Joined: Sun May 07, 2006 11:26 am Location: Australia Warnings: 0
A bit bored so I am having a DoND Game Marathon
Look here for updates on my disasters
Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 18:29:26
You had Box 16.
Round 1
Box 13: £50,000
Box 1: £100,000
Box 8: £1
Box 6: 50p
Box 19: 10p
Offer: £3,760 (NO DEAL)
Round 2
Box 14: £250,000
Box 11: £500
Box 7: £10
Offer: £4,280 (NO DEAL)
Round 3
Box 15: £5
Box 5: £10,000
Box 21: £1,000
Offer: £7,200 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)
Round 4
Box 17: 1p
Box 2: £20,000
Box 10: £75,000
Offer: £5,200 (NO DEAL)
Round 5
Box 12: £100
Box 3: £250
Box 4: £15,000
Offer: £6,700 (NO DEAL)
Round 6
Box 18: £35,000
Box 9: £50
Box 22: £5,000
Offer: £1,640 (NO DEAL)
You won £3,000 (your box).
Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 18:34:01
You had Box 17.
Round 1
Box 7: £100,000
Box 14: £50,000
Box 1: 50p
Box 8: £10,000
Box 10: £15,000
Offer: £4,420 (NO DEAL)
Round 2
Box 15: £35,000
Box 11: £50
Box 4: £1
Offer: £7,000 (NO DEAL)
Round 3
Box 6: £5,000
Box 2: £10
Box 16: 10p
Offer: £16,200 (NO DEAL)
Round 4
Box 9: £75,000
Box 18: £5
Box 21: 1p
Offer: £21,000 (NO DEAL)
Round 5
Box 12: £500
Box 19: £750
Box 5: £250
Offer: £46,000 (NO DEAL)
Round 6
Box 20: £100
Box 13: £3,000
Box 3: £20,000
Offer: £109,600 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)
You won £250,000 (your box).
Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 18:38:29
You had Box 11.
Round 1
Box 8: £500
Box 1: £15,000
Box 18: £10
Box 15: £100,000
Box 3: £3,000
Offer: £8,100 (NO DEAL)
Round 2
Box 17: £5
Box 7: £100
Box 2: £250,000
Offer: £3,570 (NO DEAL)
Round 3
Box 20: £1
Box 6: £5,000
Box 16: £1,000
Offer: £7,500 (NO DEAL)
Round 4
Box 14: 50p
Box 12: £750
Box 13: £250
Offer: £16,500 (NO DEAL)
Round 5
Box 21: £35,000
Box 9: £50
Box 4: 1p
Offer: £20,100 (NO DEAL)
Round 6
Box 19: £50,000
Box 5: £20,000
Box 10: 10p
Offer: £33,500 (DEAL - MAX OFFER)
You accepted an offer of £33,500 in round 6.
There was £10,000 in your box.
Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 18:42:35
You had Box 14.
Round 1
Box 9: £500
Box 6: £100
Box 17: £50,000
Box 3: £10,000
Box 1: £50
Offer: £14,100 (NO DEAL)
Round 2
Box 8: 50p
Box 11: £750
Box 10: £75,000
Offer: £8,500 (NO DEAL)
Round 3
Box 18: £20,000
Box 16: £35,000
Box 13: 1p
Offer: £17,200 (NO DEAL)
Round 4
Box 5: £100,000
Box 21: £15,000
Box 7: 10p
Offer: £22,600 (NO DEAL)
Round 5
Box 20: £3,000
Box 19: £10
Box 15: £250
Offer: £28,600 (NO DEAL)
Round 6
Box 12: £1,000
Box 2: £5,000
Box 4: £5
Offer: £88,300 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)
You swapped your box for 22!
Original Box (14): £250,000
New Box (22): £1
You won £1
Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 18:49:20
You had Box 11.
Round 1
Box 12: £500
Box 2: 10p
Box 10: £50,000
Box 14: £100,000
Box 6: £1
Offer: £2,470 (NO DEAL)
Round 2
Box 15: £50
Box 8: £15,000
Box 19: £75,000
Offer: £6,200 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)
Round 3
Box 22: £750
Box 17: £250
Box 9: £250,000
Offer: £3,180 (NO DEAL)
Round 4
Box 7: 50p
Box 16: 1p
Box 1: £10,000
Offer: £4,340 (NO DEAL)
Round 5
Box 3: £35,000
Box 4: £5,000
Box 5: £20,000
Offer: £650 (NO DEAL)
Round 6
Box 20: £100
Box 13: £10
Box 18: £1,000
Offer: £1,100 (NO DEAL)
You won £3,000 (your box).
Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 18:53:40
You had Box 19.
Round 1
Box 13: £750
Box 2: £3,000
Box 9: £5
Box 16: £50,000
Box 6: £100,000
Offer: £5,300 (NO DEAL)
Round 2
Box 15: £1,000
Box 14: £50
Box 11: £20,000
Offer: £10,300 (NO DEAL)
Round 3
Box 8: 1p
Box 12: £1
Box 21: 50p
Offer: £21,800 (NO DEAL)
Round 4
Box 17: £35,000
Box 7: £250
Box 18: 10p
Offer: £26,500 (NO DEAL)
Round 5
Box 4: £10,000
Box 1: £500
Box 10: £15,000
Offer: £47,100 (NO DEAL)
Round 6
Box 20: £75,000
Box 5: £100
Box 3: £5,000
Offer: £104,300 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)
You won £250,000 (your box).
Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 19:01:20
You had Box 4.
Round 1
Box 3: 1p
Box 5: £1,000
Box 17: £5,000
Box 16: £750
Box 7: £50
Offer: £4,420 (NO DEAL)
Round 2
Box 14: £250
Box 6: £10,000
Box 9: £15,000
Offer: £15,000 (NO DEAL)
Round 3
Box 1: £20,000
Box 8: £10
Box 12: £50,000
Offer: £17,800 (NO DEAL)
Round 4
Box 15: £35,000
Box 2: £100
Box 21: 50p
Offer: £23,000 (NO DEAL)
Round 5
Box 20: 10p
Box 11: £500
Box 10: £100,000
Offer: £56,400 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)
Round 6
Box 18: £3,000
Box 13: £75,000
Box 19: £250,000
Offer: £2.30 (NO DEAL)
You won £1 (your box).
Back after this word from our sponsors
Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 19:27:37
You had Box 7.
Round 1
Box 9: £5
Box 11: £250,000
Box 14: £5,000
Box 12: £50,000
Box 13: £35,000
Offer: £2,170 (NO DEAL)
Round 2
Box 18: 50p
Box 21: £100,000
Box 22: £10,000
Offer: £3,810 (NO DEAL)
Round 3
Box 16: £500
Box 1: £750
Box 6: £1,000
Offer: £5,300 (NO DEAL)
Round 4
Box 17: £20,000
Box 15: £50
Box 19: £10
Offer: £8,800 (NO DEAL)
Round 5
Box 20: £250
Box 8: £3,000
Box 2: £15,000
Offer: £10,900 (DEAL - MAX OFFER)
Round 6
Box 3: 10p
Box 4: £75,000
Box 10: 1p
Offer: £40 (PROVEOUT)
You accepted an offer of £10,900 in round 5.
There was £1 in your box.
Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 19:32:40
You had Box 19.
Round 1
Box 13: £750
Box 11: £5
Box 4: 1p
Box 21: £15,000
Box 7: £50
Offer: £6,100 (NO DEAL)
Round 2
Box 20: £35,000
Box 1: £250,000
Box 8: £1,000
Offer: £9,200 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)
Round 3
Box 14: £250
Box 6: £50,000
Box 17: £5,000
Offer: £6,700 (NO DEAL)
Round 4
Box 15: £20,000
Box 2: £500
Box 9: £75,000
Offer: £5,900 (NO DEAL)
Round 5
Box 12: £100
Box 16: £3,000
Box 22: £100,000
Offer: £1,650 (NO DEAL)
Round 6
Box 10: £10,000
Box 18: 50p
Box 3: £1
Offer: £4.30 (DEAL)
You accepted an offer of £4.30 in round 6.
There was 10p in your box.
Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 19:40:02
You had Box 11.
Round 1
Box 13: 1p
Box 19: £1
Box 2: £15,000
Box 21: 10p
Box 6: £100,000
Offer: £5,200 (NO DEAL)
Round 2
Box 15: £10
Box 7: £50,000
Box 20: £5,000
Offer: £7,500 (NO DEAL)
Round 3
Box 16: £100
Box 9: £500
Box 18: £75,000
Offer: £13,600 (NO DEAL)
Round 4
Box 12: £750
Box 4: £5
Box 8: £20,000
Offer: £18,500 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)
Round 5
Box 17: £250,000
Box 14: £50
Box 1: 50p
Offer: £8,000 (DEAL)
Round 6
Box 10: £3,000
Box 3: £10,000
Box 5: £250
Offer: £12,900 (PROVEOUT)
You accepted an offer of £8,000 in round 5.
There was £35,000 in your box.
Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 19:47:44
You had Box 3.
Round 1
Box 8: £250,000
Box 16: £35,000
Box 14: £750
Box 6: £10,000
Box 18: £15,000
Offer: £4,940 (NO DEAL)
Round 2
Box 1: 10p
Box 13: 50p
Box 11: £250
Offer: £8,500 (NO DEAL)
Round 3
Box 15: £75,000
Box 7: £5
Box 9: £10
Offer: £7,100 (NO DEAL)
Round 4
Box 17: £500
Box 12: 1p
Box 19: £100,000
Offer: £5,600 (NO DEAL)
Round 5
Box 4: £1
Box 20: £50,000
Box 2: £1,000
Offer: £3,750 (NO DEAL)
Round 6
Box 22: £3,000
Box 10: £100
Box 21: £5,000
Offer: £9,500 (DEAL - MAX OFFER)
You accepted an offer of £9,500 in round 6.
There was £20,000 in your box.
Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 19:52:05
You had Box 16.
Round 1
Box 13: £35,000
Box 1: £75,000
Box 19: £250,000
Box 11: £1,000
Box 9: £10
Offer: £4,960 (NO DEAL)
Round 2
Box 8: 10p
Box 6: £5,000
Box 14: £100
Offer: £7,200 (NO DEAL)
Round 3
Box 18: £500
Box 10: 50p
Box 12: £3,000
Offer: £8,800 (NO DEAL)
Round 4
Box 20: £20,000
Box 2: £750
Box 17: £50
Offer: £12,600 (NO DEAL)
Round 5
Box 7: £1
Box 3: £10,000
Box 5: £50,000
Offer: £13,200 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)
Round 6
Box 22: £5
Box 21: £100,000
Box 15: £250
Offer: £6,400 (NO DEAL)
You won £15,000 (your box).
Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 20:03:41
You had Box 7.
Round 1
Box 2: £5,000
Box 19: £250
Box 21: £750
Box 13: 10p
Box 17: 1p
Offer: £4,810 (NO DEAL)
Round 2
Box 14: £1
Box 16: £500
Box 11: £3,000
Offer: £13,300 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)
Round 3
Box 9: £100,000
Box 12: £250,000
Box 6: £50
Offer: £12,400 (NO DEAL)
Round 4
Box 15: £35,000
Box 18: £50,000
Box 1: £1,000
Offer: £8,000 (NO DEAL)
Round 5
Box 20: £15,000
Box 22: £5
Box 8: £75,000
Offer: £3,500 (NO DEAL)
Round 6
Box 10: £10
Box 5: £20,000
Box 4: £100
Offer: £4,410 (NO DEAL)
You swapped your box for 3!
Original Box (7): 50p
New Box (3): £10,000
Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 20:08:56
You had Box 18.
Round 1
Box 12: £35,000
Box 6: £500
Box 20: £50,000
Box 9: £3,000
Box 13: £10
Offer: £7,800 (NO DEAL)
Round 2
Box 15: £100,000
Box 1: £5
Box 21: £5,000
Offer: £7,200 (NO DEAL)
Round 3
Box 14: £10,000
Box 7: £15,000
Box 11: 50p
Offer: £15,100 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)
Round 4
Box 17: 10p
Box 16: £1
Box 8: £250,000
Offer: £7,400 (NO DEAL)
Round 5
Box 19: £20,000
Box 10: £250
Box 4: £1,000
Offer: £11,900 (DEAL)
Round 6
Box 2: £750
Box 3: 1p
Box 5: £75,000
Offer: £70 (PROVEOUT)
You accepted an offer of £11,900 in round 5.
There was £50 in your box.
Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 20:16:42
You had Box 18.
Round 1
Box 13: £50
Box 7: £100,000
Box 11: £75,000
Box 12: £250
Box 9: £1
Offer: £2,790 (NO DEAL)
Round 2
Box 8: £750
Box 14: £500
Box 15: £15,000
Offer: £5,700 (NO DEAL)
Round 3
Box 20: £50,000
Box 19: £1,000
Box 16: £10
Offer: £11,200 (NO DEAL)
Round 4
Box 6: 1p
Box 17: 10p
Box 21: £5,000
Offer: £23,300 (NO DEAL)
Round 5
Box 22: £250,000
Box 1: 50p
Box 4: £3,000
Offer: £9,200 (NO DEAL)
Round 6
Box 2: £100
Box 3: £5
Box 5: £10,000
Offer: £27,200 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)
You won £20,000 (your box).
Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 20:27:25
You had Box 12.
Round 1
Box 9: £1,000
Box 2: £10
Box 16: £50
Box 5: £3,000
Box 19: £5,000
Offer: £3,620 (NO DEAL)
Round 2
Box 18: £10,000
Box 6: £100
Box 14: £35,000
Offer: £7,600 (NO DEAL)
Round 3
Box 7: £500
Box 1: £250,000
Box 21: 1p
Offer: £9,600 (NO DEAL)
Round 4
Box 15: £1
Box 13: £100,000
Box 8: £15,000
Offer: £12,500 (NO DEAL)
Round 5
Box 20: 50p
Box 17: £5
Box 11: £250
Offer: £19,700 (NO DEAL)
Round 6
Box 10: £750
Box 22: £75,000
Box 3: 10p
Offer: £30,600 (DEAL - MAX OFFER)
You accepted an offer of £30,600 in round 6.
There was £50,000 in your box.
Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 20:23:02
You had Box 11.
Round 1
Box 12: £50,000
Box 3: £15,000
Box 17: £250
Box 7: £5,000
Box 19: £10
Offer: £5,700 (NO DEAL)
Round 2
Box 14: £750
Box 6: £20,000
Box 10: £3,000
Offer: £8,400 (NO DEAL)
Round 3
Box 2: £1
Box 1: 10p
Box 8: £100,000
Offer: £16,100 (NO DEAL)
Round 4
Box 13: £35,000
Box 15: £1,000
Box 4: £100
Offer: £20,100 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)
Round 5
Box 16: £250,000
Box 20: £500
Box 18: 1p
Offer: £13,900 (NO DEAL)
Round 6
Box 9: 50p
Box 21: £5
Box 5: £75,000
Offer: £4,270 (NO DEAL)
You won £50 (your box).
Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 20:34:04
You had Box 14.
Round 1
Box 9: £5
Box 17: 50p
Box 7: £3,000
Box 18: £50
Box 12: £250
Offer: £3,920 (NO DEAL)
Round 2
Box 19: £75,000
Box 20: £35,000
Box 6: £250,000
Offer: £7,500 (NO DEAL)
Round 3
Box 15: £20,000
Box 13: 10p
Box 16: £1
Offer: £10,300 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)
Round 4
Box 22: £100,000
Box 11: £10,000
Box 8: £5,000
Offer: £4,220 (NO DEAL)
Round 5
Box 10: £15,000
Box 3: 1p
Box 4: £500
Offer: £5,400 (NO DEAL)
Round 6
Box 21: £750
Box 1: £1,000
Box 2: £50,000
Offer: £40 (NO DEAL)
You won £100 (your box).
Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 20:38:21
You had Box 10.
Round 1
Box 9: £1
Box 12: £1,000
Box 19: £15,000
Box 6: £10,000
Box 8: £50,000
Offer: £6,000 (NO DEAL)
Round 2
Box 18: £100,000
Box 7: 50p
Box 13: £5,000
Offer: £7,100 (NO DEAL)
Round 3
Box 20: 1p
Box 14: £500
Box 11: £5
Offer: £15,900 (NO DEAL)
Round 4
Box 17: £3,000
Box 16: 10p
Box 2: £75,000
Offer: £16,900 (NO DEAL)
Round 5
Box 22: £50
Box 1: £20,000
Box 4: £750
Offer: £47,800 (DEAL)
Round 6
Box 15: £35,000
Box 5: £100
Box 21: £10
Offer: £76,700 (PROVEOUT - MAX OFFER)
You accepted an offer of £47,800 in round 5.
There was £250,000 in your box.
Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 20:40:47
You had Box 5.
Round 1
Box 9: £50
Box 17: 50p
Box 6: 10p
Box 19: £10,000
Box 7: £35,000
Offer: £8,800 (NO DEAL)
Round 2
Box 18: £50,000
Box 8: £750
Box 16: £5
Offer: £9,900 (NO DEAL)
Round 3
Box 21: £20,000
Box 12: £10
Box 11: £75,000
Offer: £13,400 (NO DEAL)
Round 4
Box 10: 1p
Box 15: £15,000
Box 13: £100,000
Offer: £15,800 (NO DEAL)
Round 5
Box 20: £500
Box 14: £5,000
Box 3: £1,000
Offer: £38,800 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)
Round 6
Box 4: £3,000
Box 2: £250,000
Box 1: £100
Offer: £110 (NO DEAL)
You won £250 (your box).
_________________ Super Aguri | 7 May 2006 - 17 December 2007 |