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PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:14 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject: 23/09 Tel
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Location: Chelmsford, Essex
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Tel's game today.

Noel says we have a serious problem at the moment, and it started with Jason's game as he won just £10. Noel says Jason cost Shell £30,000, as she was terrified and dealt at the 3rd offer and missed out on extra money! Noel says the contestants must forget Jason, and he asks the wings if they know who Jason is, and they say NO, except Tel who says YES! :lol:

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:17 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject: Re: 23/09 Tel
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Tel has box 6.

Tel is from Chelmsford in Essex (my hometown :D It's where all the best contestants come from :P ). He's a retired prison officer, and says the TV series Porridge is just like real prison!! He says his wife passed away in 2002, and he he shows a pic of his children and grandchildren... he'd like to win enough to give money to the hospice who helped his wife. He met a woman at bowls recently, and she's in the audience. He'd also like to raise money so she could visit her relatives...

Here we go...

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:19 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject: Re: 23/09 Tel
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Tel has no system...

3 - Ginette - £15,000

22 - Kate - £250

I think it was Kate, her hair was covering her name badge :eyes:

Sid now, and Noel has a confusing exchange with him about where he comes from :P

17 - Sid - £5

7 - Mary - 50p

18 - Michelle - £100

Banker time

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:21 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject: Re: 23/09 Tel
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Noel says this is perfect because we've forgotten about Jason! He says we should forget all about other shows, and says this is a new gameshow :P The banker says he knew they'd be rumbustious today, as he saw them on the karaoke last night!

The banker makes a link to Shell's game with the offer.

Banker's offer:


Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:21 pm    Author: killersbee    Post subject: Re: 23/09 Tel
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h2005 wrote:
Noel says we have a serious problem at the moment, and it started with Jason's game as he won just £10. Noel says Jason cost Shell £30,000, as she was terrified and dealt at the 3rd offer and missed out on extra money! Noel says the contestants must forget Jason, and he asks the wings if they know who Jason is, and they say NO, except Tel who says YES! :lol:

It hasn't been a walk in the park ever since Season 5 started :(

Skyline: "You're still winging about a game six hours after it airs, and it's not even your money!"
H2005: "Anyone can quote anything from here, so long as kestral and I get £4,523.49 each for every word that's quoted."



PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:22 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject: Re: 23/09 Tel
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Tel quickly says NO DEAL

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:22 pm    Author: killersbee    Post subject: Re: 23/09 Tel
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And cue after that start, Shell's dealt offer

Skyline: "You're still winging about a game six hours after it airs, and it's not even your money!"
H2005: "Anyone can quote anything from here, so long as kestral and I get £4,523.49 each for every word that's quoted."



PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:24 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject: Re: 23/09 Tel
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10 - newbie Laura - 1p :D

15 - Donna - £1

Tel talks about how he worked at Chelmsford Prison and Wandsworth Prison, and then talks about a fire at Chelmsford Prison. Noel says we can have a jail break! :P

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:25 pm    Author: killersbee    Post subject: Re: 23/09 Tel
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Oooh, a blue win, a cautious Deal and possibly a huge win to finish off the tri-fector if this works out brilliant for Tel

Skyline: "You're still winging about a game six hours after it airs, and it's not even your money!"
H2005: "Anyone can quote anything from here, so long as kestral and I get £4,523.49 each for every word that's quoted."



PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:27 pm    Author: collydolly    Post subject: Re: 23/09 Tel

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Insider knowledge from Terry's game :D wardrobe put someone elses shirt on him, it is huge and it was too late to change it :lol:

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:29 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject: Re: 23/09 Tel
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We're back

Tel gets confused over Rob's name and calls him Rod and Reg :P

11 - Rob - £50

Banker time

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:29 pm    Author: killersbee    Post subject: Re: 23/09 Tel
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All blue round :D

Skyline: "You're still winging about a game six hours after it airs, and it's not even your money!"
H2005: "Anyone can quote anything from here, so long as kestral and I get £4,523.49 each for every word that's quoted."



PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:30 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject: Re: 23/09 Tel
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Tel says he's using some prison terminology and says he's going to screw the banker!! But the banker wants to turn the screw on Tel :lol:

Banker's offer:


Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:30 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject: Re: 23/09 Tel
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Tel says NO DEAL

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:30 pm    Author: killersbee    Post subject: Re: 23/09 Tel
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Funny joke there :lol:

Skyline: "You're still winging about a game six hours after it airs, and it's not even your money!"
H2005: "Anyone can quote anything from here, so long as kestral and I get £4,523.49 each for every word that's quoted."



PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:31 pm    Author: MisterAl    Post subject: Re: 23/09 Tel
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Collydolly, am I right that you arrived at the studios unaware that somebody you knew was even on the wings, and then found yourself watching their actual game?

I wonder if that's ever happened to an audience member before...

Audience member: 322 games (+14 from the audience holding area) in the UK, 4 games in Ireland
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:32 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject: Re: 23/09 Tel
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Noel says this is the game we've wanted for ages. Vic talks about his Elvis impressions...

16 - Vic - £75,000

Tel cheers but soon realises it's a big number and changes his celebration to commiseration :P

5 - James - £35,000

2 - Kerry - £1,000

Banker time

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:33 pm    Author: killersbee    Post subject: Re: 23/09 Tel
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Now that was not what we needed :(

Skyline: "You're still winging about a game six hours after it airs, and it's not even your money!"
H2005: "Anyone can quote anything from here, so long as kestral and I get £4,523.49 each for every word that's quoted."



PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:34 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject: Re: 23/09 Tel
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The banker tries to get Noel to talk about Jason's game! He says the £10 is still on the board...

Banker's offer:


Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:34 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject: Re: 23/09 Tel
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Location: Chelmsford, Essex
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Noel says Tel is respecting the offers...

Tel quickly says NO DEAL

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)


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