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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:11 pm    Author: killersbee    Post subject: Re: 29/03 Jefferson
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The red round caused him to deal, I hate it when that happens just when it looks like it's going to be a powerful game

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deal who rebecca

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:25 pm    Author: deal who rebecca    Post subject: Re: 29/03 Jefferson

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only saying but souldn't the swap
of been offerd as i thought that if you had the 250,000 you got the swap also i think he sould of went another round as he had 4 of the power 5 (i think)

i like deal or no deal, dr who and lots of other things and have seen lots of clips of deal or no deal on you tube inclding h2005



PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:16 pm    Author: BankerSpanker    Post subject: Re: 29/03 Jefferson
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Yeah, so much for the swap being automatically offered when the £250k is still there. :roll:

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:34 pm    Author: KP    Post subject: Re: 29/03 Jefferson
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I'm just pleasantly surprised they didn't hypo-swap given what was on the table!! :)

Also glad he got to 5-box, and from there you had clear arguments either way, with the 30% disaster chance argument likely to win out for most. I'd have probably played on, but having said that I'm not so sure the more I think about it. Which says a lot for the offer being in the right area, IMO.

Better this than a blue, that's for sure, and if he'd left any other box in round 6 he'd have had a huge TPW to celebrate.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:19 pm    Author: paulyc    Post subject: Re: 29/03 Jefferson

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richie4eva1 wrote:
No arguments about that game from me

Bit OTT at the start for my liking but once Jefferson settled and the game got flowing a bit it turned out quite well

Hilde being her usual self, and I did chuckle when the banker said her game should be cancelled :lol:

Seriously though think I would have gone when he did, albeit reluctantly

I think Hilde's just wandered into the dream factory out the rain and doesnt know she's on deal. :shock: :lol:


Simon F

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:34 pm    Author: Simon F    Post subject: Re: 29/03 Jefferson
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The relative generosity of the 5-box showed how poor the one at 8-box was. Very difficult to judge 8-box boards like that (with 4 significant and 4 disposable boxes) as it's just as like to take 1 bad/2 good boxes as to take 2 bad/1 good (although the banker was right that 2 reds/1 blue was the most likely outcome - the £5k was definitely disposable today).

For me, I'd have probably been thinking at 5-box that if I had just hit an 18% chance of an all red round, would I be willing to risk £21,500 with a 30% chance of losing it all (even knowing there was a 40% chance of at least trebling it)

Unusually, the £250k didn't reveal itself straight after Noel went into his "1st male QM winner" routine like it usual does.

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Moxx of Balhoom

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:44 pm    Author: Moxx of Balhoom    Post subject: Re: 29/03 Jefferson

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There's always a risk with games like Jefferson's where the power 5 remains pretty much intact late into the game that once you start hitting the big ones they are going to fall like dominoes.

Think that all red round knocked his confidence a bit and he erred on the side of caution with a respectable 5 box deal but it was a board which could be argued either way, no shame in dealing but no shame in going on either. A pity then given what was in his box that he couldn't have found the £250k in proveout, even if he'd kept the £50k in play instead he wouldn't have gotten as high an offer as the one he dealt

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