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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:29 am    Author: daniel123    Post subject:
Forum Games Moderator
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my nbc game:

my case:4

round one

23 - $.01 :-D
5 - $500
12 - $10
20 - $50,000
24 - $25
14 - $5

bank offers - $33,276
no deal

round two

3 - $50
1 - $100,000
2 - $100
6 - $400
7 - $300,000

bank offers - $51,599
no deal

round three

10 - $500,000
8 - $300
9 - $5,000
13 - $1,000,000 :cry: :cry:

bank offers - $51,418
no deal

22 - $750,000 :cry:
25 - $750
17 - $10,000

bank offers - $43,737
no deal

19 - $200,000
26 - $75,000

bank offers - $30,055
no deal

21 - $75

bank offers - $47,550
no deal

16 - $200

bank offers - $75,900
No deal

18 - $1,000

bank offers - $134,501


15 - $25,000 :?

bank would have offered - $142,001

in my case was - $1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D :-D

81st member of the Pat M fan club. Still flying the flag for the class of '06...

Like Tom Hanks and his football on that island in 'Cast Away', it looks like it's just me and the bots here now. But that's alright, we're having a grand old time. Aren't we, Wilson? WILSOOOON?!

A few of us who were once part of the furniture, once stalwarts of the grand and extravagant, exuberant and thriving forum, have receded back into the walls, still faintly visible, still here as poignant, reminding relics of an era gone by; but most of us have vanished, forever immersed in the mists of time.



PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 6:09 pm    Author: daniel123    Post subject:
Forum Games Moderator
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my 99express game:

my box:1

round one:

2 - 35,000
3 - 20,000
4 - 5,000
5 - 10p
6 - 1

banker offers - 3,300

round two

7 - 100,000
8 - 75,000
9 - 100
banker offers - 3,800

round three

10 - 50,000 :shock:
11 - 500
12 - 1,000[/color]
banker offers - 4,500
generous offer but NO DEAL

round four

13 - 15,000
14 - 1p :-D
15 - 250,000 what sort of game is this! :shock:

banker offers - 140



round five

16 - 10,000 :shock:
17 - 3,000 :shock: :shock:
18 - 250 :(

banker offers - 14


last round

19 - 5
20 - 10
21 - 750 :cry:

banker offers - 24

in my box was - 50

well, at least i got 2 and a half nights out! :-D

81st member of the Pat M fan club. Still flying the flag for the class of '06...

Like Tom Hanks and his football on that island in 'Cast Away', it looks like it's just me and the bots here now. But that's alright, we're having a grand old time. Aren't we, Wilson? WILSOOOON?!

A few of us who were once part of the furniture, once stalwarts of the grand and extravagant, exuberant and thriving forum, have receded back into the walls, still faintly visible, still here as poignant, reminding relics of an era gone by; but most of us have vanished, forever immersed in the mists of time.



PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 6:24 pm    Author: daniel123    Post subject:
Forum Games Moderator
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again, same version:

my box:1

round 1
boxes in the usual order...

2 -15,000
3 - 1,000
4 - 75,000
5 - 10
6 - 35,000

horrendous round
banker offers - 1,300
quick NO DEAL

round two

7 - 5
8 - 10,000
9 - 3,000
i'm besotted with the reds...

banker offers - 7,600

round three

10 - 5,000
11 - 50
12 - 250,000 :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

banker offers - 2,100


round four

13 - 50,000
14 - 750
15 - 100,000 :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

banker offers - 140


round five

16 - 10p
17 - 1
18 - 250
fantastic! all blue round!

banker offers - 1,700


19 - 50p
20 - 1p! :-D :-D :-D :-D
21 - 100! :-D :-D :-D :-D

banker offers - 9,900

swap offered...
box 1 swapped for box 22...

in box 22 was...


81st member of the Pat M fan club. Still flying the flag for the class of '06...

Like Tom Hanks and his football on that island in 'Cast Away', it looks like it's just me and the bots here now. But that's alright, we're having a grand old time. Aren't we, Wilson? WILSOOOON?!

A few of us who were once part of the furniture, once stalwarts of the grand and extravagant, exuberant and thriving forum, have receded back into the walls, still faintly visible, still here as poignant, reminding relics of an era gone by; but most of us have vanished, forever immersed in the mists of time.



PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 6:34 pm    Author: daniel4389    Post subject:

Joined: Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:36 pm
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Tengo Box 7.

Box 10 - £10!
Box 20 - £100!
Box 9 - £500!
Box 8 - £1,000!
Box 15 - £15,000

Pretty decent start...

Offer 1 - £6,200

No Deal.

Box 3 - 1p!! :D
Box 2 - £3,000
Box 21 - £20,000

Offer 2 - £12,600 :shock:

No Deal.

Box 17 - £5
Box 5 - £35,000
Box 19 - 50p :(

Top 4 still in play!

Offer 3 - £20,000

Tempting, but with the top four...

No Deal.

Box 6 - £1!
Box 11 - 10p!
Box 1 - £50!!!!

Literally the perfect round! Board is £250/£750/£5,000/£10,000/£50,000/£75,000/£100,000/£250,000.

Offer 4 - £51,000 :shock: :shock: :shock:

Might be a mistake, but that's more than enough money for me, so it's a DEAL.

Box 16 - £250,000!!! :D
Box 12 - £50,000!
Box 13 - £5,000

Offer 5 would have been £8,200. Amazingly mean, but I don't care now. :D

Box 14 - £75,000!
Box 18 - £250
Box 22 - £750

Oooh...£10k/£100k final two.

Offer would have been £52,000??? Rubbish...but at least I only missed out on £1,000.

Or did I...

Box 7 - £10,000!

Hurrah!! Lucky Box 4 had £100k.




PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 6:40 pm    Author: daniel123    Post subject:
Forum Games Moderator
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[quote="daniel4389"]Tengo Box 7.

Eh? what do you mean?is there yet another website with the game?

81st member of the Pat M fan club. Still flying the flag for the class of '06...

Like Tom Hanks and his football on that island in 'Cast Away', it looks like it's just me and the bots here now. But that's alright, we're having a grand old time. Aren't we, Wilson? WILSOOOON?!

A few of us who were once part of the furniture, once stalwarts of the grand and extravagant, exuberant and thriving forum, have receded back into the walls, still faintly visible, still here as poignant, reminding relics of an era gone by; but most of us have vanished, forever immersed in the mists of time.



PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 6:58 pm    Author: daniel4389    Post subject:

Joined: Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:36 pm
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Hahah, sorry..."Tengo" is Spanish for "I have". It's just me being stupid.




PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:29 pm    Author: daniel123    Post subject:
Forum Games Moderator
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my 99express game:
[boxes opened in the usual way] :-D

my box:1

round 1

2 - 50p
3 - 250,000! :smt022 :smt022
4 - 5
5 - 100,000! :smt022 :smt022
6 - 10,000

banker offers - 830
Generous, but NO DEAL

round 2

7 - 75,000! :smt022
8 - 100
9 - 500

banker offers - 2,900

again, generous given the circumstances, but again a NO DEAL

round 3

10 - 20,000
11 - 250
12 - 3,000

banker offers - 2,900 he's stuck

round 4

13 - 1
14 - 10p
15 - 50

banker offers - 9,700

round 5

16 - 35,000
17 - 1p!! :-D
18 - 10! :-D

banker offers - 8,200 :?

round 6

19 - 750! :-D
20 - 15,000
21 - 50,000 :shock: :shock:

banker offers - 2,700

banker allows the swap...
box 1 swapped for 22...

my box 22 contained...


81st member of the Pat M fan club. Still flying the flag for the class of '06...

Like Tom Hanks and his football on that island in 'Cast Away', it looks like it's just me and the bots here now. But that's alright, we're having a grand old time. Aren't we, Wilson? WILSOOOON?!

A few of us who were once part of the furniture, once stalwarts of the grand and extravagant, exuberant and thriving forum, have receded back into the walls, still faintly visible, still here as poignant, reminding relics of an era gone by; but most of us have vanished, forever immersed in the mists of time.



PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:31 am    Author: pamela    Post subject:

Joined: Sun Apr 23, 2006 8:05 pm
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My New Game:

Box 17

Round 1
2 - £100
10 - 10p
22 - 50p
21 - £100,000 :(
6 - £250

Offer --> £5,900
No Deal!

Round 2
1 - 1p :-D
12 - £50
14 - £75,000

Offer --> £10,300
No Deal!!

Round 3
15 - £15,000
3 - £50,000
20 - £3,000

Offer --> £5,900
No Deal!!!

Round 4
18 - £250,000 :( :x
7 - £10,000
9 - £20,000

Offer --> £380
No Deal!!!!

Round 5
16 - £10
5 - £5
11 - £1,000

Offer --> £4,600
No Deal!!!!!

Round 6
8 - £5,000
4 - £750
19 - £1

Perfect! - £500 vs £35,000

Offer --> £16,800

My Box 17 -£35,000
Box 13 - £500

^Thats how I would have done it if I was on the show. :-D



PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 6:04 am    Author: daniel123    Post subject:
Forum Games Moderator
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my 99express version, boxes opened in usual way :-D

my box - 1

round 1

2 - 100,000
3 - 75,000
4 - 100
5 - 20,000
6 - 50
what is it with my systems??

banker offers - 1,600

round 2

7 - 5,000
8 - 1
9 - 35,000

banker offers - 4,800

round 3

10 - 10p!
11 - 500!
12 - 50p!
banker offers - 12,700


round 4

13 - 1p!
14 - 10!
15 - 5!!
banker offers - 25,000


round 5 - proveout

16 - 10,000
17 - 250,000!!!!!!! :-D
18 - 750 :?

banker would have offered - 13,700

round 6 - proveout

19 - 50,000!!! :-D
20 - 15,000!!! :-D
21 - 250

banker would have offered - 1,900

1,000 vs 3,000

in my box was...

1,000!!!! :-D :-D

81st member of the Pat M fan club. Still flying the flag for the class of '06...

Like Tom Hanks and his football on that island in 'Cast Away', it looks like it's just me and the bots here now. But that's alright, we're having a grand old time. Aren't we, Wilson? WILSOOOON?!

A few of us who were once part of the furniture, once stalwarts of the grand and extravagant, exuberant and thriving forum, have receded back into the walls, still faintly visible, still here as poignant, reminding relics of an era gone by; but most of us have vanished, forever immersed in the mists of time.



PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:58 pm    Author: daniel123    Post subject:
Forum Games Moderator
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my 99express version, boxes opened in the usual way...

my box:1

round 1

2 - 5
3 - 750
4 - 10p
5 - 1p
6 - 10!!!!!!!!!!!!1

FANTASTIC! did a bushy!

banker offers - 12,900

round 2

7 - 250
8 - 3,000
9 - 100,000

banker offers - 10,600

round 3

10 - 50p
11 - 35,000
12 - 5,000

banker offers - 14,400

round 4

13 - 100
14 - 1
15 - 1,000!

banker offers - 35,000
I think my luck is about to turn around so it's a DEAL!

round 5

16 - 50,000
17 - 250,000! :-D :-D
18 - 20,000!

banker would have offered - 3,200!

round 6

19 - 75,000! :-D :-D
20 - 500
21 - 50

banker would have offered - 12,400

in my box 1 was...

10,000! :-D

81st member of the Pat M fan club. Still flying the flag for the class of '06...

Like Tom Hanks and his football on that island in 'Cast Away', it looks like it's just me and the bots here now. But that's alright, we're having a grand old time. Aren't we, Wilson? WILSOOOON?!

A few of us who were once part of the furniture, once stalwarts of the grand and extravagant, exuberant and thriving forum, have receded back into the walls, still faintly visible, still here as poignant, reminding relics of an era gone by; but most of us have vanished, forever immersed in the mists of time.



PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 6:44 am    Author: daniel123    Post subject:
Forum Games Moderator
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Joined: Sat Jun 10, 2006 11:59 am
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my 99express game, boxes opened in my usual system! :-D

my box:1

round 1:

2 - 250,000!! :shock: :shock:
3 - 5
4 - 50
5 - 750
6 - 10p!

banker offers - 3,500
amazing given the 250k's gone!but still,

round 2

7 - 50,000
8 - 250
9 - 1

banker offers - 8,300
no deal

round 3

10 - 15,000
11 - 100,000 :shock:
12 - 100

banker offers - 3,700
no deal

round 4

13 - 50p
14 - 5,000
15 - 10,000

banker offers - 7,100
no deal!

round 5

16 - 20,000
17 - 75,000 :shock: :shock:
18 - 3,000

banker offers - 740
no deal


round 6

19 - 1,000
20 - 1p!!!!! :-D :-D :P
21 - 500!

banker offers - 16,600
no deal!

no swap offered....
in my box was....
10! :shock: :shock: :(

81st member of the Pat M fan club. Still flying the flag for the class of '06...

Like Tom Hanks and his football on that island in 'Cast Away', it looks like it's just me and the bots here now. But that's alright, we're having a grand old time. Aren't we, Wilson? WILSOOOON?!

A few of us who were once part of the furniture, once stalwarts of the grand and extravagant, exuberant and thriving forum, have receded back into the walls, still faintly visible, still here as poignant, reminding relics of an era gone by; but most of us have vanished, forever immersed in the mists of time.


Super Aguri

PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 6:31 pm    Author: Super Aguri    Post subject:
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Joined: Sun May 07, 2006 11:26 am
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A bit bored so I am having a DoND Game Marathon

Look here for updates on my disasters

Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 18:29:26

You had Box 16.

Round 1
Box 13: £50,000
Box 1: £100,000
Box 8: £1
Box 6: 50p
Box 19: 10p
Offer: £3,760 (NO DEAL)

Round 2
Box 14: £250,000
Box 11: £500
Box 7: £10
Offer: £4,280 (NO DEAL)

Round 3
Box 15: £5
Box 5: £10,000
Box 21: £1,000
Offer: £7,200 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)

Round 4
Box 17: 1p
Box 2: £20,000
Box 10: £75,000
Offer: £5,200 (NO DEAL)

Round 5
Box 12: £100
Box 3: £250
Box 4: £15,000
Offer: £6,700 (NO DEAL)

Round 6
Box 18: £35,000
Box 9: £50
Box 22: £5,000
Offer: £1,640 (NO DEAL)

You won £3,000 (your box).

Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 18:34:01

You had Box 17.

Round 1
Box 7: £100,000
Box 14: £50,000
Box 1: 50p
Box 8: £10,000
Box 10: £15,000
Offer: £4,420 (NO DEAL)

Round 2
Box 15: £35,000
Box 11: £50
Box 4: £1
Offer: £7,000 (NO DEAL)

Round 3
Box 6: £5,000
Box 2: £10
Box 16: 10p
Offer: £16,200 (NO DEAL)

Round 4
Box 9: £75,000
Box 18: £5
Box 21: 1p
Offer: £21,000 (NO DEAL)

Round 5
Box 12: £500
Box 19: £750
Box 5: £250
Offer: £46,000 (NO DEAL)

Round 6
Box 20: £100
Box 13: £3,000
Box 3: £20,000
Offer: £109,600 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)

You won £250,000 (your box).

Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 18:38:29

You had Box 11.

Round 1
Box 8: £500
Box 1: £15,000
Box 18: £10
Box 15: £100,000
Box 3: £3,000
Offer: £8,100 (NO DEAL)

Round 2
Box 17: £5
Box 7: £100
Box 2: £250,000
Offer: £3,570 (NO DEAL)

Round 3
Box 20: £1
Box 6: £5,000
Box 16: £1,000
Offer: £7,500 (NO DEAL)

Round 4
Box 14: 50p
Box 12: £750
Box 13: £250
Offer: £16,500 (NO DEAL)

Round 5
Box 21: £35,000
Box 9: £50
Box 4: 1p
Offer: £20,100 (NO DEAL)

Round 6
Box 19: £50,000
Box 5: £20,000
Box 10: 10p
Offer: £33,500 (DEAL - MAX OFFER)

You accepted an offer of £33,500 in round 6.
There was £10,000 in your box.

Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 18:42:35

You had Box 14.

Round 1
Box 9: £500
Box 6: £100
Box 17: £50,000
Box 3: £10,000
Box 1: £50
Offer: £14,100 (NO DEAL)

Round 2
Box 8: 50p
Box 11: £750
Box 10: £75,000
Offer: £8,500 (NO DEAL)

Round 3
Box 18: £20,000
Box 16: £35,000
Box 13: 1p
Offer: £17,200 (NO DEAL)

Round 4
Box 5: £100,000
Box 21: £15,000
Box 7: 10p
Offer: £22,600 (NO DEAL)

Round 5
Box 20: £3,000
Box 19: £10
Box 15: £250
Offer: £28,600 (NO DEAL)

Round 6
Box 12: £1,000
Box 2: £5,000
Box 4: £5
Offer: £88,300 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)

You swapped your box for 22!
Original Box (14): £250,000
New Box (22): £1

You won £1

Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 18:49:20

You had Box 11.

Round 1
Box 12: £500
Box 2: 10p
Box 10: £50,000
Box 14: £100,000
Box 6: £1
Offer: £2,470 (NO DEAL)

Round 2
Box 15: £50
Box 8: £15,000
Box 19: £75,000
Offer: £6,200 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)

Round 3
Box 22: £750
Box 17: £250
Box 9: £250,000
Offer: £3,180 (NO DEAL)

Round 4
Box 7: 50p
Box 16: 1p
Box 1: £10,000
Offer: £4,340 (NO DEAL)

Round 5
Box 3: £35,000
Box 4: £5,000
Box 5: £20,000
Offer: £650 (NO DEAL)

Round 6
Box 20: £100
Box 13: £10
Box 18: £1,000
Offer: £1,100 (NO DEAL)

You won £3,000 (your box).

Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 18:53:40

You had Box 19.

Round 1
Box 13: £750
Box 2: £3,000
Box 9: £5
Box 16: £50,000
Box 6: £100,000
Offer: £5,300 (NO DEAL)

Round 2
Box 15: £1,000
Box 14: £50
Box 11: £20,000
Offer: £10,300 (NO DEAL)

Round 3
Box 8: 1p
Box 12: £1
Box 21: 50p
Offer: £21,800 (NO DEAL)

Round 4
Box 17: £35,000
Box 7: £250
Box 18: 10p
Offer: £26,500 (NO DEAL)

Round 5
Box 4: £10,000
Box 1: £500
Box 10: £15,000
Offer: £47,100 (NO DEAL)

Round 6
Box 20: £75,000
Box 5: £100
Box 3: £5,000
Offer: £104,300 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)

You won £250,000 (your box).

Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 19:01:20

You had Box 4.

Round 1
Box 3: 1p
Box 5: £1,000
Box 17: £5,000
Box 16: £750
Box 7: £50
Offer: £4,420 (NO DEAL)

Round 2
Box 14: £250
Box 6: £10,000
Box 9: £15,000
Offer: £15,000 (NO DEAL)

Round 3
Box 1: £20,000
Box 8: £10
Box 12: £50,000
Offer: £17,800 (NO DEAL)

Round 4
Box 15: £35,000
Box 2: £100
Box 21: 50p
Offer: £23,000 (NO DEAL)

Round 5
Box 20: 10p
Box 11: £500
Box 10: £100,000
Offer: £56,400 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)

Round 6
Box 18: £3,000
Box 13: £75,000
Box 19: £250,000
Offer: £2.30 (NO DEAL)

You won £1 (your box).

Back after this word from our sponsors

Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 19:27:37

You had Box 7.

Round 1
Box 9: £5
Box 11: £250,000
Box 14: £5,000
Box 12: £50,000
Box 13: £35,000
Offer: £2,170 (NO DEAL)

Round 2
Box 18: 50p
Box 21: £100,000
Box 22: £10,000
Offer: £3,810 (NO DEAL)

Round 3
Box 16: £500
Box 1: £750
Box 6: £1,000
Offer: £5,300 (NO DEAL)

Round 4
Box 17: £20,000
Box 15: £50
Box 19: £10
Offer: £8,800 (NO DEAL)

Round 5
Box 20: £250
Box 8: £3,000
Box 2: £15,000
Offer: £10,900 (DEAL - MAX OFFER)

Round 6
Box 3: 10p
Box 4: £75,000
Box 10: 1p
Offer: £40 (PROVEOUT)

You accepted an offer of £10,900 in round 5.
There was £1 in your box.

Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 19:32:40

You had Box 19.

Round 1
Box 13: £750
Box 11: £5
Box 4: 1p
Box 21: £15,000
Box 7: £50
Offer: £6,100 (NO DEAL)

Round 2
Box 20: £35,000
Box 1: £250,000
Box 8: £1,000
Offer: £9,200 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)

Round 3
Box 14: £250
Box 6: £50,000
Box 17: £5,000
Offer: £6,700 (NO DEAL)

Round 4
Box 15: £20,000
Box 2: £500
Box 9: £75,000
Offer: £5,900 (NO DEAL)

Round 5
Box 12: £100
Box 16: £3,000
Box 22: £100,000
Offer: £1,650 (NO DEAL)

Round 6
Box 10: £10,000
Box 18: 50p
Box 3: £1
Offer: £4.30 (DEAL)

You accepted an offer of £4.30 in round 6.
There was 10p in your box.

Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 19:40:02

You had Box 11.

Round 1
Box 13: 1p
Box 19: £1
Box 2: £15,000
Box 21: 10p
Box 6: £100,000
Offer: £5,200 (NO DEAL)

Round 2
Box 15: £10
Box 7: £50,000
Box 20: £5,000
Offer: £7,500 (NO DEAL)

Round 3
Box 16: £100
Box 9: £500
Box 18: £75,000
Offer: £13,600 (NO DEAL)

Round 4
Box 12: £750
Box 4: £5
Box 8: £20,000
Offer: £18,500 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)

Round 5
Box 17: £250,000
Box 14: £50
Box 1: 50p
Offer: £8,000 (DEAL)

Round 6
Box 10: £3,000
Box 3: £10,000
Box 5: £250
Offer: £12,900 (PROVEOUT)

You accepted an offer of £8,000 in round 5.
There was £35,000 in your box.

Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 19:47:44

You had Box 3.

Round 1
Box 8: £250,000
Box 16: £35,000
Box 14: £750
Box 6: £10,000
Box 18: £15,000
Offer: £4,940 (NO DEAL)

Round 2
Box 1: 10p
Box 13: 50p
Box 11: £250
Offer: £8,500 (NO DEAL)

Round 3
Box 15: £75,000
Box 7: £5
Box 9: £10
Offer: £7,100 (NO DEAL)

Round 4
Box 17: £500
Box 12: 1p
Box 19: £100,000
Offer: £5,600 (NO DEAL)

Round 5
Box 4: £1
Box 20: £50,000
Box 2: £1,000
Offer: £3,750 (NO DEAL)

Round 6
Box 22: £3,000
Box 10: £100
Box 21: £5,000
Offer: £9,500 (DEAL - MAX OFFER)

You accepted an offer of £9,500 in round 6.
There was £20,000 in your box.

Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 19:52:05

You had Box 16.

Round 1
Box 13: £35,000
Box 1: £75,000
Box 19: £250,000
Box 11: £1,000
Box 9: £10
Offer: £4,960 (NO DEAL)

Round 2
Box 8: 10p
Box 6: £5,000
Box 14: £100
Offer: £7,200 (NO DEAL)

Round 3
Box 18: £500
Box 10: 50p
Box 12: £3,000
Offer: £8,800 (NO DEAL)

Round 4
Box 20: £20,000
Box 2: £750
Box 17: £50
Offer: £12,600 (NO DEAL)

Round 5
Box 7: £1
Box 3: £10,000
Box 5: £50,000
Offer: £13,200 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)

Round 6
Box 22: £5
Box 21: £100,000
Box 15: £250
Offer: £6,400 (NO DEAL)

You won £15,000 (your box).

Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 20:03:41

You had Box 7.

Round 1
Box 2: £5,000
Box 19: £250
Box 21: £750
Box 13: 10p
Box 17: 1p
Offer: £4,810 (NO DEAL)

Round 2
Box 14: £1
Box 16: £500
Box 11: £3,000
Offer: £13,300 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)

Round 3
Box 9: £100,000
Box 12: £250,000
Box 6: £50
Offer: £12,400 (NO DEAL)

Round 4
Box 15: £35,000
Box 18: £50,000
Box 1: £1,000
Offer: £8,000 (NO DEAL)

Round 5
Box 20: £15,000
Box 22: £5
Box 8: £75,000
Offer: £3,500 (NO DEAL)

Round 6
Box 10: £10
Box 5: £20,000
Box 4: £100
Offer: £4,410 (NO DEAL)

You swapped your box for 3!
Original Box (7): 50p
New Box (3): £10,000

Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 20:08:56

You had Box 18.

Round 1
Box 12: £35,000
Box 6: £500
Box 20: £50,000
Box 9: £3,000
Box 13: £10
Offer: £7,800 (NO DEAL)

Round 2
Box 15: £100,000
Box 1: £5
Box 21: £5,000
Offer: £7,200 (NO DEAL)

Round 3
Box 14: £10,000
Box 7: £15,000
Box 11: 50p
Offer: £15,100 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)

Round 4
Box 17: 10p
Box 16: £1
Box 8: £250,000
Offer: £7,400 (NO DEAL)

Round 5
Box 19: £20,000
Box 10: £250
Box 4: £1,000
Offer: £11,900 (DEAL)

Round 6
Box 2: £750
Box 3: 1p
Box 5: £75,000
Offer: £70 (PROVEOUT)

You accepted an offer of £11,900 in round 5.
There was £50 in your box.

Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 20:16:42

You had Box 18.

Round 1
Box 13: £50
Box 7: £100,000
Box 11: £75,000
Box 12: £250
Box 9: £1
Offer: £2,790 (NO DEAL)

Round 2
Box 8: £750
Box 14: £500
Box 15: £15,000
Offer: £5,700 (NO DEAL)

Round 3
Box 20: £50,000
Box 19: £1,000
Box 16: £10
Offer: £11,200 (NO DEAL)

Round 4
Box 6: 1p
Box 17: 10p
Box 21: £5,000
Offer: £23,300 (NO DEAL)

Round 5
Box 22: £250,000
Box 1: 50p
Box 4: £3,000
Offer: £9,200 (NO DEAL)

Round 6
Box 2: £100
Box 3: £5
Box 5: £10,000
Offer: £27,200 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)

You won £20,000 (your box).

Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 20:27:25

You had Box 12.

Round 1
Box 9: £1,000
Box 2: £10
Box 16: £50
Box 5: £3,000
Box 19: £5,000
Offer: £3,620 (NO DEAL)

Round 2
Box 18: £10,000
Box 6: £100
Box 14: £35,000
Offer: £7,600 (NO DEAL)

Round 3
Box 7: £500
Box 1: £250,000
Box 21: 1p
Offer: £9,600 (NO DEAL)

Round 4
Box 15: £1
Box 13: £100,000
Box 8: £15,000
Offer: £12,500 (NO DEAL)

Round 5
Box 20: 50p
Box 17: £5
Box 11: £250
Offer: £19,700 (NO DEAL)

Round 6
Box 10: £750
Box 22: £75,000
Box 3: 10p
Offer: £30,600 (DEAL - MAX OFFER)

You accepted an offer of £30,600 in round 6.
There was £50,000 in your box.

Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 20:23:02

You had Box 11.

Round 1
Box 12: £50,000
Box 3: £15,000
Box 17: £250
Box 7: £5,000
Box 19: £10
Offer: £5,700 (NO DEAL)

Round 2
Box 14: £750
Box 6: £20,000
Box 10: £3,000
Offer: £8,400 (NO DEAL)

Round 3
Box 2: £1
Box 1: 10p
Box 8: £100,000
Offer: £16,100 (NO DEAL)

Round 4
Box 13: £35,000
Box 15: £1,000
Box 4: £100
Offer: £20,100 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)

Round 5
Box 16: £250,000
Box 20: £500
Box 18: 1p
Offer: £13,900 (NO DEAL)

Round 6
Box 9: 50p
Box 21: £5
Box 5: £75,000
Offer: £4,270 (NO DEAL)

You won £50 (your box).

Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 20:34:04

You had Box 14.

Round 1
Box 9: £5
Box 17: 50p
Box 7: £3,000
Box 18: £50
Box 12: £250
Offer: £3,920 (NO DEAL)

Round 2
Box 19: £75,000
Box 20: £35,000
Box 6: £250,000
Offer: £7,500 (NO DEAL)

Round 3
Box 15: £20,000
Box 13: 10p
Box 16: £1
Offer: £10,300 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)

Round 4
Box 22: £100,000
Box 11: £10,000
Box 8: £5,000
Offer: £4,220 (NO DEAL)

Round 5
Box 10: £15,000
Box 3: 1p
Box 4: £500
Offer: £5,400 (NO DEAL)

Round 6
Box 21: £750
Box 1: £1,000
Box 2: £50,000
Offer: £40 (NO DEAL)

You won £100 (your box).

Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 20:38:21

You had Box 10.

Round 1
Box 9: £1
Box 12: £1,000
Box 19: £15,000
Box 6: £10,000
Box 8: £50,000
Offer: £6,000 (NO DEAL)

Round 2
Box 18: £100,000
Box 7: 50p
Box 13: £5,000
Offer: £7,100 (NO DEAL)

Round 3
Box 20: 1p
Box 14: £500
Box 11: £5
Offer: £15,900 (NO DEAL)

Round 4
Box 17: £3,000
Box 16: 10p
Box 2: £75,000
Offer: £16,900 (NO DEAL)

Round 5
Box 22: £50
Box 1: £20,000
Box 4: £750
Offer: £47,800 (DEAL)

Round 6
Box 15: £35,000
Box 5: £100
Box 21: £10
Offer: £76,700 (PROVEOUT - MAX OFFER)

You accepted an offer of £47,800 in round 5.
There was £250,000 in your box.

Rezzie's DoND .NET v1.7.1 - 22/06/2006 20:40:47

You had Box 5.

Round 1
Box 9: £50
Box 17: 50p
Box 6: 10p
Box 19: £10,000
Box 7: £35,000
Offer: £8,800 (NO DEAL)

Round 2
Box 18: £50,000
Box 8: £750
Box 16: £5
Offer: £9,900 (NO DEAL)

Round 3
Box 21: £20,000
Box 12: £10
Box 11: £75,000
Offer: £13,400 (NO DEAL)

Round 4
Box 10: 1p
Box 15: £15,000
Box 13: £100,000
Offer: £15,800 (NO DEAL)

Round 5
Box 20: £500
Box 14: £5,000
Box 3: £1,000
Offer: £38,800 (NO DEAL - MAX OFFER)

Round 6
Box 4: £3,000
Box 2: £250,000
Box 1: £100
Offer: £110 (NO DEAL)

You won £250 (your box).

Super Aguri | 7 May 2006 - 17 December 2007 |


Super Aguri

PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:42 pm    Author: Super Aguri    Post subject:
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Joined: Sun May 07, 2006 11:26 am
Location: Australia
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Thanks for reading

and remember I will be having another marathon tommorow

Super Aguri | 7 May 2006 - 17 December 2007 |


Aaron Brock

PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 7:30 am    Author: Aaron Brock    Post subject:

Joined: Wed Feb 01, 2006 6:19 pm
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that took a while :-D

BigJon's DOND
(in the Style of JRaygor)

And Here's how it went!

New Player:Aaron Brock

Chosen Case: 9!

Round One: Six Cases:

26: $1!

2: $25,000

12: $5,000

7: $25

18: $5!

25: $300

Bankers Offer: $17,000!


Round Two: Five Cases:

21: $.02!!

22: $500,000!

5: $1,000

17: $100

15: $10,000

Bankers Offer


Eurovision enthusiast and fellow member of #teambat.



PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 10:07 am    Author: Tugger    Post subject:

Joined: Sun Apr 09, 2006 4:42 pm
Location: DoND Box
Warnings: 0
Here's my dilan dond uk game:
My box is 18

Round 1
Box 22 - £3,000
Box 19 - £75,000 :(
Box 16 - £500
Box 5 - £1,000
Box 21 - £750

Bankers Offer: £3,100
No Deal

Round 2
Box 4 - £50 :)
Box 6 - £1 :D
Box 9 - 1p :-D
All blue round!

Bankers Offer: £18,200 :!:
No Deal

Round 3
Box 2 - 50p
Box 14 - £10,000
Box 8 - £35,000 :(

Bankers Offer: £13,800
No Deal

Round 4
Box 10 - £10
Box 15 - £50,000 :shock:
Box 1 - £5

Bankers Offer: £23,000
No Deal

Round 5
Box 17 - £100
Box 13 - £20,000
Box 11 - £100,000 :cry:

Bankers Offer: £15,300

Round 6 - Proveout
Box 7 - £250,000 :-D :-D :-D
Box 3 - £5,000
Box 12 - £250

Bankers Offer: £6,900

My box contained 10p!!
Remaining box 20 - £15,000

I could have won £23,000



PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 11:12 pm    Author: KP    Post subject:
International Forums Moderator
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Joined: Sat Jan 28, 2006 8:00 pm
Warnings: 0
Ooh. Aaron, what's your jackpot?



PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 11:14 pm    Author: J.R.    Post subject:
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Joined: Thu Feb 16, 2006 12:29 am
Location: Southfork
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I love it Aaron! :-D

-Joe R.



Aaron Brock

PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:18 am    Author: Aaron Brock    Post subject:

Joined: Wed Feb 01, 2006 6:19 pm
Warnings: 0
(Jackpot = $2,000,000)

And Here's how it went!

Player: Aaron Brock

Chosen case: 9!

Bankers Offer: $52,000!


Round Three: Four Cases:

14: $2,000,000!!

3: $750,000!

4: $75

8: $50

Bankers Offer: $54,000!


Round Four: Three Cases:

19: $7,000

11: $500

23: $1,000,000!!


Bankers Offer: $70,000!


Round Five: Two Cases:

13: $50,000

24: $10!

50% Chance of winning at least $100,000!

Bankers Offer: $100,000!


Round Six: One Case:

6: $400,000!!

Bankers Offer, TOMORROW!

Eurovision enthusiast and fellow member of #teambat.



PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:08 am    Author: pamela    Post subject:

Joined: Sun Apr 23, 2006 8:05 pm
Warnings: 0
My other game

My Box - 3

Round 1

17 - £1
1 - £50
22 - £5
20 - 50p
12 - £10,000

Offer --> £8,800
No Deal!

Round 2

18 - £35,000
4 - £100
5 - £500

Offer --> £16,100
No Deal!!

Round 3

11 - £3,000
8 - £250,000 :o
13 - £75,000 :(

Offer --> £2,600
No Deal!!!

Round 4

10 - £15,000
2 - £10
15 - 1p :-D

Offer --> £11,800
No Deal!!!!

Round 5

14 - £250
9 - £1,000
21 - £100,000 :shock: :(

Offer --> £5,000
No Deal!!!!!

Round 6

6 - £5,000
16 - £20,000 :(
19 - 10p :-D

Offer --> £23,000

£750 vs £50,000

My Box 3 - £750
Box 7 - £50,000




PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:36 am    Author: wakey1512    Post subject:
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Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:08 pm
Location: Grimsby
Warnings: 0
The former Dilan4 one but on another site i will not name...

My Box: 4

Round 1
12: £20,000 - Thats fine :)
19: £1,000 Yesss :D
18: £100 :-D
2: £35,000 Itll do, but we need a blue!
1: £3,000 Still fine.

Offer: £7,800


Round 2
3: £10,000 Still good
5: 1p :-D :-D :-D :-D
11: £50,000 Hmm, the lowest power 5. Not a disaster.

Offer: STICK at £7,800


Round 3
17: £250,000 :o Oops. Still £100,000 though!
15: £75,000 Ack :shock:
9 : 10p :-D

Offer: 4,800.


Round 4
8: £5,000 :-)
7: £1 :-D
6: £5

Offer: £21,300!


Round 5
10: £10!
13: £500
14: £750 :-D

Offer: £28,000


Round 6
16: £15,000 :) A one box game. There is only £100,000 there :(
20: £250 :-D
22: 50p! :o :-D

Offer: £30,000 :o

Either £50 or £100,000


Swap for 21? My lucky number is 4 so NO SWAP!

Opens 4 to reveal: £100,000 :o :-D

To confirm, the £50 was in 21.

Wakey1512 - Resident no dealer, major box 4 and £100,000 fan.
My dislike club: The number 3

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