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PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:02 pm    Author: kestral    Post subject: 11/04 Ian
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Ian's game today.

Noel says of course we can dismiss this game as just opening boxes, but the fans know it as a battle, and the contestants know that while on the wings they have to be careful what they say as it can go in their files, but Sophie found out that you have to watch what you say in the hotel as the Banker had feedback that she said she would play on while the £250,000 was in play while she was in the hotel, but this ended up going in her favour and she ended up going away with £46,000.

'Take your hands out of your pockets!' Noel to H2005 23/03/09 :P




PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:05 pm    Author: kestral    Post subject: Re: 11/04 Ian
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Ian has box 12 today.

Ian is a bit stunned to be playing, and Noel says he has been dubbed by the Banker as the shows most boring player. Ian is an engineer and the Banker phones and says he is boring!! Noel introduces Ian's wife and asks where they met, and it was at a nightclub, so Noel asks if she was drunk!! We get to see some of Ian's pictures, and one is of a racehorse and Ian says he would love to own a racehorse as he loves racing. We see another of Ian at his graduation day with his mum and dad.

Here we go...

'Take your hands out of your pockets!' Noel to H2005 23/03/09 :P




PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:08 pm    Author: kestral    Post subject: Re: 11/04 Ian
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Round 1

Ian has some numbers that he wants to keep to the end.

2 - £5 Debs

Roy next who is a retired bailiff, and that gets some boos!

7 - £50 Roy

21 - £500 Al

6 - £250 Dave

18 - £75,000 Helen

Banker time

'Take your hands out of your pockets!' Noel to H2005 23/03/09 :P




PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:09 pm    Author: RMF1254    Post subject: Re: 11/04 Ian
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That was just like Natalie's opening round - four blues and then a Power 5 amount... :?

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:10 pm    Author: kestral    Post subject: Re: 11/04 Ian
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Well that was a shame says Noel, but look at the rest of it. The Banker takes a while to call, and Noel wonders if he has nodded off as Ian is so boring! Noel starts making smalltalk with Ian, and then hopes that the Banker's butler will wake him up. Just then Noel's other phone rings, so Noel runs to answer it and it is Pennyworth, who tells Noel that the Banker is so bored he has gone to the movies! Pennyworth then makes the offer!

Banker's offer:


'Take your hands out of your pockets!' Noel to H2005 23/03/09 :P




PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:11 pm    Author: kestral    Post subject: Re: 11/04 Ian
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Noel wonders if the money would be guaranteed as the Banker didn't actually make the offer, so Ian might be better to play on!

Ian says


'Take your hands out of your pockets!' Noel to H2005 23/03/09 :P



Michael DeVere

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:14 pm    Author: Michael DeVere    Post subject: Re: 11/04 Ian

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It's been a while since we've heard anything about Pennyworth. Doesn't the Banker also have a masseuse called Andre?



PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:18 pm    Author: kestral    Post subject: Re: 11/04 Ian
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We're back

Round 2

Ian says he is keeping box 9.

1 - £250,000 :( Bev

Bev says it should have been her game today.

20 - £35,000 Andrea

22 - £100 Gordon

Banker time

'Take your hands out of your pockets!' Noel to H2005 23/03/09 :P




PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:19 pm    Author: RMF1254    Post subject: Re: 11/04 Ian
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kestral wrote:
Well that was a shame says Noel, but look at the rest of it. The Banker takes a while to call, and Noel wonders if he has nodded off as Ian is so boring! Noel starts making smalltalk with Ian, and then hopes that the Banker's butler will wake him up. Just then Noel's other phone rings, so Noel runs to answer it and it is Pennyworth, who tells Noel that the Banker is so bored he has gone to the movies! Pennyworth then makes the offer!

Banker's offer:


Natalie was offered only £6k - and the Power 5 amount she took out was the £50k... :? :? :roll:

Enthusiastic about buses, Mike Oldfield... and Danielle Fearnon off Price-Drop TV



PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:21 pm    Author: RMF1254    Post subject: Re: 11/04 Ian
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kestral wrote:
1 - £250,000 :( Bev

Bev says it should have been her game today.

Well I expected that that would be the case! ;)

Anyway, it looks like we're falling back down to earth after yesterday... :( :(

Enthusiastic about buses, Mike Oldfield... and Danielle Fearnon off Price-Drop TV



PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:21 pm    Author: kestral    Post subject: Re: 11/04 Ian
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That was a horrible round says Noel. Pennyworth says that Ian is a delightful man with a beautiful wife. Noel tries to do Pennyworth's accent, and he is from Scotland. Pennyworth says that Anthony is a great reader of the board and asks for his guidance on the next offer, Anthony thinks it should be around £100,000! :lol: Pennyworth says he will go along with Anthony's offer!! The Banker then rings back and says the film wasn't that good! :P

Banker's offer:


'Take your hands out of your pockets!' Noel to H2005 23/03/09 :P




PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:22 pm    Author: kestral    Post subject: Re: 11/04 Ian
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Ian says that is a fantastic offer.

Ian says


'Take your hands out of your pockets!' Noel to H2005 23/03/09 :P




PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:22 pm    Author: RMF1254    Post subject: Re: 11/04 Ian
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A stick??! Now that's a surprise...

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:24 pm    Author: kestral    Post subject: Re: 11/04 Ian
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Round 3

Ian is keeping 4 and 14 as well.

17 - £20,000 Jim

16 - £15,000 Tara

Oh Ian shouts Noel, after a good start this is going horribly wrong.

Noel calls another break...

'Take your hands out of your pockets!' Noel to H2005 23/03/09 :P




PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:26 pm    Author: RMF1254    Post subject: Re: 11/04 Ian
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Oh, no! :(

Can't disagree with Noel there... :(

Enthusiastic about buses, Mike Oldfield... and Danielle Fearnon off Price-Drop TV



PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:29 pm    Author: kestral    Post subject: Re: 11/04 Ian
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We're back
Last box before the Banker

5 - £750 Sarah

Banker time

'Take your hands out of your pockets!' Noel to H2005 23/03/09 :P




PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:31 pm    Author: kestral    Post subject: Re: 11/04 Ian
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You need that big time says Noel, he thinks the board looks odd as well. The Banker thinks that Ian has been a great sport while on the wings.

Banker's offer:


'Take your hands out of your pockets!' Noel to H2005 23/03/09 :P




PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:32 pm    Author: kestral    Post subject: Re: 11/04 Ian
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Ian says that is an incredible offer for the board. He would use the money to treat the family, and also travel a bit more. Ian says that he thinks he can get a bit more than £9,000 though.

Ian says


'Take your hands out of your pockets!' Noel to H2005 23/03/09 :P




PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:32 pm    Author: RMF1254    Post subject: Re: 11/04 Ian
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Another stick?!!?!? :shock:

Just as odd as the board methinks...

Enthusiastic about buses, Mike Oldfield... and Danielle Fearnon off Price-Drop TV



PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:34 pm    Author: kestral    Post subject: Re: 11/04 Ian
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Round 4

Ian is now keeping box 13 as well, as it is the number of the horse in his photo.

3 - £10 Tanya

19 - 1p :D Dougie

11 - £100,000 Ziggy

Banker time

'Take your hands out of your pockets!' Noel to H2005 23/03/09 :P


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