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travis P

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:39 pm    Author: travis P    Post subject: Re: 01/03 Tiffany

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Brick wrote:
A straight swap offer on that final two would have been cruel, especially as a swap's guaranteed with the £250k at 2-box anyway. Plus, both Alice and Corrinne also put significance on the last box on the wings but didn't swap, so saying you'd swap and actually going through with it can be very different entities!

Cruel, yes but Deal or No Deal is a cruel game. I wouldn't be surprised if he did offer it in live play. A simple coinflip to create a third £250K winner. I'd bet he will do it in live play if someone does keep it with a low blue.



PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:42 pm    Author: Brick    Post subject: Re: 01/03 Tiffany
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travis P wrote:
Brick wrote:
A straight swap offer on that final two would have been cruel, especially as a swap's guaranteed with the £250k at 2-box anyway. Plus, both Alice and Corrinne also put significance on the last box on the wings but didn't swap, so saying you'd swap and actually going through with it can be very different entities!

Cruel, yes but Deal or No Deal is a cruel game. I wouldn't be surprised if he did offer it in live play. A simple coinflip to create a third £250K winner. I'd bet he will do it in live play if someone does keep it with a low blue.

Possible I guess, just that reading the commentary brought back memories of PJ's game, and I doubt a repeat of that would go down well.

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travis P

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:43 pm    Author: travis P    Post subject: Re: 01/03 Tiffany

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Big-Davey wrote:
Actually that's a very good point - even without the £250,000 he loves his hypo-swaps...

...the only thing I can suggest is Endemol have yet again taken the forum's opinions on board, this time about the hypo-swap! :D

Sophie wasn't offered the swap either at her recording and they could've made a massive spin on the biggest loser record if she did the hypo-swap. Maybe they have been reading the posts on here... :ponder:



PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:56 pm    Author: Big-Davey    Post subject: Re: 01/03 Tiffany
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Oh you know they have, especially when they have done in the past :lol:

The game is still evolving freeflow, there's never a dull moment in terms of a proveout after all!

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:56 pm    Author: Big-Davey    Post subject: Re: 01/03 Tiffany
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travis P wrote:
BankerSpanker wrote:
I let out a huge "WHAT??!??!!" as soon as she said DEAL to £21,000. At 37% of the average, that is a POOR offer and I don't think the next offer would've been £55K in live play. I bet it would've been <£40K.

Oh, and this game made me fall asleep. TOO MUCH PADDING! :x

You must remember that nearly all the players doesn't know how to work out the average on the board. Contestants would rather look on the board, see if the offer is good enough for them. Tiffany wouldn't have know the percentages and the averages and I don't think she cared. Her more fear was the top right hand side of the board.


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PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 7:33 pm    Author: rico7    Post subject: Re: 01/03 Tiffany
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Mark wrote:
Here's hoping this will be the Bankers Gamble.........

I doubt that we'll see a banker's gamble like Alice's again. The opportunity was there yesterday to create the first male quarter millionaire but it wasn't offered. I think we would have seen it though on 1p and 250K if Tiffany had dealt at £55,000. The proveout didn't exactly go her way but her decision to deal at 21K was understandable as it was a gambler's board at 8 box.


travis P

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 7:37 pm    Author: travis P    Post subject: Re: 01/03 Tiffany

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Big-Davey wrote:

Yes, I meant left.



PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:18 pm    Author: norwichdonder    Post subject: Re: 01/03 Tiffany

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Noel should asked about the hyposwap and then swapped the boxes. She claimed during the final moment she would have swapped so her scream and exclamation at the 1p in 'her' box was a little odd.

She wouldn't have had that reaction if Noel insisted on 'playing with honesty' as he usually does.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:30 pm    Author: paulyc    Post subject: Re: 01/03 Tiffany

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I've just been reading the deal or no deal feed on facebook and tiffany is on there claiming she was offered the gamble, said yes, then the banker said she wasnt getting it! :shock: Not sure I totally buy that. Though I suppose that may be why she celebrated the penny, but then again she did state she would have swapped.

She says it was edited to show the best possible game. So not sure why that would be cut.

Personally cut out all that innate chatting at the start, i.e. skim 15 minutes from this show, then I'd agree. Some characters or games warrant the extra time, this game was an example of one which, I feel, did not.



PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:33 pm    Author: norwichdonder    Post subject: Re: 01/03 Tiffany

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paulyc wrote:
I've just been reading the deal or no deal feed on facebook and tiffany is on there claiming she was offered the gamble, said yes, then the banker said she wasnt getting it! :shock: Not sure I totally buy that. Though I suppose that may be why she celebrated the penny, but then again she did state she would have swapped.
She says it was edited to show the best possible game. So not sure why that would be cut.

If you read another comment, Dylan says "She took home 21k. The end part of the show....which has been cut....the banker asks her if she would like the bankers gamble....she said yes...but then he said he wasn't going to offer her it!"

Seems a bit grubby and stinks to me on the part of the producers to offer the gamble, and withdraw it, given she said she would swap (for whatever reason - who knows a nod or a wink from the IA). Although nothing would surprise me, not even Noel introducing tomorrows game claiming "she wasn't brave enough to go on" even though we now know the true story. For all their posturing it really does make you wonder if they can afford the really big wins. It certainly seems they promote the gambling aspect yet get all pee-shy when there is a chance of a big win with the true story behind todays game.

I'm guessing the twitter feed didn't bring up this issue?

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Michael DeVere

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:10 am    Author: Michael DeVere    Post subject: Re: 01/03 Tiffany

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An interview with Tiffany taken before her game was aired - ... r_No_Deal/



PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:22 am    Author: KP    Post subject: Re: 01/03 Tiffany
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Blimey-o-flip, I've lived in Weymouth most of my life, and have walked past Weird Fish goodness knows how many times! Don't recognise her, mind - not my kind of shop :)

And blimey-o-flip-squared, that's controversy if that's true regarding the Gamble... although being charitable, it's at least as likely that they wanted to taunt her with the possibility of a Gamble, then basically go "hah, sorry, you don't get £250k that easily." Heck,, you could have "offered" the gamble, then said... "...actually, you'd have got it if you'd gone one more round and dealt the £55k."

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:28 am    Author: StatsMan    Post subject: Re: 01/03 Tiffany

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Well, it was a scary board at 8-box certainly, so I can understandable the deal. However, a board with the top 3 is harder to walk away from for me than it would be to play on with the bottom 3 intact in this situation, keeping any of them to the final 2 would've seen at least equal to the deal, and there was a great opportunity for a 'power 5' offer next round. I'd be wanting closer to £30k there, I think.

Still, Tiffany was quite a fun contestant and it was an entertaining game.


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:33 am    Author: StatsMan    Post subject: Re: 01/03 Tiffany

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KP wrote:
Blimey-o-flip, I've lived in Weymouth most of my life, and have walked past Weird Fish goodness knows how many times! Don't recognise her, mind - not my kind of shop :)

And blimey-o-flip-squared, that's controversy if that's true regarding the Gamble... although being charitable, it's at least as likely that they wanted to taunt her with the possibility of a Gamble, then basically go "hah, sorry, you don't get £250k that easily." Heck,, you could have "offered" the gamble, then said... "...actually, you'd have got it if you'd gone one more round and dealt the £55k."

Yes, I think they were just taunting her with offering it, I wouldn't read anything into it.


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:44 am    Author: paulyc    Post subject: Re: 01/03 Tiffany

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I did read Dylan's response and although that may well be a valid answer, to me, the game would have been better/more tense, truer to how it was played if they had left that in, even if the banker did withdraw the offer of it. That's been done before. Perhaps he didnt want to come across that cruel in the end.


Moxx of Balhoom

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:56 am    Author: Moxx of Balhoom    Post subject: Re: 01/03 Tiffany

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I don't think any players bonded with the Banker quite like that before!

I found Tiffany a funny and entertaining player, yes she probably should have gone on one more round but given she only had 1p in her box you could also argue that she was unlucky in the proveout.

Assuming her story about the 17 spot ladybird is true (Can ladybirds even have that many spots?) then that is kind of spooky, and even if it wasn't it's interesting that the box she felt she had to leave till the end contained big money, but then again given that she had shrapnell in her box it's unlikely she was ever going to see the confetti.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 1:27 am    Author: paulyc    Post subject: Re: 01/03 Tiffany

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Yeah but you seem to be ignoring the fact she told Noel, apparantly without his usual prompting, that she would have swapped. In that case I cant see why she was celebrating so hard. Unless its because she knows she would never have gone on that far, but would take the gamble if offered.


Simon F

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 1:36 am    Author: Simon F    Post subject: Re: 01/03 Tiffany
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BankerSpanker wrote:
Why is everyone applauding £7,000? Can't they see how low that is?
Peter took out £20K and £50K and he was offered £15,000. What the heck?! :smt011

Because it's far worse on screen for an offer to be met with total silence. The clapping is more out of courtesy when the offer is OK but not great.

Skyline wrote:
There's at least one round in this. Come on statisticicicians, back me up, there's a 1 in 330 chance of the disaster round!

1 in 165 actually.

Personally, today's a game where I'd rather see the extra time being taken up by a contestant's personality being highlighted than mock BG's being offered (especially if they are ridiculous ones. I'd say that if the BG is going to be offered with the £250k in play with a unsignificant amount as backup, it needs to be at least £50k being gambled).

That 8-box board was tough to read. Normally with a 3-box game at the top end, you'd go on because there's about an 80% chance of not taking out more than 1 of them but when you have the same odds with the top left, it means you probably have to consider taking 1 of each 3 and 1 of the middle 2 - in which case I'd probably go on hoping the 1 big red wasn't the QM.

Unsure about my feelings of the SWAP offer at the end. On the plus side, it negated a really big offer (£88k should be the motif now but that's incredibly generous so anywhere about £60-£75k would probably be more realistic), although that's not really much more of a guilt trip than the £55k (which I thought was about right and would have dealt).

Personally, I think the question of swapping after the game was at the right time given that if the 2-box offer had been in live play, it would easily have been the most artificial £250k win had she swapped.

I also don't read too much to the banker's jokingly offering the BG. It's been done before where he's asked if the player wanted it and then said "tough". It's not a pleasant thing to do and probably didn't sit well with the positive mood of the game today so I think it was the correct decision in the editing suite.

Altogether, a very enjoyable watch (but with a slight bitter taste of the non-offer at the end)

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Michael DeVere

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 9:50 pm    Author: Michael DeVere    Post subject: Re: 01/03 Tiffany

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A new interview with Tiffany talking about her win - ... _Deal_win/

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