Clever play by the banker at 5-box, not boosting the offers relative to the mean as he's done previously this week with Treat. Here's the stats:
8-box offer: £4,000 (39.19% of mean)
5-box offer: £9,500 (62.42%)
4-box offer: £11,750 (62.37%)
3-box offer: £17,000 (67.55%)
No gain at all at 4-box relative to the mean, and even the 3-box offer was a low increase. Would have expected £26,000 at 2-box if it were a blue, maybe higher if the banker was concerned.
Perhaps Bryan mentioning that he had no debts was an incentive for the banker to lower his generosity, as it's easier on the conscience should things go wrong. Conversely, if Bryan had been in debt, and considered taking the 5-box offer, the banker would have almost certainly intervened and said the next offer would have been higher than £11,750.
Bryan played well, and (in my opinion) left the game at the correct time, when it became clear the banker wasn't going to be generous with his offers. His advice to players in previous games, and ability to read the board well, made him a memorable character on the wings. Plus, winning £17,000 will act as a nice cushion for what he wants, and the holiday of course helps too!
Well done, and enjoy the money, Bryan.