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PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 6:56 pm    Author: FrenchAPOALFan    Post subject: Introduce yourself : deal or no deal ? : DEAL !

Joined: Mon Jun 17, 2019 6:35 pm
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Hi everybody, i'm a french fan of deal or no deal (sorry if i make some grammar mistakes, english is not my first language so i apologize in advance !).

I saw a lot of episodes of the uk version, i think it's a better version than the french version (it's more fair), and i think it's better than the us version (more tense/dramatic) :-D

This forum is probably a lot less active since the end of the game in uk, but i definitely enjoy reading some topics about general discussions about the show, or topics about show discussions with the complete game of one contestant (asking myself what i would do in front of some decisions).

Btw, the absence of 1p club in France is a shame :-D


American Coupon Boy

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 6:29 pm    Author: American Coupon Boy    Post subject: Re: Introduce yourself : deal or no deal ? : DEAL !
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Welcome to the forum. :smt023

I hate APOAL for similar reasons, too. The Banker on that version offered swaps WAY too often, to the point that it's a game of calling bluffs rather than a personal game where we're rooting for the contestant like on the UK version.

PM me to play a game of my Deal or No Deal series for a shot at $601!

The next series begins immediately after the premiere of the Deal or No Deal revival.



PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 1:52 am    Author: daniel123    Post subject: Re: Introduce yourself : deal or no deal ? : DEAL !
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Welcome, it's great to have another new member! I hope you enjoy your time with us :D

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 6:24 pm    Author: FrenchAPOALFan    Post subject: Re: Introduce yourself : deal or no deal ? : DEAL !

Joined: Mon Jun 17, 2019 6:35 pm
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Thanks for the comments :-D

For the french version of the game i would like to add some comments : the banker knows the amount of money in each box, (meaning some awful offers like 1k on blue/7500 finish with no swap allowed, you are not guarantee to have a swap if you no deal the last offer), or contestants crashing into nothing because no offers at some points of the game.

Also a friend saw an interesting thing, on the last version of the show, no swap were allowed until the big 100k box was open (for budget reasons, it seems they wanted to see a low number of winners ie 1 by season at max).

On the first version of the show in 2004-2010, it was different, despite some unfair swap offer (ie a guy who end with 1 euro/500 000 k finsh with only a swap, of course he won the euro) i remember seeing swap when the 500k (top prize in these seasons were here) but it was on a different channel (with more money).



PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 8:08 pm    Author: KP    Post subject: Re: Introduce yourself : deal or no deal ? : DEAL !
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I'm so glad the UK version removed the all-knowing Banker from APOAL! It was very much based on it otherwise, and changed quite suddenly to be more serious before it started. They even planned to have a different host who was a comedian and singer.

APOAL also literally got cancelled the first time because people started playing safer during the recession, the producer literally said that apparently :suspect:

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 8:26 pm    Author: FrenchAPOALFan    Post subject: Re: Introduce yourself : deal or no deal ? : DEAL !

Joined: Mon Jun 17, 2019 6:35 pm
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Yeah, i don't know if it's true, i was watching a lot in the early years, much less in 2009/2010, so i don't know if it's true.

I saw really cautious deal in the recent version (with the 100k for top prize), like a girl who was happy with 700 quid (deal at 1400 but split with random viewer), and the 20k box was still in play in the last 4 box, or a guy who almost took the first offer (something like 3k so 1500 after the split).

He was really hesitant about playing on or not, asked for a sweep, was really close to deal saying i don't know what to do :( :( :( and stuff like this (the board wasn't too bad i believe), and he decided to play on.

So i don't think it's possible to be more cautious than that :-D


American Coupon Boy

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 11:21 pm    Author: American Coupon Boy    Post subject: Re: Introduce yourself : deal or no deal ? : DEAL !
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I saw some highlights from the most recent French version on Youtube. Season 1 was ok, but Season 2 was ridiculous. The Banker never offered five figures unless the lowest amount on the board was five figures, and the offers were usually so pitiful that nearly everyone was forced to the end.

PM me to play a game of my Deal or No Deal series for a shot at $601!

The next series begins immediately after the premiere of the Deal or No Deal revival.



PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 4:24 pm    Author: 0thusitsephuth5    Post subject: Re: Introduce yourself : deal or no deal ? : DEAL !

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American Coupon Boy wrote:
I saw some highlights from the most recent French version on Youtube. Season 1 was ok, but Season 2 was ridiculous. The Banker never offered five figures unless the lowest amount on the board was five figures, and the offers were usually so pitiful that nearly everyone was forced to the end.
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