Trying this variation again. Both player and Banker have three twists they can use from a selection of six:
PLAYER TWISTS Red Up - the lowest red is multiplied by 10. Can only be played if at least three reds are on the board. Paint It Orange - two random blues are replaced with amounts between £1,000 and £5,000. Extra Offer - what you think; the player must declare when they wish the extra offer to be made. It will not come with an accompanying shift. Promise Me - the Banker must guarantee what the minimum two-box offer will be for keeping the highest red in play at the time this twist is played. Stabilise - the second- and third-highest amounts on the board become the mean of each other (e.g. on a board where the three highest amounts are £3,000, £50,000 and £100,000, both £3,000 and £50,000 become £26,500). Guaranteed Upshift - playing this guarantees that the next shift is upwards (if it would otherwise have been downwards, it becomes a small upshift). It cannot be used for the Seventh Shift.
BANKER TWISTS Red Down - the lowest two reds are divided by 10. Can only be played if at least three reds are on the board. Deflation - every amount on the board is reduced by 1% (to the nearest 1p). Remove Offer - the Banker must declare which offer will not be made; the two-box offer cannot be removed. Negativity - a random blue is changed to a random negative amount, up to -£50. Nom Nom Nom - the two highest blues on the board are changed to food products (worth a minimum of 0.5% of their prior cash value). Guaranteed Downshift - playing this guarantees that the next shift is downwards (if it would otherwise have been upwards, it becomes a small downshift). It cannot be used for the Seventh Shift.
The tricks can be used before and after each shift (except before the first), and after each box from 11-box onwards. Whenever one party (Banker or player) uses a trick, the other can reply immediately; the game only continues when both have agreed not to use any more tricks, so if the player decides not to reply to a Banker twist, the Banker can then add another, or indeed vice versa.
Standard rules apply beyond that, I haven't got Lewis' latest sheet (in fact, I'm using my own sheet from 2011!) so can't implement the 25 bonus squares. But here comes the first shift nonetheless...
£5,000 shifts to £7,000. Well, that doesn't hurt.
1p 10p 50p £1 £5 £10 £50 £100 £250 £500 £750 £1,000 £3,000 £7,000 £10,000 £15,000 £20,000 £35,000 £50,000 £75,000 £100,000 £250,000
Do you want to play a twist?
_________________ Champion of RTaB S6, creator of unorthodox DoND rulesets, and founder member of #teambat. Creator of the first DoND Live offer to be accepted. "Why regret what could not be?" (A Heart Full of Love, from Les Misérables) I introduced utility theory to the forums. Blame me. In your choices, beware of words leading you astray. Think in a balanced way about potential gains and losses.