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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:16 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject: John 06/12
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John's game today.

Noel talks about how we have had brave players winning modest sums, and then we had Jay who got 10p. But he says it's so good Asma did better than Jay, but her game was hard! Noel says we want someone special today, who can take their game well. Noel goes through the wings and compares the contestants to various celebrities... saying they're all stars.

Did I see a Namfon on the board?!?! :? :?

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:18 pm    Author: Big-Davey    Post subject:
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This should be good.

Lifelong fan of Vicky, Siobhan and Lisa

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:21 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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John has box 11 today. He has a bit of trouble placing his box on the Pound Table.

He says hello to Noel in a rather odd voice... Noel says this game will be an odd one. John's wife Doreen is in the audience. Doreen says John is always like this :-D :lol: They met at a dance hall. He shows some pics of his daughters, Sharon and Tanya. He says they are religious DOND viewers. One day John said they recorded DOND and put the TV on to watch it... but the TV popped... he tried to get it working but smoke starting coming from the TV... he keeps describing it as "funnyyy"... :-D he says he took the TV outside - his shoes were on fire. Then his trousers were on fire and the whole TV was ablaze :shock:

John says generally he's lucky. He's had a heart bypass. He gets a little upset about his wife as she's on the kidney transplant list. But John says they're lucky because they have each other. :D

Here we go.

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)



Simon F

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:21 pm    Author: Simon F    Post subject:
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Yet another emotional game coming up.



PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:23 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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Quite a long introduction there... 4:21 already.

2 - Patricia - £75,000 :(

5 - Stuart - £250 :D

3 - Stephen - £1 :-D

Jonny does an impression of John's Birmingham accent :lol:

17 - Jonny - £15,000

Orry jokes about John winning enough to be put in sheltered accomodation...he says John's A STAR :lol:

10 - Orry - 10p

Time for the banker...

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:25 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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Noel says that start could've been a lot worse...

The banker says he loves John :shock: Because he likes how John pointed out the story about the TV catching fire - it proved DOND is the only good thing on the FLAMING TV these days!!! :-D

Banker's offer


Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:25 pm    Author: Tom22    Post subject:

Joined: Sat Jun 17, 2006 12:12 pm
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This game has its emotions already.

Stats after Round 1
Offer: £9,900
Mean: £27,965.62
Offer (%): 35.40%
Fair Deal: £9,981.98
Volatility: 1.11
Redometer: 7










PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:26 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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John says the banker is a man after his own heart, with or without a bypass :-D

John chooses Clive - 21... the banker phones...

John apologises to Noel and Noel says that John should say sorry to the banker!!

The banker said "FUNNYYY" :-D


Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:28 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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Clive 21 perhaps?!


Clive says he didn't stop in Devon en route to Bristol from Cornwall because Noel lives there :shock:

21 - Clive - 50p

Great start to the second round

Ashleigh says she'll miss John's cuddles :shock:

13 - Ashleigh - £750 :D

John gives her a peck on the cheek...

Noel points out how there is a letterbox at the bottom of the board, and a great hole in the Banker's Power 5. Noel thinks there's a crack in the corner of the gameboard... he says it might be a BREAK :-D :lol: He says we WILL be back...

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)



Simon F

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:28 pm    Author: Simon F    Post subject:
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9 reds at the first break. Makes a change.



PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:30 pm    Author: Big-Davey    Post subject:
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Albeit the £75,000 going, this is a comfortable start - a huge improvement from the last couple of games.

Lifelong fan of Vicky, Siobhan and Lisa

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:33 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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We're back.

Noel says John's smiled a lot during his time on the wings, and with this board he has every reason to keep smiling...

Sandra says she'll miss John's cuddles too... Noel says "Oh, not another one!" :-D

20 - Sandra - £5 :D Great...

Banker time...

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:34 pm    Author: Big-Davey    Post subject:
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I think we're all smiling with that board! :D

Lifelong fan of Vicky, Siobhan and Lisa

Resident divvy, keeps a nerdy eye on the UK Top 10, makes up the numbers in the forum Fantasy Football...

...and overseeing The 2010 Forum Wing Line-Up! Check it out in the Contestants section of the forum!



PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:35 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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In a Birmingham accent, Noel says it's great.

Noel asks who hasn't been hugged by John, and his wife hasn't :-D

Banker's offer


Noel says it's actually...


Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:35 pm    Author: Tom22    Post subject:

Joined: Sat Jun 17, 2006 12:12 pm
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Hello, Hello! What a board compared to some of the recent ones! I hope the board is matched by the player here!

Stats after Round 2
Offer: £17,500
Mean: £33,904.29
Offer (%): 51.62%
Fair Deal: £14,197.38
Volatility: 1.11
Redometer: 24 (↑17)









PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:35 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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Noel says it's worth thinking about but John says there's too much to play for there to deal...


Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:36 pm    Author: Big-Davey    Post subject:
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Extremely good offer, but far too much still to play for

Lifelong fan of Vicky, Siobhan and Lisa

Resident divvy, keeps a nerdy eye on the UK Top 10, makes up the numbers in the forum Fantasy Football...

...and overseeing The 2010 Forum Wing Line-Up! Check it out in the Contestants section of the forum!


Simon F

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:37 pm    Author: Simon F    Post subject:
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Bankers power 5 wiped out before halfway is always a good sign. :D



PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:37 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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15 - Deano - £50,000 :?

19 - Joe - 1p :D

"YESSSS" shouts John

John says Olly is his excellent mate, and Olly says he loves John...

8 - Olly - £20,000 Hmm... mixed reactions

Banker time

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:38 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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Noel says it was a mixed round and answers the phone quickly

Banker's offer


Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)


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