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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:12 pm    Author: RMF1254    Post subject: Re: 13/04 Bev
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Mind you, it's quite a fall back to Earth after the last four games produced three OPWs and a great turnaround... :(

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:35 pm    Author: Big-Davey    Post subject: Re: 13/04 Bev
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Just makes you remember no matter what happens tomorrow it'll be back on the up - unless someone ends up going home bark again :shock:

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:35 pm    Author: killersbee    Post subject: Re: 13/04 Bev
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Guess it was too much to ask to avoid a 1p win for the rest of the Season, what a horrible game!

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:01 pm    Author: richie4eva1    Post subject: Re: 13/04 Bev
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I thought to myself 'she is going to jinx herself here if she's not careful' when she kept saying she was going to win big money over and over and voila.....

Matty was just careless and arrogant from the off because he bought a money tree and tissues for the banker and it just backfired big time on him (Matty) as he thought he had a big amount sealed before he even started

Bev on the other hand was just undercooked and didn't prepare herself for the possibility of a low amount, not as arrogant as Matty was but like I said could have prepared herself a little better IMO

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:33 pm    Author: James1978    Post subject: Re: 13/04 Bev

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Only caught the last few minutes of that, but was it just me or when the newbie opened up the £20k which wrecked the game he sort of stood there with a sadistic grin on his face?

I pretty much knew Bev was doomed when she said she was NOT winning a blue, you just can't say that!!


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:54 pm    Author: Big-Davey    Post subject: Re: 13/04 Bev
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richie4eva1 wrote:
I thought to myself 'she is going to jinx herself here if she's not careful' when she kept saying she was going to win big money over and over and voila.....

Matty was just careless and arrogant from the off because he bought a money tree and tissues for the banker and it just backfired big time on him (Matty) as he thought he had a big amount sealed before he even started

Bev on the other hand was just undercooked and didn't prepare herself for the possibility of a low amount, not as arrogant as Matty was but like I said could have prepared herself a little better IMO

But he did!!! He just chose to swap it away then later get rid of it! :lol:

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:56 pm    Author: Kanga    Post subject: Re: 13/04 Bev
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An inevitable trainwreck. I hope she puts Noel's shoes on display in her cafe :P

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 10:13 pm    Author: norwichdonder    Post subject: Re: 13/04 Bev

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What was most ironic is that her second offer was the top of her game which was almost similar to Shannons deal yesterday. If she had dealt at £11.7k we would have all derided her and it would have made an almost extraordinary proveout. I can almost bet she is still rueing not accepting that offer and making deal history by being the first person to accept the second offer and in the process not joining the barge(assuming she had been offered and taken the hypo swap).

And to top it off, her special number chosen by her son, the only person who would pick a number - 3 had the penny in it.

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Moxx of Balhoom

PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 10:58 pm    Author: Moxx of Balhoom    Post subject: Re: 13/04 Bev

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Just bad luck throughout, the boxes didn't go Bev's way, but at least she got a pair of boots out of it

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Michael DeVere

PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:14 pm    Author: Michael DeVere    Post subject: Re: 13/04 Bev

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kestral wrote:
Gordon next, and Bev says that he actually beats Noel for shoes, so Noel compares shoes with Gordon.

I read that and was just imagining Gordon physically beating Noel for some shoes. :lol:



PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:52 pm    Author: mr_northern_guy    Post subject: Re: 13/04 Bev

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I just KNEW Bev was gonna win the 1p...and I didn't even watch the episode as I was in London!

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