for Nana B but apparently she is "fixed up".

Nana B says she is available if The Banker is good to Stevie. He says he will consider it and she tells him to hurry up!



30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:15 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 25/03 Stevie

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BOOO's from the pilgrims.

Nana B says she has complete faith in Stevie and not to take any notice of The Banker, who is out of the picture completely!

Stevie says


30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:16 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 25/03 Stevie

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"Lovely Lorraine" with 14- £5

"Beautiful Katie" with 21- £500

All blue round?

Let's discover that together


30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:18 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 25/03 Stevie

Joined: Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:34 pm
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Very quick break today, of about 4 seconds.

We are back and Noel reminds us that Stevie is playing. As if we forgot.

Keywan with 7- £20,000

Lots of groans but far from a disaster.


30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:19 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 25/03 Stevie

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The Banker talks some crap.



And there is a pretty crap offer to accompany.

30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:20 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 25/03 Stevie

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Stevie says the lighting is very clever...

He says the £13,000 would do so much for him. He says he hasn't saved and is in a bit of debt.

Samantha asks Stevie what he would do on the wings, he says he wouldn't have his light on.

Noel asks the question and Stevie says


30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:23 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 25/03 Stevie

Joined: Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:34 pm
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ROUND 4 and the quest to 8 box...

Mandy with 17- £250

Some board this is turning into!

Traci with 1- £250,000 :smt009

Lynne with 13- £3,000

Interesting 8 box configuration.

Banker Time.

30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:24 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 25/03 Stevie

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The Banker says he has been mulling it over and the he knew long distance Stevie was always going to go on.



30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:26 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 25/03 Stevie

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Stevie says his nickname is "big red" and was told to bare that in mind when on the show.

Stevie says he came with three financial numbers that he would have liked.

One would change his life in a slight way.

Another one would change HIS life AND others.

The third would be a dream for him, and it is still achievable.

There are still no Deal Lights on.

Stevie is ready.

Stevie says...


until after the break.

30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND

Last edited by Archstered on Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.



PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:27 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 25/03 Stevie

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Holidays cash yaa yada....

30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND



PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:28 pm    Author: Archstered    Post subject: Re: 25/03 Stevie

Joined: Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:34 pm
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Welcome back.

Question is now asked properly.

Stevie says


30 | Retail Manager | Eurovision | Rats | Corrie | A little bit of DoND

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