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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:16 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject: Artak 23/11
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Artak's game today.

Although of course Noel doesn't mention this, we know that today's game is the last game to be recorded before the summer break - being filmed at about 5pm on Friday 15th June 2007.

Summer 2006's recording went out on a high with Jeff King's £64,000... I wonder what sort of game the Dream Factory and its workers had to go to the break with this year.....

Also, today's newbie will have filmed one show and then would have had to have waited nearly four months until they started filming again on Monday 1st October 2007 before they filmed their second show! I believe the newbie in Jeff King's game was Madeleine (and she won £1... maybe only filming one show before the recording break is a curse? :lol:)...

Noel says that this is a challenging time for the contestants. He says Mario was a great guy who made the most of his moment, but his game crashed and since then the banker's been getting people cheaply. Noel wonders whether today's player will be strong, or whether as with yesterday, previous games will have an influence.

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:19 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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Artak has box 9. Noel says his surname is unpronounceable and I'm not going to even attempt to type it!! :P Artak tells how he came to the UK, and he's now in Basildon. His brother is Arson and Noel says "Arson Artak" and Artak said his parents were on fire :lol: He says he's called Art... and Arson is called Ars!!! :lol:

He says he wants to take his sister's family to Disney World with the money he wins... Artak reads out an Armenian message... his mate Kevin is in the audience for support.

Here we go...

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:21 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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Artak says he's leaving newbie Stuart with 13 until the end...

18 - Olly - £100

:D Good start

14 - Ian - £10

More cheers

3 - James - £20,000

Mixed reactions to that but Noel says a lot of people don't mind the £20k going

11 - Jay - £5,000

12 - JC - £5

That round seemed to go very quickly :suspect:

Time for the banker...

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)


Last edited by h2005 on Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.



PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:23 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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Artak says he's happy and Noel says he has every reason to be.

The banker says he's in a good frame of mind and Artak is one of his favourite players. Artak talks to the banker using his native tongue... he looks at his fingers... and says something about his palms... he says "That's a deal" to something... he says "spicy" and Noel asks if he's ordered some food... Artak says he was talking a mixture of Armenian and Russian and the Banker's Russian is perfect...

Banker's offer


Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:23 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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The banker says he has an understanding with Artak and any normal player (Noel asks have we had any normal players :-D) would get £6,000


Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:25 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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Artak asks Asma not to give him an "Art Attack" and Asma said she'll give the banker an "Asma Attack"!! :lol:

16 - Asma - 1p :D

10 - Sandra - £10,000

Artak talks to the camera in his native tongue............ he says what he said was....... come back after the break to find out!

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:25 pm    Author: Zell    Post subject:
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The first round whizzed by! I was imagining you frantically typing H, ha ha :D



PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:26 pm    Author: Big-Davey    Post subject:
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Again that £11,500 offer with Anne looks rubbish in comparison.

Solid start anyways.

That Asma banter was top notch comedy! :D

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:30 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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We're back. Artak says this is getting serious now...

2 - Phyl - £50

Time for the banker...

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:31 pm    Author: KP    Post subject:
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Cracking board, and if the game's going that quickly there's going to either be a lot of active play or a heck of a proveout guilt trip.

So good news for Wakeyists after the last two days... but for everyone else, let's completely hope it's the former!!

Champion of RTaB S6, creator of unorthodox DoND rulesets, and founder member of #teambat.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:31 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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The banker says Artak may look sweet but he suspects he's strong... he puts the "mean" in Armenia... the banker isn't confident Artak will crack under pressure. The banker says he wishes he was playing Artak's brother, as he's pretty certain he could make "Ars crack" :shock:

Everyone laughs...

Banker's offer


Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:31 pm    Author: Tom22    Post subject:

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Hahahahaha 'he's pretty certain he can make Ars crack!'

Stats after Round 2
Offer: £16,500
Mean: £37,892.97
Offer (%): 43.54%
Fair Deal: £16,115.03
Volatility: 0.89
Redometer: 20







Last edited by Tom22 on Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.



PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:31 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:33 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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Artak says he wants money so he can get new hair when he goes bald... he asks where Noel got his hair done :lol:

20 - Terry - £250,000 :(

"Ohhhhhh no no no no no" says Noel... "The £250k has... gone..". The audience groan. Artak says that was rock bottom. We're going up now.

21 - Joe - £15,000 :?

Mixed reactions

17 - Jonny - £1

Another very quick round... :shock:

Banker time...

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:34 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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Banker's offer


Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:34 pm    Author: SrWilson    Post subject:
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Had a feeling it was due to be in box 20 :(

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:34 pm    Author: Tom22    Post subject:

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Not bad! Another stick maybe

Stats after Round 3
Offer: £16,500
Mean: £24,136.42
Offer (%): 68.36%
Fair Deal: £11,001.25
Volatility: 0.60
Redometer: 12








PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:34 pm    Author: KP    Post subject:
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If this is a stick, it'll be severely tempting.

It will probably be lucky to be £6,500... lawks, it is a stick! Wouldn't blame him for dealing here, but he won't, and with this stable a board that's quite reasonable.

Champion of RTaB S6, creator of unorthodox DoND rulesets, and founder member of #teambat.
Creator of the first DoND Live offer to be accepted.
"Why regret what could not be?" (A Heart Full of Love, from Les Misérables)
I introduced utility theory to the forums. Blame me.
In your choices, beware of words leading you astray. Think in a balanced way about potential gains and losses.

Last edited by KP on Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.



PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:35 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject:
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Noel says that's nothing short of amazing... the banker says that was a heart attack for Artak but the banker has a heart, hence the stick... Artak asks the question quickly and Noel says it was too quick and asks Artak to justify his decision...


Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:35 pm    Author: SrWilson    Post subject:
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STICK lol hes determined to get 4 out for 16and half K ....NO DEAL

Targetism = HUMILIATION!!!

Proud founder of WILSONISM = the real way to play and the term SOS for the show!

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