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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:26 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject: Re: 20/02 Darrel - Love Week Specials
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The banker rings back and laughs uncontrollably.

Box 3 with Tiffany contains the £1

Darrel says he's so grateful to have been on the show, even if he didn't win anything.

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:26 pm    Author: Big-Davey    Post subject: Re: 20/02 Darrel - Love Week Specials
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This is definitely a first though; if it's the BIGGER of the two amounts then the player goes home bark...

Oh for God sake!!! Total bad luck!

Albeit some mediocre payouts, an overshadowed good win, and one OPW this has been a terrible TERRIBLE week! :( Glad to see the back of it in that case!

Lifelong fan of Vicky, Siobhan and Lisa

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:29 pm    Author: James1978    Post subject: Re: 20/02 Darrel - Love Week Specials

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What I'd really love to see if after someone's been really unlucky like that and the banker starts laughing at them, for them to grab the phone off Noel and shout obscenities down it - I think I'd want to if that happened to me, it would be priceless entertainment.

What do you have to lose? :)


"22 identical sealed boxes, and no questions except a poor deal for an easy few thousand or be brave and win a blue!"



PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:30 pm    Author: killersbee    Post subject: Re: 20/02 Darrel - Love Week Specials
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Worse game of the month!

Like this year's Dancing On Ice, I feel that this show is beginning to lose it's charm cause of disasters like this

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H2005: "Anyone can quote anything from here, so long as kestral and I get £4,523.49 each for every word that's quoted."



PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:31 pm    Author: Big-Davey    Post subject: Re: 20/02 Darrel - Love Week Specials
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Don't forget KB, a huge Spanking always ends bad runs like this...of course the only question now is when said Spanking will happen :lol:

And James :lol: I'm convinced the Banker only does it with people who can take the joke by the goolies of course...but that would be top notch comedy if it happened haha!

Lifelong fan of Vicky, Siobhan and Lisa

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:34 pm    Author: Mark    Post subject: Re: 20/02 Darrel - Love Week Specials

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Well if they didn't see him as the next Sunday player which to me he isn't then most likely he would have played on Friday.



PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:35 pm    Author: RMF1254    Post subject: Re: 20/02 Darrel - Love Week Specials
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What a time for Internet Explorer to *beep* up on me there. :x

So did the Banker realise, then, that nobody was going to be fooled if he had given the holiday to Darrel just like that - hence this all or nothing?

And thus, instead of a feel-good ending, we get a feel-worse one... :(

I may not have warmed much to Darrel - but that is a dreadful, dreadful end to what has generally been the worst Love Week thus far in terms of luck. :(

And I bet the folks at aren't too happy either... ;)

Enthusiastic about buses, Mike Oldfield... and Danielle Fearnon off Price-Drop TV


Phil 09

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:38 pm    Author: Phil 09    Post subject: Re: 20/02 Darrel - Love Week Specials
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Just when I thought that it couldn't possibly get any worse than Vicki's game last Thursday...

It just did!

Worst result of not just the month, but of the whole year by far. Commiserations, Darrel but it was the luck of the gamble. I just had a funny feeling that the 4-1 split at 5-box was going to end in disaster.

In summary, apart from Patricia's game last Friday, this has probably got to be the worst Love Week ever.


"I used to be indecisive. But now I'm not so sure".


deal who rebecca

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:43 pm    Author: deal who rebecca    Post subject: Re: 20/02 Darrel - Love Week Specials

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that was a bad game i hate it when the banker laghts down the phone
hope tomowers is beter wel it cant be much worse

i like deal or no deal, dr who and lots of other things and have seen lots of clips of deal or no deal on you tube inclding h2005


Dr. Hindsight

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:57 pm    Author: Dr. Hindsight    Post subject: Re: 20/02 Darrel - Love Week Specials

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Stupid is as stupid does. Bad things usually happen to idiots, and that's exactly what happened here. I suppose someone will win negative money next, right? I predict the next contestant will win £-1,000 or something like that.

The heck with this, I'm off to watch The Chase, QI, Dragons' Den, and other more intelligent programming. Seriously guys, this show is old hat now. You can only watch failure a certain amount of times before it gets boring, right?

Oh, wait. Who am I? Just a casual interloper and occasional UK greyhound racing reporter. There's a great 12-race card scheduled tomorrow at the Hall Green Greyhound Stadium that's sure to excite many. The action gets under way at 11:03 AM. If you're in the area, it's definitely worth checking out.


I have berated my last contestant and have nothing else to say. Roll credits. Fade to black. | Dr. Hindsight | April 18, 2006 - December 7, 2023



PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:14 pm    Author: Skyline    Post subject: Re: 20/02 Darrel - Love Week Specials
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Still here complaining, Mad Mark? Sometimes you can be a bit of a Banana Sandwich sometimes... it wasn't entirely his fault that he didn't win anything. The boxes were against him throughout the game and that twist at the end was the only way to get something out of the game. It was just pure unluckiness.

And surely if he didn't deal the twist and won £10 from his box, you would have said it was incinerator food and shouldn't have been aired, so I don't see what you're so bothered about...

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:07 pm    Author: rico7    Post subject: Re: 20/02 Darrel - Love Week Specials
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killersbee wrote:
Like this year's Dancing On Ice, I feel that this show is beginning to lose it's charm cause of disasters like this

Can't agree, it's the unpredictability of DOND that is a big part of its appeal, and if people won good money every show you wouldn't get that. Not so long ago Dale won £100,000 and a £30,000 OPW was the result on Friday.

How many contestants have walked home with nothing now?



PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:17 pm    Author: BankerSpanker    Post subject: Re: 20/02 Darrel - Love Week Specials
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£5,000 is 30% of the average which is shockingly low. I don't think I'd have considered anything less than £10,000 there.
Overall, Love Week was just complete rubbish. The only good game was Patricia's £30K.

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Dr. Hindsight

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:38 pm    Author: Dr. Hindsight    Post subject: Re: 20/02 Darrel - Love Week Specials

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BankerSpanker wrote:
£5,000 is 30% of the average which is shockingly low. I don't think I'd have considered anything less than £10,000 there.
Overall, Love Week was just complete rubbish. The only good game was Patricia's £30K.

Okay, I'm exceeding my one post per year limit here, but this needs to be said:
You could not be more right. In fact, you win the thread. Well played, sir. I tip my hat to you.

I have berated my last contestant and have nothing else to say. Roll credits. Fade to black. | Dr. Hindsight | April 18, 2006 - December 7, 2023



PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:18 pm    Author: richie4eva1    Post subject: Re: 20/02 Darrel - Love Week Specials
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Not a very good themed week if I'm being honest, probably down there with the worst

Big improvement needed for the next themed week which I believe is Easter?

Although immensely irritating with the constant screaming, Patricia had the best game

Very convincing win overall for the banker this past week, apart from Patricia he didn't really have to break sweat

Next pilgrim appearances on TV - February 21 & 23 2014

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"Regrettably when he rings, he is laughing his designer socks off"


Moxx of Balhoom

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:54 pm    Author: Moxx of Balhoom    Post subject: Re: 20/02 Darrel - Love Week Specials

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The curse of the Sunday player strikes again!!!!!

Darrel was unlucky from the start, it was pretty much an unavoidable trainwreck.

Having said that i quite enjoyed the show. The running joke about room 318 provided plenty of humour in the first half and the all or nothing twist was far more interesting than if the Banker had just given Darrel the holiday as a consolation prize. (Slightly ironic too that the holiday should be to Cuba, the same destination as the holiday that was awarded the subject of a player sweepstake during Santa or Scrooge - and ultimately awarded to another unlucky player as compensation)

Admittedly not the most successful of themed weeks in terms of payouts but that was down to bad timing by the players more than anything - and timing is almost impossible to get right in a game of chance. The twist itself with the Shield and Sword i quite liked, just a shame it didn't pay off a couple of times.

And that must be the first themed week where no holidays have been given away

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Simon F

PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:31 am    Author: Simon F    Post subject: Re: 20/02 Darrel - Love Week Specials
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Horrible way to end the week. 2 gambles taken on that had bigger EVs than the offer. I'd have wanted about £9k at 3-box to start thinking about dealing and gambling £10 to win a holiday on a coinflip is a no-brainer.

Big-Davey wrote:
I disagree entirely...belief is what players need if they want to win big money...simple as. Statisticians and targetists simply aim for the £20,000 mark and pray they reach it

Targetists may aim for £20k but a true statisitican wouldn't be dealing the first offer over it if the board was strong enough to be worth the gamble.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:26 am    Author: Northernmonkey    Post subject: Re: 20/02 Darrel - Love Week Specials

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greeny wrote:
Dylan talking nonsense - clearly doesn't want to open his box.

Not nonsense.....statistics!



PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:50 am    Author: Big-Davey    Post subject: Re: 20/02 Darrel - Love Week Specials
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Simon F wrote:
Horrible way to end the week. 2 gambles taken on that had bigger EVs than the offer. I'd have wanted about £9k at 3-box to start thinking about dealing and gambling £10 to win a holiday on a coinflip is a no-brainer.

Big-Davey wrote:
I disagree entirely...belief is what players need if they want to win big money...simple as. Statisticians and targetists simply aim for the £20,000 mark and pray they reach it

Targetists may aim for £20k but a true statisitican wouldn't be dealing the first offer over it if the board was strong enough to be worth the gamble.

Oh absolutely, I'm just going by the grain :)

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:21 pm    Author: James1978    Post subject: Re: 20/02 Darrel - Love Week Specials

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To be honest, I really didn't mind this particular "nothing" twist (on this occasion!!). That being becuase it was incorporated into the main part of the game, rather than some silly add-on once all the main boxes have been opened, and also there was very little financial loss involved for Darrel - it was just the stigma of winning nothing and he'd be remembered, whereas he'd just be forgotten as having had another trainwreck if he'd just opened his box and won £10 or £1.

It was nothing like ones where people have won thousands in normal gameplay (either playing to the end or dealing), then the banker producing some extra prop to use to increase their winnings or win nothing like Tracey last month (or get guilt-triipped like Kath last Easter is the gamble is refused and then they could have won the extra money).

My point about the banker laughing down the phone at people earlier, I was reminded of it when on Saturday I watched the last 10 mins of Kelly's game (the one from the spring who had the all-blue 5-box, not the one who won £50k!!!!) and she broke down when the banker laughed at her and I thought it was totally uncalled for (in that instance). Someone who has a bit of a temper (like me....ahem) could shout unprintable words at the banker down the phone, they'd probably get kicked off the show but if you're left with all blues or nothing anyway, you're not going to lose financially and it would be so funny!!! :laughing


"22 identical sealed boxes, and no questions except a poor deal for an easy few thousand or be brave and win a blue!"

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